Good aspects of the Compilation


the cake is a lie.
Well, just Lioneh usually. Or Ly. Whichever. :)
So now that we’ve had a great big freaking rant about how bad the Compilation is, why don’t we take a moment to contemplate all the good aspects? All I’ve read is complaining, over and over again, about all the mistakes and how much better everything could have been. It’s quite infuriating to see so much negativity.

So I’ll begin with some of the things I quite like in the Compilation. Feel free to elaborate. :awesome:

1. The quirkiness and detail.
From CC - the fan club mail [shampoo anybody?] and newsletters, the date with Aerith [didn’t you have to make her perfume? XD], childish Yuffie, those mission descriptions, the DMW [like, ‘Chocobo Stomp’, etc.] And the 'he ate my hair' scene. That was just like 'WUT.'
From AC/ACC - all those photos and drawings on the walls of Marlene and Denzel’s room [they were so cute.]. And all the signs in Edge.
From OTWTAS - Rufus falling down the shaft underneath the desk and laughing his head off, Cloud not familiar with common vegetables, etc.

Just to name a few. =]

2. The OTWTAS stories. I personally loved how they elaborated on the two year gap between FFVII and AC/ACC with the various characters and their stories. [My favourites were Case of ShinRa and Case of Denzel].

3. ACC. The extra scenes of Zack were amazing, along with Sephiroth actually using his wing,

4. How LOVELESS interplayed with the storyline of CC. Yes, I can understand that most of you won’t agree. Even I think LOVELESS was overdone [but really, I’ve been going through Genesis' lines and he surprisingly does have quite a few of his own, not in LOVELESS quotes], but the way it could be interpreted with the storyline has certainly given fans a lot to play with.

5. The additions of new towns, places and people. Having these really adds to the world of FFVII and makes it deeper, particularly with the character/location histories. I’m more focusing on CC here [because personally, I dislike DoC and DeepGround - aside from Genesis. Eheh] - having more 1st Classes seemed more realistic [and believe it or not, having Genesis and Angeal with wings is kind of scientifically correct - you can’t just get the process right for creating a Cetra/human hybrid the first time with Sephiroth - in this case, experiments are performed and improved upon until the desired result is achieved. Genesis and Angeal did not display the correct characteristics, and were therefore classed as failures and therefore those involved in the Jenova Project tried another tack with Sephiroth], along with more SOLDIERs in general like Kunsel and Luxiere.

6. The Junon canon fight. TOTAL WIN. Come on, this FMV scene was epic. Most of the FMV scenes in FFVII are gorgeous and such a pleasure to watch [in terms of graphics, not content -sweatdrop-], actually.

7. The harshness and reality. Zack’s death, Geostigma, the slums [at least in FFVII], etc.

8. BC. All the Turks were awesome. [I haven’t read much about it, but I still like that aspect].

Now I’m not saying the Compilation doesn’t have its faults [it sure does], but I think appreciating the good aspects is necessary too. But this is all just my opinion, but some of it was good, really.

Okay. I’m done. I’m ready to be ridiculed. :monster:


Fire and Blood
I didn't play any other game than FFVII, so I can only talk about it related to AC/C and the novellas, but I like how they fleshed out their world more. It leaves less to the imagination, that's for sure, but it actually answers, and it's great to watch the characters being developped more.

Beside, even if there are retcons, it's still interesting to try to understand their thought process - did they remember and not like it, or didn't they remember at all those small parts? In the end, the main idea remains the same, while being more developped. And that's a fun ride! :)


Save your valediction (she/her)
Modeoheim and Banora were pretty cool. The ACC mini album is about as much win as the AC album was to begin with. "The Promised Land" is one of Uematsu's best compositions, as are the Divinities.

Honestly, though? I mostly just like the pretty. Can't say I like the new costumes (so I still await the remake with bated breath) but the nicely rendered faces are just gorgeous.

And it took me about six years to get behind it, but the concept of Geostigma is pretty good - not as a plot device, but as a post-game consequence. The idea that destroying Jenova at the end of FFVII and banishing her to the Lifestream might not have been such a good idea is very fitting with FFVII's narrative irony m.o. I think what they *did* with Geostigma in AC was a little goofy, but the concept of Jenova's alien spirit energy causing violently fatal reactions in the life force of sentient creatures is pretty wicked.

I eagerly anticipate this becoming a clone of every other compilation thread on this forum.
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Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Well, let's see:

In AC(C), I liked the whole concept of Geostigma and Sephiroth's Negative Lifestream. I also liked to see Sephiroth's wing in all its glory. The soundtrack was also very good, in my opinion. I also liked the restyling of some of the characters' uniforms, mainly Sephiroth, Cloud, Yuffie and Tifa.

As for CC, I thougth that Genesis' presence in Nibelheim was unecessary, but I loved how Sephiroth told him to go rot away. I also liked the fight between Sephiroth, Genesis and Angeal. I also liked to see Zack's character to be fleshened up a bit. Some of the themes of the soundtrack were pretty good, too.

Finally, DC. For some reason, I liked the scene after the credits, when Vincent says talks to Lucrecia then leaves, as Lucrecia sheds a tear. Other than that, seeing Azul and Rosso's death scenes gave me a strange feeling of joy. :monster:
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Higher Further Faster
I'm going to go against the grain with something here:

I LIKED the fact that Genesis is the reason Sephiroth went to Nibelheim. I like the fact that it seems like he almost lured him there. Because that is one thing about the original game that never sat with me when I thought about it, was, why Sephiroth? Why was Sephiroth the one sent to Nibelheim? Wouldn't someone have had the for-site to not assign him to the mission?

It always just seemed a little forced, in my opinion.

Maybe I'm looking too far into it, but I've always wanted a better reason for Sephiroth to have gone there, and in CC we got a reason.
I liked most of Crisis Core, especially the Tseng parts (lol I know obvious). His little chuckle at the idea that he is the only one Zack can trust with Aerith was so sweet. XP

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Sounds like someone is butthurt that people dissected the compilations shit.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
7. The harshness and reality. Zack’s death
I completely agree with this tbh. In Crisis Core Zack's death was handled in such a gritty and realistic manner that it could have literally been lifted straight out of Band of Brothers or something.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
For the record, I do enjoy the compilation as a whole, but if I have to name specific aspects, then so be it.

CC-Zack's character developement, Banora and Modeoheim and the events that occured there. The Zack and Sephiroth fight was cool too.

ACC-Cloud vs. Sephiroth, the way Geostigma was handled was fairly good. The new scenes were almost all good.


I dunno, I kinda want a pair of Yuffie's AC(C) shoes but I dunno how well I could pull them off... Not to mention the practicality of lacing them up every time I put them on. That's the irritating thing about converse.

I also like the snowboarding game on the cellphone. That was such an awesome mini-game.

Making Barret kinda sexy, even though the mesh top is kinda... offputting. On that note, compilation dilfs and milfs :awesome:

Oh, and of course, introducing me to the concept of spirit sex. It's way more fulfilling than normal sex. Now there's no reason to ever feel bad about being a virgin! Have sex with your dead girlfriend instead!

what? My reasons totally count, ok. :(


Save your valediction (she/her)
The breaking down of the DMW at the end of Crisis Core was much more emotional and heart wrenching than the jPop finale.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Also forgot to say that Cloud's fusion sword is awesome.
I would have liked it more if it was composed of the various swords Cloud attained throughout his journey, instead of some random piece of shit with no real context.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
The breaking down of the DMW at the end of Crisis Core was much more emotional and heart wrenching than the jPop finale.

Yeah I know. How did they not realize that? Great emotional tragic scene, ruined by J-pop.


The Wanderer of Time
Good aspect of the Compilation - it gives us an excuse to bitch, rant, whine and complain.

Bad aspect of the Compilation - we have to listen to each other do it.


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I dunno, I guess it was buried under all that trash at his door.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I really like the part where Ben moves the Island. I wish the Compilation would have expanded more on that. But it really showed tremendous characterization on his part.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The best thing about the Compilation is how it was able to bring all of us fans together and allow us to meet each other. The thing I'm happy about most is actually being able to have gotten to know all you people and share something in common with you all. I think that beats out all of the shit the Compilation, right there.
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