How could i improve my imagination and creativity?


Lv. 1 Adventurer
when i was small i used to have have a good imagination and was creative,but the only problem was i din't know how to show it.
now i could sketch alot stuff with abit of focus but can't use my own imagination or creativity again.


Fiat Lux
when i was small i used to have have a good imagination and was creative,but the only problem was i din't know how to show it.
now i could sketch alot stuff with abit of focus but can't use my own imagination or creativity again.

I'd say it's tied to your adult ego. When we're children, we have no preconceptions about ourselves or the world around us. Over the years, it's possible that your experiences and expectations have stopped your creative juices from flowing. Try tuning in to your inner-child again and remember what it was like when you had no prejudices with your imagination.
Secondly, don't try to force inspiration. That only creates frustration and sends you around in circles. Remember why it is you want to draw in the first place. Do you have a favourite artist or genre that you enjoy? You could try branching out into new cultures of art and see if that resonates with you? Above all else, remember to have F-U-N. Don't suffer for your art, because otherwise it becomes more like 'work' instead of a hobby.

Anyway, I'm no expert in this matter but I can relate to you on some level as a writer. I hope something stands out to you and good luck! :)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, basically what Masamune said. I found that as I get older, I became more self concious about creativity because I was comparing my ideas with others that already existed ( in film, tv, games, art, music etc) so I became more critcal and scrapped ideas at a very early stage if I thought they were too derivative. Children generally dont have that awareness, or if they do it doesnt affect them, theyre just happy to do their own thing.

I suppose the trick is to be aware of self censorship/editing, but not allow it to control your creativity. Like Masamune said dont let it become 'work' because that is the enemy of creativity. The childlike mindset is doing something because you enjoy it, not as a means to an end.

For example, years ago I had to get a portfolio of artwork together to get on a course. I didn't really have very much stuff that I had done (altough I wish I had kept it) Anyway I spend 2 nights just churning out sketches and paintings. I really didnt enjoy it and although the work looked OK (they let me on the course!) It didnt reflect who I was 'as an artist' (ugh I really hate that phrase)

So probably theres nothing wrong wtih your imagination, its just that the adult world has piled a load of crap on top of it so youv'e got to dig it out and dust it off. And dont force yourself to 'create' either, by all means keep drawing stuff to hone your skills, but dont feel like you should be creating masterworks all the time.

Hope my jibbering has helped a bit.


Keep 'em as good memories and move on with things that make you money, :monster:. Now, I let other people earn their money with creativity, letting them design websites and stuff while I work on the technical details.

But if you really want to, do acid.
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Ghost X

I concur with Masamune. I certainly envy my childhood imagination. Wish I didn't throw my drawing scrapbooks out ages ago, because a lot of the stuff I currently work on is based on ideas from my childhood. So yeah, if you have any childhood memories of stuff you used to think about, write/draw it down, and develop on it. Most of my new ideas come from dreams these days.

Can be pretty hard/impossible to come up with anything original, so just as long as you aren't outright copying someone's stuff, there shouldn't be much guilt. If the Simpsons haven't done it, the ancient greeks certainly have =p. Having said that, do a lot of reading and looking at the media around you. Sooner or later, your mind will come up with something that is influenced by it all, yet virtually unrecogniseable.

Any famous artist you can think of has likely made mention of sourcing their inspiration from an earlier/contemporary artist. Whether it be visual or musical, or any form of art for that matter. So if your childhood creative juices have dried, there's plenty of stuff out there to give you inspiration. The next challenge is getting the motivation, which I certainly struggle with =p.

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
Well, I work in graphic design or rather I'm studying it and even then it takes a bit out of me sometimes to get really creative. Some of the best advice I can give that has worked wonders for me is to keep in touch with that child-like wonder you used to have. Go watch cartoons, go read some kids books, I get a ton of great ideas and get so inspired from reading that, even if what I do goes off in a completely direction. Listen to some instrumental music that shit helps to get ideas churning. I wish I could help you even more but I can't because some of my better stuff are just weird sparks of imagination.

Definitely you need to surround yourself with interesting things and not just in terms of art. Read some science articles, go watch a trippy movie, read a comic, I have no idea what will work for you but you just gotta go out there and really, really immerse yourself in a world of different things. As Octorawk said, don't feel pressured to create great things. In fact, some of the best things start out as simple, if not crappy, things but you just keep working and working at it until it becomes something you like, what you wanted. It's near impossible to get it right in the first try you just can't give up on it if you really want something to happen.

Ghost X

On deviantart, there is a meme going around where artists post a mosaic of their inspirations/influences. That might be something to give you ideas. Cissnei mentioned some good ones, re: science articles and music. Also if you've got some sort of clinically diagnosed mental disorder (or just in a bad mood), use it to your advantage! I'm often my most creative when I'm pissed off or bawwing.

That or take recreational hallucinogenic drugs.


Rookie Adventurer
Creativity is like a quantity if it’s not refilled it will be empty.Try to read bogs with topics like how to sparkle your creativity, tips to improve your creativity.. search on Google with keywords like this.. Reading can really improve your creativity...Hope this may help..:)
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