Iron Man


Pro Adventurer
So I went to see it yesterday, overall I thought it was pretty amazing!

But the ending confused me a bit, almost seemed like he was giving up being Ironman, but that can't be possible as there's Avengers 2 in the pipeline..

So he's taken out his arc reactor from his chest? So his heart is magically repaired and now how will he power the suits? And he blew all the suits up, so he's either going to start building them all again or not bother or just build one meh I don't know!

To answer your question
The reason he got to remove the arc reactor is because he implants the Extremis system into his body and his body no longer requires the reactor to keep the shrapnel at bay.

Furthermore in the comics the Extremis suit IS Tony, basically he takes the Extremis virus and alters it to interface with electronics and if I remember correctly is also billions of nanites under tonys skin. When he needs to "put on" the armor the nanites basically eject and cover his body.

So if they keep true to the comics Extremis he really has no use for the other suits, toss in the other effects of Extremis (hyper healing ect.) and Tony should be all set for Thanos in Avengers 2


To answer your question
The reason he got to remove the arc reactor is because he implants the Extremis system into his body and his body no longer requires the reactor to keep the shrapnel at bay.

Furthermore in the comics the Extremis suit IS Tony, basically he takes the Extremis virus and alters it to interface with electronics and if I remember correctly is also billions of nanites under tonys skin. When he needs to "put on" the armor the nanites basically eject and cover his body.

So if they keep true to the comics Extremis he really has no use for the other suits, toss in the other effects of Extremis (hyper healing ect.) and Tony should be all set for Thanos in Avengers 2

Second, there's actually a sequence at then end of the movie where
he goes under the knife and gets the shrapnel removed. Off course, I wondered why he wasn't doing that in the first place, :wacky:


Pro Adventurer
Second, there's actually a sequence at then end of the movie where
he goes under the knife and gets the shrapnel removed. Off course, I wondered why he wasn't doing that in the first place, :wacky:

the reason he never removed the shrapnel beforehand was that the procedure would have been fatal for him. With Extremis healing factor it wouldnt be an issue.


Just seen it. First showing of the day, only about 10 people or so attended. 7 left before the credits were over.

Noobs. :ironmon:

I thought the movie was really good.

Don't know how to feel about the Mandarin twist. On one hand I think "got me there, didn't see that twist coming!" and on the other hand I feel like "Aw man, there goes a charismatic villain"

Also, the scenes shot specifically for the Chinese version are completely irrelevant, as expected. :P
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
OMG somebody used my Iron Mon smiley :excited: Officially the best movie ever for making that happen :awesomonster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Loved it.

The a-symmetrical combat of Tony being in and out of suits, or in partially assembled suits worked really well. I especially liked his interactions with the kid ("I'm cold" "I can tell. Do you know how?" "No" "-Because we have a connection" /drives off). The bits with him suffering from PTSD about what he experienced during The Avengers was SOOO good, and seeing how he's overcoming it by tinkering and working on suits. I really loved his kung-fu gesture activation for the Mark-42 Suit.

I actually liked the use of the Mandarin as a faux figurehead for the conflict. I thought it was really clever. The extremus warriors being crazy powerful was also really neat. I think that Ironman has very carefully built and blurred the line between science/technology and supernatural to really be able to expand the series to encompass a vast number of things.

It was nice to see Pepper get a few moments of being really badass, even though she was more damsel-in-distressy than was needed. I figure that any of the suits should have been able to save her. Also, I have to point out that Hulk has invincible pants, and Pepper has an invincible sports bra. :monster: I was a little annoyed by the fact that the badguy had apparently pursued Pepper romantically. That bit seemed a bit contrived and overly convenient given the relationship of other characters seeming like one-offs.

Also - hooray for science bros!

X :neo:


"Big man in a suit of armor. Take that away, what are you?"

A badass McGyver. :comedian:

Really liked how Tony and Rhodey were badass normal without their suits (more expected with Rhodey with the military training and all).

The fight scene with Tony only having one glove and boot was really good.


Pro Adventurer

Killian kinda came off as a narcissist to me with all of his attempts to show everyone in his scenes that hes sooooo smart and stuff. Him boasting about the 10 rings kinda falls into that. I would say it was just him trying to prove hes the smartest guy around by taking over it. Not to significant imo :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Watched Iron Man 3 last night

It was really good in terms of action and plot twists put I'm not much impressed by the way they showed the Pepperoni relationship. 8/10

The first Iron Man is still the best in the MCU for me, if I am to rank my personal bests:

Iron Man
Captain America
Iron Man 3
Iron Man 2
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Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
I was very disappointed that
Rhodes didn't fight anybody in the movie as Iron Patriot. That plane scene doesn't count because that wasn't him in the suit.

And honestly,
putting scary black dragon tattoos in Killian DOESN'T instantly make him the Mandarin, Mr. Black.

*runs off into a tattoo shop and jumps out minutes later with a black dragon tattoo on my back*

"Hey, look at me! I'm the Mandarin too!"

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Well lets see how this goes, and how Trevor puts up with the REAL ten-rings. A prelude to Iron Man 4 is most welcome, though I doubt it's RDJ suiting up for the 4th outing. :[


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
It wasn't that bad. Not great, but I didn't find it offensive. :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I enjoyed it dont get me wrong but the twist was the worst idea ever brought up, when they could have a lasting villain like Loki, they messed it up with a mediocre plot.
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