[Guide] Get the Lifestream on your iGoogle page



This is a guide to get the Lifestream's news right onto your personalized homepage, iGoogle. If you haven't got an iGoogle page, goan make one now at http://igoogle.com, fgj.

If you're logged into your iGoogle page, press this link (this one and press the 'Add It Now' button to get a nifty RSS reader onto your iGoogle page.

To configure the reader, go to your main iGoogle page again after pressing said button, and press the small downward-pointing arrow to get a menu for the RSS reader. Press the Edit Settings menu option to configure the reader.

In between the lines: it'll look best if you position the reader in the center of your screen - put it to one of the sides and it'll be harder to read, especially if you open one of the articles.

At the very least, you should fill in the top 3 settings, the 'FEED URL', the Custom Gadget Title, and the Gadget Title Link. Fill in the following values:

Feed URL:


Custom Gadget Title:

The Lifestream RSS feed
(but feel free to customize that)

Gadget Title Link

All the other values can be entered at your own disgression, but I've used the following settings for a TLS-alike theme and everything:

# of items: 10
Link Action: Open Link
Gadget Bkgrnd Color: 051012
Gadget Border Color: 1A3E4A
Gadget Rounded?: Check
Font Family: Arial
Font Size: 9pt
Story Font Size: 9pt
Title Spacing: 3px
Title Buttlet: the small dot thingy
Custom Icon URL: none
Show Gadget Icon? Checked, but doesn't seem to do anything
Gadget Icon Opacity: 20, same as above
Title Link Color: 7C8C99
Title Link Style 1: Normal
Title Link Style 2: None
Visited Link Color: 7C8C99
Visited Link Style 1: Normal
Visited Link Style 2: None
Show Date? Checked
Date Text Color: 67676F
Open Title Color: 67676F
Open Title Bgrnd: 051012
Open Link Color: 7C8C99
Open Text Color: 6767F
Open Bgrnd Color: 051012
Open Border Color: 1A3E4A
Open Link Style 1: Bold
Open Link Style 2: None

But feel free to customize the above settings to your own preferences. In particular, the 'Link Action' is pretty important - set it to 'Show Description' and you'll get at least part of the whole article, including imagery and a small link at the bottom that leads to the full page, whereas the 'Open Link' will open the article itself.

Have fun, and feel free to write a guide on how to install TLS's RSS feed onto other websites and programs, :monster:.

Alternatively, you could also use the official Google Reader gadget, which shouldn't be too hard to configure either. It doesn't (seem to) have the layout customization though.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow, that's really fucking cool.

I'm gonna add it to mine now!
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