I think I may have kinda figured out the Tiny Bronco thing.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
For a long time its been wondered why Shinra hassled Cid about his Tiny Bronco when they have the Highwind (even if it wasn't ready) and a literal fleet of Gelnikas and helicopters. I think I may have figured out the reason why they didn't use their Gelnikas or other fixed wing aircraft. Which should have been apparent in the first place since I work on an aircraft carrier, but I digress.

It may have something to do with the inherent limitations of most fixed wing aircraft. Most of them simply cannot land everywhere and anywhere. Jets and most other modern types require a load of support equipment, a runway, and personnel just to launch, recover, or refuel even just one. Even though Shinra controls the world and most of its infrastructure, the large scale 'could be anywhere' nature of Sephiroth's pursuit needed to be more flexible than the locations of airfields Shinra may have around the world.

At least in FFVII's world, the Tiny Bronco may have been a revolutionary design by Cid to combine the modern capabilities of a plane with a VTOL like ability to take off and land anywhere in a variety of terrain. After all, it did take off and fly without a hitch in Rocket Town (until it got shot down). While it being a one seater wouldn't do Rufus much good, he may have wanted it to copy the design into a fleet of Tiny Broncos. The only thing left is 'why not use helicopters', which they eventually did/do, but hmm. Help me out on this one.

I dunno. What do you guys think.


Yeah, considering Rufus crossed the sea to the corel continent on a boat, then was picked by a helicopter as soon as he got there, I think the helicopters got a limited range too. Really, it's CC usage of Shinra technology that's the problem (obviously the ones in AC have whole different fuel tank and everything given that they had to give up Mako as an energysource, so it's justified there).


Double Growth
Well I guess the biggest advantage of any VTOL plane over a helicopter is speed, right? Maybe distance as well, their helicopters couldn't cross the ocean, maybe the Tiny Bronco could.

As for Zack's transportation in Crisis Core, well you don't know how much they were skipping/cutting out of any given journey.

While it being a one seater wouldn't do Rufus much good, he may have wanted it to copy the design into a fleet of Tiny Broncos.

You mean his allies couldn't simply walk into him?:O

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I suppose, given how much they overlooked realistic schematics with things like the subs, we never felt compelled to go looking for such a realistic explanation as this. But it does make sense of this mess, and I thank you for it.


Average Jiro
The Tiny Bronco doesn't seem to have VTOL capabilities. I mean, Cid runs after it as it is taking off like an ordinary plane, right? I think that Rufus was more interested in a smaller, lighter aircraft so he could chase Sephiroth quicker, without the bulkiness of the whole of fucking Shinra towed around with him (and the Tiny Bronco is likely to be able to land with a much smaller runway or something, freeing up his options).

Also, every possibility that Shinra are just dicks who didn't want Cid to have his Tiny Bronco, ya know? (also every chance it was plot wizardry.)
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