Is your main your favorite character?


Pro Adventurer
For those of you who ave Dissidia, is your favorite character in the game also your main? For those of you still waiting on the game, if you aren't good with your favorite character or you find out he's bottom tier will you still main him?

I'm curious to see what everyone's biggest factor in choosing a main is, skill in game play or love of a certain character. As for me I've played it for about an hour on a friend' PSP, and even though I've heard Sephiroth and Kefka are low tier, I'll probably still end up using them a whole lot as I love their characters.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Jecht, Kefka and Squall for me. I'd like to use em till my PSP gets old lol

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
After I finish the game with the 10 warriors of Chosmos, I intend to max out Kefka, Sephiroth and Kuja.

I don't really care if they're High or low tier, I'll use them.

When I max out all the characters, I still plan to use those three as my main characters afterwards.

So, yes, I tend to use my favourite characters as first option, regardless if they're the best characters (gameplay-wise) or not.


Double Growth
I use Cloud and Terra the most, and that's favoritism. But I also am not the world's biggest fan of FFV, but I love playing with Bartz. His amalgamation of all the other characters' moves is a lot of fun.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Cloud, Zidane, and Cecil will be my favorite mains from the cast of Cosmos. Because not only are they my favorites, but they're all good as well.

ExDeath, Sephiroth, and Garland will be my favorite villains to play because...they're awesome and yes..favorites of mine as well.

I honestly want to be good with everyone. Kuja, Kefka, Bartz, Terra, Warrior of Light...they're all awesome.

But I'm really thinking Cloud, Zidane, Cecil, and ExDeath will end up being my mains for sure. Sephiroth if I can get the hang of him and stuff. Because while he's easy to pick up, he has this lag that happens when you miss and it leaves him vulnerable.

I think one of the most important things to master in this game is guarding and countering. Because if you can master that, then you can get around a lot of the drawbacks certain slower characters have against quick opponents like Zidane and Tidus.


Unknown Hero
Cloud for his chainable air and land HP attack (Finishing Touch and Omnislash v.5) and Ultima Weapon Ex Mode(Surely , this Ex mode is one of the best in the game. For God's sake it BREAKS GUARD with normal attacks). Omnislash is one of the strongest Ex Bursts too O_o

Squall for his HP attacks(Which can actually be used tactically sometimes) and long + awesome Gunblade combos

Sephiroth for STYLE x) Lulz , no really I just feel awesome playing him(And Heartless Angeling my enemies). Though SuperNova is weak as shit.

Gabranth for his unique ability to charge up the Ex Guage and then make opponents go "Oh SHIT" by kicking their ass so much.Dot.

I play some Bartz, and Terra too.

To answer the actual question of this thread, Then Yes they are my favorites, mayber aside Gabranth.... ^_-


盈盈一水间 脉&
Squall from Cosmos side and Kuja from Chaos side.
Squall is really cute, all his emo-ness is merely pretense. I like that. haha
I like Kuja's voice, but I disliked his VA (Ishida Akira) before.

Actually all of them are great, just Squall and Kuja stands out as for me.


I started out with my main as Cloud, but I really like using Zidane and Tidus, too. I'm quite fond of using the speedy little bastards in battle.


Rookie Adventurer
I use Terra and Kuja as my mains. I used Terra first because I was playing through FFVI at the time and it's my favourite anyway so yeah I chose Terra because she was my favourite but I love how she plays aswell so it's all good.

I'm not actually sure how I got into using Kuja I remember thinking he was hard to use at first but since I didn't really care for Zidane, and my favourite in IX (Beatrix) wasn't in it I decided to give him a chance and he just grew on me :P
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