Hardest Weapon

Which one is the hardest one?

  • Emerald Weapon

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Ruby Weapon

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Ultima Weapon

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Omega Weapon

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Pro Adventurer
Diamond Weapon
This is a voting thread for the hardest weapon you have fought. Please give your explanations on your vote.

I personally think that Omega Weapon is the hardest weapon of them all. He was the toughest weapon that I have fought. He was tough in Final Fantasy VIII and got even tougher in Final Fantasy X. He is fast and contain strong attacks, especially in Final Fantasy VIII since he uses Lv5 Death, Graviga, Meteor, Light Pillar, Megido Flame and Terra Break.


Selphie Chica
Definitely Omega Weapon in FFVIII. I had a HELL of a time trying to defeat him my first time through the game (I didn't have many GF's, boo). When I finally figured out what to do, my second time through the game, I made sure I got all of the GF's and I utilized the Junction system to the best it could be used - which required getting a LOT of Ultima magic. I must have used so many Aura Stones and Rinoa's and Squall's Limit Break a thousand million times - always hoping for Invincible Moon and Lion Heart, lol.

I actually thought he was really easy in FFX D: But then again, I was totally souped up before going into battle with him (everyone had their best weapons, 40,000HP+, and pretty well 255 in every stat [yes my save file is around 300 hours now, haha]) and having Auto-Life made it stupidly easy.


We have come to terms
The WEAPONs are all rather easy, tbh.

Omega was pathetically weak in FFX, unless you played the PAL version or one of the re-releases (International version) - they cranked his stats up a LOT, and gave him about 10x the health. Originally, though, he's really, really weak. A single Attack Reel will take him out, IIRC =/

In FFVIII, all you really had to do was junction Death in the Status Defense, have a high Attack stat, and summon Doomtrain at the start of the fight. Then spam Limit Breaks, which you should already be doing (and why I always kept my characters in critical HP status), occasionally using a Holy War. Problem solved. He dies rather fast to pretty much any party setup that doesn't involve Selphie (unless you luck out and get The End, of course). Shockwave Pulsar, Fast Shot, the Armageddon Fists combo (Punch Rush -> Booya -> Punch Rush -> Booya -> repeat, which is severely damaging due to sheer number of attacks that you can crank out), Shooting Star, and, of course, Lionheart, all deal insane damage to an enemy with no Defense.

Emerald and Ruby are much harder. Then again, Ruby is weak to Stop, and Emeral can be killed by giving each character a maximum of 2 materia, one being HP Plus. As soon as he does his big ZOMG KILL THE PARTY ATTACK, it will instead deal 2222 damage and put you straight into All Lucky 7, and he dies.

Ergo, Diamond Weapon is the hardest, being made of diamond.


We have come to terms
That's what I would have said, if it weren't wildly off-topic =/

I beat Ozma the first time I fought him, but I'll be damned if I've beaten him more than twice since, after a LOT of tries.

Also - Any Monster Arena boss, as well as Dark Shiva, Dark Bahamut, Dark Yojimbo, Dark Anima, and especially Dark Magus Sisters all pwn the WEAPONs.


Gravitas? What gravitas?
To this day I haven't defeated Ruby weapon. But then again, I never was one for tactics. I just go in guns blazing and hope that I win. I've never even fought Ozma either. Never got round to it.

Also, I have to agree with Omega, some of the Dark Aeons in FFX are ridiculously hard.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I have beaten Ozma exactly once through sheer luck. To be fair, though, it was at the insistence of my friend who cheered me on and was like 'You can do it!'


unsavory tart
I don't think I've even attempted Ozma. It's been awhile since I ever wanted to try beating an optional superboss. I tried going for Minerva, but the endless streams of missions make my soul die.


We have come to terms

Tbh, though, the superbosses are a big part of why I buy the games. The Dark Aeons are quite literally the REASON why I imported FFX International. I was going to do this whole video capture/text log of the whole experience and everything...but then I got the damn Disc Read Error on the imported PS2 after beating Valefor and Ifrit but before I'd managed to beat Ixion :(
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