League of Legends


Pro Adventurer
In the customs ive played against friends (we 1 v 1 or if enough of us are on 5 v 5) I generally go Q> W > E for the first 3.

At level 2 she has a high kill potential with zap due to its high base damage and its scaling so well with even just a basic rune page. If you chip enough a well placed W + auto attack spam will get the kill.

If not then on the next go around we're level 3 and we can snare now and secure the kill.

Nice match history :D

Anywho to spite alot of the jinx players on the enemy team I've been rockin Karthus mid alot lately lol. Jinx is so squishy with all the magic pen I got rocking its generally a guaranteed kill with Requiem every few minutes lol.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
It's perfect keep it Q > W > E, I still dont get why they use Zap (W) first.

I play the patience game because my ego can easily be played with my the enemy. I never underestimate them now unless the Support is stupid and aggressive. It also depends on my support, as I really don't like playing with Nidalee players as they tend to not understand the concept of a support. It's easy to get first blood if enemy supports are Nami, Sona and Janna but bring a Leona or Thresh in and the patience game is in effect.

I will keep an eye out for Karthuses, they're the bane of ADCs especially at even 20% health late game xD.

I wish I could play in the NA servers man, me and my cousin enjoys the entertaining baiting game. We usually call it 'Pretending to be alone', I call it 'The Roleplay game'. It always has a 90% chance of scoring an ace because of how low my health is in luring the enemy. XD


Pro Adventurer
Ehh the NA servers are so and so lol.

The player base in NA is very toxic and if you dont have a thick skin it can be very hard to deal with. I like to think I have a thick skin and I have to avoid LoL from time to time lol.
I guess its karma for how toxic I was to this community lol :monster:

That aside though their skill level varies so much! One match im matched up against really great opponents and its really tough and fun. Next match its an absolute steam roll for one of the teams. Not sure how it is for the international scene but its clear NA has the worst scene for league lol.

Arent yalls servers down almost every day? =/ I hope Riot gets on that shit soon.

Ive been considering playing Jinx mid. Im more of a Mid main then anything else and Jinx definitely has potential to be a great counter pick currently to a lot of the more immobile mid champs.

I was thinking Q>W>E first 3 then maxing W to get the poke going followed by Q and leaving E 1 till late game (just for utility).

With how quick she is and the ridiculous range of her W I bet you can run off to one of the side bushes and get pokes from the fog of war. Most current popular mids wont have an answer for that or would have to pop spells/summoners to dodge it forcing them to waste mana off of creeps or leave them open to ganks after popping summoners.

Thats not even taking into the account how easily she can zone out enemies with W keeping them out of the area to get exp too. I can really see it snow balling, she would just need some flat MR blues to survive a little early.

I'd love to give this a try if she wasnt instalocked every single match! haha.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
It's nice to play LoL in mornings here cos all the noobs come out to practice (AKA steamrolled rofl). I wont recommend playing Jinx when you're sleepy. You miss alot with W and your chompers end up in weird places. xD

It looks to me like I can easily snowball anyone in NA there if I play the patience game, unless they choose to be aggressive. I disliked solo top now because of how hard it is and the fcking junglers are heavily baby sitting those lanes in my server.

We lag alot, but servers are never down in Nordic EU.

I never go with ADC mids, I stick with the basic, which is Katarina :monster: ;;; I tried with twisted fate and lets just say that shit didnt go so well.

The problem with W is that its too predictable and can only be used when they're running back and not when they're facing front, to give an element of surprise. I'm not great with skill shots either and I have to master how far she can shoot with her bazookas. I save my mana for something more useful as that and normally W to stop the enemy support from fooling around our lane or if the ADC is dumb, whittle him down enough for my support to hold him for my first blood.

instalock her like I do. It rages everyone rofl and when they're wishing me deaths and feeding, I prove them wrong by being heavily magnificent. Watching her videos really helped.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

Been practicing Jungles lately and I found interest in Hecarim. :B I only mastered Volibear but having difficulty with Rengar.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Holy fuck, Gabe. Renekton is such a badass when you know how to use him!


is my tagline whenever Top or Mid get rammed up ass when I kill them xD



Pro Adventurer
Are you fucking kidding me? Faker still making big plays lmao to good.


lol I like playing Nasus. His presence on the map alone puts the enemy team in such a shitty position that it will almost result in a win if your team mates are not dumb.

Like really every thing you do or dont do to nasus has positive out comes everywhere else.

Jungler/Mid camp Nasus to try and stop him from farming? NP all my jungler has to do is snow ball bot or drive it down mid. Worst case scenario all they did was get a kill on me and force me to TP back to top to keep farming, i probably wont even miss a wave. Average case scenario : I literally just wither and walk away , miss a few minions and then go back to farming.

Best case scenario, I pop ult and get a double under tower lol.

There jungler ignores? GG say hi to my 500 Q at 30 mins in.

They snowball mid and drive it down? NP 200-300 Q is more then enough to carry.

Now if only other Nasus players would figure out that you dont need a 500-700Q and would roam more during mid game.
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We have come to terms
Still struggling to make my way to gold, but stuck in silver 2/3 where people insist on taking AD mid and top leaving us lacking in AP damage. Hooray god damn this is frustrating as shit.

Just let me take Anivia mid ffs


Pro Adventurer
Play an AP top laner in that situation:monster:
Before Hai ruined it for everyone Mid/Top Soraka was actually a very good pick and easy to cheese a win with. Furthermore Lulu and Lissandra top have always been very exceptional picks, you just have to know how to pick your trades and when to all in. As long as you know your and your enemy laners power spikes you can actually come out on top relatively easily. Especially Silver -platinum.

Some AD's in mid are very strong especially Lucian and to a lesser extent Ezreal.
Lucian for the most part because its a shorter lane and the minion wave is much easier to manipulate. There are so many angles to approach zoning the enemy mid laner with his Q that you can force him to stay away from the minion wave completely and then you can poke them with W because he has to be out in the open to not be hit by your Q. Your essentially using the threat of your Q's poke to put him in a lose/lose situation, as long as your not trash at mana conservation and pick your battles he's an absolute lane bully.

Ezreal just because Q's for days and he gets second blue lol.

Thats of course assuming your team mates are good. Which they're most likely not :<

People forget that before the current Meta framework became common place AD mid was the normal counter pick against AP mid, and in many cases was the relevant first pick.

This is because (and this still holds true to this day) that the kit of all of the relevant ADC's can stop almost all of the casters dead in there tracks. If you play the match up very well you can look at a sub 20 win easily.

Ultimately though if you want to climb out of Silver honestly just play snowball top laners.

Riven, Vayne (trust me here),Irelia, hell even Darius just for the simple fact that most people at that Elo dont know how to punish him. One kill , one item built fast = win on these 4 champions and they all do an exceptional job at dumpstering people who make mistakes in laning phase. If you know what your doing at that Elo your one bad trade away from winning each game consecutively.

GL on the rift.


We have come to terms
The problem is that I'm usually relegated to jungle or support - which I don't mind - and nobody bothers to play an AP top. And it ultimately bugs me because it gets to the point that enemy stacking armor = gg. Idk. I just like a bit of balance in my team comp, I guess?

Re: top Vayne...I don't want to remember that. I played Singed top one time against her. I still have nightmares about the experience.

It's funny that you mention Lissandra: I started a win streak yesterday by taking Lissandra against (relevant!) a Zed mid and dominating him. Lissandra is like a burstier Anivia, imo. Lots of fun to play, especially as support, since they never see it coming.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah i get that. Being stuck most of the time in certain roles repeatedly does suck but there are ways to counter act it.

What I've done is two things. Either I deal with it and play a hard carry role even in stuff like jungle or support. Or i link my lolking and show my history, if you have a good streak behind you or great stats people are really willing to let you do what you like.

Carrying from support is not exactly the easier ways to get freelo but its certainly possible. You just need to create pressure everywhere you go, even if at times that just means killing one enemy ward or placing a deep ward. Just get in the mindset that you need to be forcing an advantage every single minute of the match and eventually it snow balls.

Personally after I get my ADC rolling i roam a lot. Generally mid ofcourse because if I can land a thresh hook, zenith blade or tibbers that means my team (assuming they listen to my pings) will get a tower and most likely dragon as well. Just look to always put the enemy team at a disadvantage. If you even just get a pick and kill 1 person on the enemy team thats more then enough to force what ever you want because you can create a 4v5 ect.

Jungler imo you have to be selfish to hard carry. Especially if you get that vibe that your team is full of shitheads you just need to sometimes let them all die if it means you get an inhibitor out of it. If you know your mid is trash do not give him blue hell just feed it away if the enemy jungler is competent.

You'll be hated but thats what you have to do.. Its a huge gamble putting your trust in 4 random people at low elo. You just never know if they are the type who carry or get carried.

Ultimately though you always have 1 advantage over your enemy team.
They have 5 dumb asses. Your team at worst only has 4 ;)
If you have it in you to carry you can definitely do it. Especially in Silver the dreamland of freelo where shit like Sion AP mid actually can carry.


Also idk how great you are support but there are things in this video that I and even some friends in challenger didnt know about. The coach is a D1 Korean server player and lives at the Samsung Ozone house. The information this video if you put it to use is eye opening and will definitely improve your game.

p.s. His voice in this video is the one who sounds really far away so you will have to turn up your speakers slightly.

edit: lol actually to be fair his entire channel is eye opening. The videos are long but the information is invaluable.
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We have come to terms
I really don't mind supporting at all, because I know wtf I'm doing and can get my carry fed as balls pretty easily, assuming they're half-competent and follow me in. My most played champ for s4 is Leona :P And tbh that is EXACTLY how I approach buffs if I'm jungling, because my job isn't to give mid blue or the adc red - it's to help pressure the lanes and give my teammates kills or assists, and keeping shit warded so we can dominate objectives. And sometimes that means abandoning my mid's dreams of blue and keeping it for myself, depending on what character I'm playing. Lately I've been doing a lot of jungle Eve and I just do not give a fuck about anyone else getting buffs unless they're doing well :ernie:

I think I've mostly stopped wanting to play adc, though, because it's a lot of pressure and there's a lot of factors that go into winning the lane/carrying versus not. But generally, I play Quinn or Draven, and I'm the type of person where one or two kills before, say, 15 minutes in will let me hardcarry to hell and back. I think my best game as Quinn was where I went something like 24/3. I do enjoy mid, especially as Anivia (so many people forget that egg), but I'm fine with not going mid as well. I just don't really care what I do, tbh, so long as my teammates are half-competent and not arguing and being dicks in the chat.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah ADC is a tough cookie to carry on in all elos imo. Its certainly not my favorite just because of the fact that if you want to carry as an ADC who team fights you gotta trust 4 other dudes to team fight properly or your relegated to Split pushing.. and in that case I would much rather have been pushing as a jungler or Top lol.
Ofcourse theres exceptions to the rule but Its definitely not my favorite role lol.

Generally I enjoy mid and top. Though I'm a bit salty that its much tougher to play an assassin in this meta and also hate the fact that others figured out how strong Irelia is so shes not so great cheese anymore :sadpanda:

Btw considering you enjoy Draven definitely check out Last shadows latest video, its coaching on Draven i think it should be pretty good for you.

Heres the link to it



We have come to terms
So did anyone else see the new skins that they previewed with the patch notes?




We have come to terms
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Pro Adventurer
Yeah just got home and tossed it on.


Dat Roshan steal!

Maybe there should be a separate TI4 thread? lol
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