Least Favourite Area?


Pro Adventurer
T, Zulo, Thomas
What's your least favourite place to be in FFVII?

Mine would have to be the Golden Saucer (on the first visit), I don't know why but it just annoys me, it might just be Cait Sith... ugh...
I love it later for the chocobo racing though :}


Pro Adventurer
The Gold Saucer is a pretty annoying place, I agree. Even late in the game, when it has a purpose, it becomes tiring to have to travel through Corel and the Ropeway to get there. And the music gets old very quickly.

Apart from that, I've disliked Mount Nibel ever since I got stuck there when first playing the game. If you want to get everything there, you have to run such a long way, through the caves and along the winding paths. That also applies to the Northern Crater, most of which is very dull and repetitive. One of the more disappointing final levels in the FF games I've completed, definitely. XII's was worse, but VIII, IX and X all had better ones.

Ghost X

The area surrounding cosmo canyon comes to mind. My memory tells me grinding was a bitch for me there.


Pro Adventurer
T, Zulo, Thomas
I agree with Mt. Nibel, that would be in my top 5 haha.
That damn Golden Saucer music! I'm playing through FFVII again atm and trying to get the Umbrella for Aerith, that damn music is gonna be in my dreams!


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
The Snow Fields.

The Gold Saucer is a pretty annoying place, I agree....And the music gets old very quickly.

Mount Nibel
I agree with all of the above, the Snow fields ugh its like I've read guides and I know theres meant to be a logic to it but I always fuck it up and that map is like something a blind chimp did.

Also I don't like Corel (the town) and the Ropeway station. The music to both of these places is annoying because I always here the same snippets en-route to the Gold Saucer. ALSO what the fuck is it with that guy in Corel who walks straight into your path as soon as you enter the town!? :wallbanger:

Where else? Oh yeah Fort Condor annoys me too, the music sends me to sleep and the guy who is in charge needs a kick in the pants, he just seems content to sit with his head on the table until you walk in and solve all his problems for him. That guy needs to fuck off :lol:


I almost forgot! The train tunnels on the return visit to Midgar! They are boring as fuck but you have to trawl them for all the items, and because they are bendy its not even like you can just hold the dpad and switch off until you get to the end :@


Pro Adventurer
T, Zulo, Thomas
I agree with all of those Octo XD
and this...
ALSO what the fuck is it with that guy in Corel who walks straight into your path as soon as you enter the town!?


Pro Adventurer
T, Zulo, Thomas
OH! Can't believe I forgot this... Junon! When that annoying ceremony song is stuck on repeat! :@

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I almost forgot! The train tunnels on the return visit to Midgar! They are boring as fuck but you have to trawl them for all the items, and because they are bendy its not even like you can just hold the dpad and switch off until you get to the end :@

Only place in the whole game I really despise. Fuck that place.


unsavory tart
For some reason, I really hate Corel prison. The enemies aren't exactly hard but they can be annoying (aaAAaa thieves) and the whole music and atmosphere just is bBlarg. Then you have to fight Dyne with one character and that's no fun.

Oh also, the Cosmo Canyon caves just because the enemies are so annoying. Death sentence, and constant poisoning, and those HUGE spiders, and trying to get all the treasure chests. I've practically memorized temple of ancients but for some reason the cosmo canyon caves always mess me up.


Dominique Destine
Junon and Gold Saucer because the music drives me crazy and I can't even slaughter helpless (or not-so-helpless) innocents to alleviate my rage.


For some reason, I really hate Corel prison. The enemies aren't exactly hard but they can be annoying (aaAAaa thieves) and the whole music and atmosphere just is bBlarg.

I fucking hate desert levels, I hate the desert atmosphere and I hate fuckig desert music.

Fuck the desert, someone plant a few trees there or something.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Junon and Gold Saucer because the music drives me crazy and I can't even slaughter helpless (or not-so-helpless) innocents to alleviate my rage.

I'm sure at least some of the critters in the Battle Arena are innocent...ish :monster:
Although I love the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim for its design, its atmosphere, and its importance to the story, fighting my way through it is a real drag. The enemies are either stupid (Ghiroflego), annoying (YinYang; pumpkinheads) or just bizarre (what are those jerseys supposed to be?), and the unlocking of the safe containing Vincent's key is the single most stressful part of the entire game for me. Finding the combination is easy, but entering it is so bloody difficult: the dial is on a hair trigger.

And now this:

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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I forgot about the desert prison! And yeah the Shinra Mansion....it was particularly annoying on my last playthrough because I was trying to learn that Enemy Skill ???? from the Jerseys and they don't turn up that often and even when they do they don't always cast ???? and you can't manipulate the fuckers :rage:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Shinra Mansion and Corel Prison are easily my two least favourites. Especially Corel because the first couple times I played the game it would literally take me hours to find Dyne because I'm a derp.

Though I have to say I really like the atmosphere and music of both.


I probably have to say Kalm in recent years, because I'm tired of going through the flashback sequence. For looks it's probably Mt.Corel or Corel Prison.


Great Old One
For some reason, I really hate Corel prison. The enemies aren't exactly hard but they can be annoying (aaAAaa thieves) and the whole music and atmosphere just is bBlarg. Then you have to fight Dyne with one character and that's no fun.
This. I just hate hate hate the thieves. And Dyne killed me like 2 times before I got the hang of him - and to be able to fight him again, you have to watch through the entire dialogue. This is a pain because the first time you read it it's very moving, but by the third time you see it you just want to kill the fucker and move on.


Pro Adventurer
This. I just hate hate hate the thieves. And Dyne killed me like 2 times before I got the hang of him - and to be able to fight him again, you have to watch through the entire dialogue. This is a pain because the first time you read it it's very moving, but by the third time you see it you just want to kill the fucker and move on.

I really used to like this place but only in a story-telling way. Everything else just makes me physically sick, especially the desert. I remember being a 8-year-old kid and having such big problems finding the Dyne. I still remember that feeling of nausea every time I pick my old spanish translated version of the game (oh gosh it brings back memories). Fuego3 !!!!

For me the least favourite place was either Cosmo Canyon or Bone Village. The latter one probably doesn't need any explanations, but Cosmo Canyon - Oh my god. I just despised that place. Never got my head around the fact that my dear, beloved Buggy got a slight malfunction in front of this stupid tower-looking-place. I will never forgive the people of Cosmo Canyon for touching my Buggy.


Double Growth
Yeah. Great Glacier. I'm surprised more people haven't said it. I have NEVER found Added Cut, frequently miss Alexander, and it represents where VII's plot grinds to a boring halt for a couple hours as you try to get to the awesomeness that is the rest of Disc 2.


Pro Adventurer
Mt. Nibel no contest I mean for real???
Well now that you mention it, no. There are many great things about it, for example the Mako Reactor, that I find it hard Not to like it. The enemies there were quite annoying, I give you that.
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