Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…


Rookie Adventurer
Hey! First off I just wanna say hello! I am new to this site and in general have never really been much of a forum user so this is an exciting adventure in it of itself haha. Guess I should introduce myself, I’m Liam… or Lee if you prefer I go by either. Anyway, I just wanna start by saying that a fun fact about myself I am new to this whole franchise. Never ever played a FF game and this was my first. I started playing the original game back in late August/early September for the first time and fell in love with it. The only prior knowledge I had of the game was the ONE spoiler everyone knows but other than that I went in blind and even then that event caught me off guard given how early it happens. After beating the game I immediately watched Advent Children, then read On The Way To A Smile (which is how I indirectly discovered this forum haha), read The Maiden Who Travels The Planet, am currently reading The Kids Are Alright, am currently playing Dirge of Cerberus, and am looking to get a PSP to play Crisis Core and eventually play the remake if I can get a PS4 or PS5. So it’s safe to say that while I’m newer to this whole community I for sure understand the impact this game has had on many and love the world itself so much. It’s been a fun journey learning about this fascinating world and all of it’s beautifully crafted scenarios and interesting characters. Anyway sorry for the rambling! I’ll just throw some quick fun facts below and feel free to follow me on Instagram or chat here on the forum :) my Insta is the same as my username @LeeKD93

Fav characters: Cid, Cloud, Rufus, Zack, and Tifa

My pet: So funny story my girlfriend is a vet tech and right before Thanksgiving she sent me a photo of a cat who needed a home (I always wanted an animal with special needs given that they are less likely to get adopted) and sure enough he was missing an eye… the same eye as Red XIII lol. So naturally I adopted him and his name is Nanaki haha.

Involvement in this community: One thing I noticed was that there was never any additional parts added to The Kids Are Alright audio book on The Lifestreams YouTube channel. I’m not sure what plans are involving that but I personally have always had aspirations in voice acting. I’d be more than happy to lend a hand in any future endeavors regarding an audio book for it :)

I get that this is more info about me than ya’ll needed but hey I figured I’d introduce myself even if it meant straining everyone’s eyes lmao. I hope you all have a good new year and stay healthy, happy, and safe!


Ninja Potato
Hello. welcome!
One thing I noticed was that there was never any additional parts added to The Kids Are Alright audio book on The Lifestreams YouTube channel. I’m not sure what plans are involving that but I personally have always had aspirations in voice acting. I’d be more than happy to lend a hand in any future endeavors regarding an audio book for it :)
Unfortunately, the guy who was making that has since left the site. I dunno if he has any plans on continuing it on his own though.


Rookie Adventurer
Hello. welcome!

Unfortunately, the guy who was making that has since left the site. I dunno if he has any plans on continuing it on his own though.
Yea so I’ve noticed on other threads. I just figured if there were any subsequent plans to just throw my hat in the ring ya know?


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Welcome to the forum! I’m new here myself but have been having fun talking with peoples.
my favorite characters are sephiroth and Vincent though I’ve had a soft spot for Zack since crisis core. That game was fabulous.


Rookie Adventurer
I’m super excited to get my hands on CC. Obviously the ending of the game is super expected but I’ve remained somewhat free of spoilers from that. I know names and some relationships and a few key events but not the whole plot before Nibelheim so I’m excited! I grew to like Zack cause of the original and The Last Order


Alex T
Hello! Welcome abroad! Bravo reading the novels and watching Last Order. I hope to do a full series playthrough like that someday soon.


Welcome! I played Crisis Core on an emulator on my (crappy) laptop so if you can't wait for a psp I'd reccomend trying that! It's pretty simple to set up, and the game is awesome. Starts off kind of dumb and cheesy and then slowly catches you off guard.


Rookie Adventurer
Hello! Welcome abroad! Bravo reading the novels and watching Last Order. I hope to do a full series playthrough like that someday soon.
I’m doing everything in the order I can obtain it lol. Only one I knew I specifically wanted to do first without anything else simultaneously was playing the original. After I fell in love with it I just did everything else afterwards as soon as possible. I mean I literally watched AC maybe 10 minutes after beating the game haha. After I do all of this I might go back and do everything in chronological order just for fun! Oh and thanks for the welcome! It’s great to be aboard :D

Erotic Materia

My pet: So funny story my girlfriend is a vet tech and right before Thanksgiving she sent me a photo of a cat who needed a home (I always wanted an animal with special needs given that they are less likely to get adopted) and sure enough he was missing an eye… the same eye as Red XIII lol. So naturally I adopted him and his name is Nanaki haha.
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Rookie Adventurer
Welcome! I played Crisis Core on an emulator on my (crappy) laptop so if you can't wait for a psp I'd reccomend trying that! It's pretty simple to set up, and the game is awesome. Starts off kind of dumb and cheesy and then slowly catches you off guard.
Thank you! And yea unfortunately for me my laptop is SUPER crappy so I don’t think I could even remotely try to emulate it. I have lots of retro game stores in my area however so finding one isn’t hard it’s just finding a good quality one (I’m picky when it comes to consoles and handhelds lol)


Rookie Adventurer
Hey! First off I just wanna say hello! I am new to this site and in general have never really been much of a forum user so this is an exciting adventure in it of itself haha. Guess I should introduce myself, I’m Liam… or Lee if you prefer I go by either. Anyway, I just wanna start by saying that a fun fact about myself I am new to this whole franchise. Never ever played a FF game and this was my first. I started playing the original game back in late August/early September for the first time and fell in love with it. The only prior knowledge I had of the game was the ONE spoiler everyone knows but other than that I went in blind and even then that event caught me off guard given how early it happens. After beating the game I immediately watched Advent Children, then read On The Way To A Smile (which is how I indirectly discovered this forum haha), read The Maiden Who Travels The Planet, am currently reading The Kids Are Alright, am currently playing Dirge of Cerberus, and am looking to get a PSP to play Crisis Core and eventually play the remake if I can get a PS4 or PS5. So it’s safe to say that while I’m newer to this whole community I for sure understand the impact this game has had on many and love the world itself so much. It’s been a fun journey learning about this fascinating world and all of it’s beautifully crafted scenarios and interesting characters. Anyway sorry for the rambling! I’ll just throw some quick fun facts below and feel free to follow me on Instagram or chat here on the forum :) my Insta is the same as my username @LeeKD93

Fav characters: Cid, Cloud, Rufus, Zack, and Tifa

My pet: So funny story my girlfriend is a vet tech and right before Thanksgiving she sent me a photo of a cat who needed a home (I always wanted an animal with special needs given that they are less likely to get adopted) and sure enough he was missing an eye… the same eye as Red XIII lol. So naturally I adopted him and his name is Nanaki haha.

Involvement in this community: One thing I noticed was that there was never any additional parts added to The Kids Are Alright audio book on The Lifestreams YouTube channel. I’m not sure /QUOTE]
just for the hell of it I changed my profile picture from Cid to my cat haha. That way everyone can see the lil lab rat dog-err in this case cat haha


astray ay-ay-ay
Hi there, Lee! A wark of welcome to the forum! :cloudball:

After beating the game I immediately watched Advent Children, then read On The Way To A Smile (which is how I indirectly discovered this forum haha), read The Maiden Who Travels The Planet, am currently reading The Kids Are Alright, am currently playing Dirge of Cerberus, and am looking to get a PSP to play Crisis Core and eventually play the remake if I can get a PS4 or PS5.
Coincidentally, On The Way To A Smile & The Kids Are Alright is what brought me to TLS in the spring 2020, too! I had been devouring all the info on the Remake that I could find and realised I had missed out on those novels entirely. Hope you're enjoying your catch up too!

I'm fond of Crisis Core with all my stupid fondness, so I hope you'll find a way to play it. It's definitely worth walking through.


Rookie Adventurer
Hi there, Lee! A wark of welcome to the forum! :cloudball:

Coincidentally, On The Way To A Smile & The Kids Are Alright is what brought me to TLS in the spring 2020, too! I had been devouring all the info on the Remake that I could find and realised I had missed out on those novels entirely. Hope you're enjoying your catch up too!

I'm fond of Crisis Core with all my stupid fondness, so I hope you'll find a way to play it. It's definitely worth walking through.
For me I made an effort to play the remake last. If you want the honest to god truth on why I even got into this franchise it’s really cause of Smash Ultimate lmao. See I’ve been playing Smash for as long as I’ve been around lol. I owned my own copy of melee and used to play 64 around the block at my friends house. So growing up smash was super important to me. That being said Smash 4 came around and I played a bit of Cloud but wasn’t too into him, then Sephiroth dropped in Ultimate and I picked him up instantly and reaaaaally enjoyed playing him for a while. It was around that point I made a decision to eventually play FFVII. Ironically, I actually don’t play him as much anymore however I picked up Cloud haha (but all that doesn’t matter much anyway cause I’m a filthy Ness main lmao) It’s funny though, the things that bring us to explore new things. I didn’t expect to fall in love with universe of FFVII and after beating the game I decided to carry on the story and let this world take me for a ride :)


Rookie Adventurer
I’m always so happy to hear about people being impacted by this game even playing it over 20 years after its release.
That’s how I am with other games that I do have a past with haha. I love sharing Wind Waker with people for the first time cause that game so much to me as a kid. I gotta say though playing FF7 made me feel that magic again… and mind you I’m 22 now lol I’ve always loved gaming but few video games worlds immerse me so deeply as the likes of Wind Waker or Final Fantasy VII


Rookie Adventurer
Yes I am! It's always nice to know that this fantastic forum gathers more and more new people. It's nice to meet you!
Same to you! I see your favorite Turk (and character I imagine) is Reno! My favorite Turk was always Rude. That’s largely cause of his camaraderie with Reno! Both are such cool and fun characters.
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