Legitimate complaint

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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The Man said:
Also I'm going to point out that Channy got banned mostly because she already had enough warnings to get banned last time she and Mumble flamed each other (Mumble should've been banned then too), but staff were forgetful cunts and didn't do it.

Furthermore she's been banned once before for a week as well, and thus it increased. There's nothing else to discuss here. Ryu banned her for her shit when she was gonna be banned for her next offense in the first place.

This isn't the section to talk about another member's ban. If the ban doesn't concern you, there's nothing to even discuss. Stop crying about why someone's been banned and just wait for her to be back in two weeks, please. FFS, it's not even permanent.

Mr. Flibble

Mr. Flibble is very cross
Psycho Paul, Ace Rimmer
Furthermore she's been banned once before for a week as well, and thus it increased. There's nothing else to discuss here. Ryu banned her for her shit when she was gonna be banned for her next offense in the first place.
She told you, jokingly (which was MOAR than clear) to shut up. that doesn't warrant a ban despite whether or not she's been banned in the past.
This isn't the section to talk about another member's ban. If the ban doesn't concern you, there's nothing to even discuss. Stop crying about why someone's been banned and just wait for her to be back in two weeks, please. FFS, it's not even permanent.
I beg to differ
Dacon said:
Save this garbage for Feedback. If you have a legitimate complaint voice it there.
Maybe you all should come to a general concensus between you all as to what each section is for before you all start giving out conflicting information...owait:awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
This isn't legitimate and we don't discuss the bannings of other people here. It's not your business nor is it going to be changed.

If you can't deal with someone being banned temporarily for 2 weeks for shit, then I don't know what else to tell you.

Mr. Flibble

Mr. Flibble is very cross
Psycho Paul, Ace Rimmer
And a complaint about probably one of your most active, well contributing members being banned for a completely ridiculous reason doesn't count as a legitimate complaint.

nevermind ACF. Moar liek words of fucking ivory
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

It's not your business, and I'm glad you think so highly of her. You can tell her this yourself on the forum when she gets back :monster:

Now enough crying about this BS. We're not in the business of talking about member bannings and going back and forth over them. There's nothing left to discuss.


What ridiculous reasons? Repeated offenses and shit will get you a temporary ban. And since it's only temporary, why do you even give a damn? The majority of the board doesn't and neither should you. :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Whatever guy.

And lol at channy being "well contributing". She'll be back.

And I'm sure you'll get over it.



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Just going to add that jokes are really only considered acceptable if the person targeted by the joke is okay with the joke being made. So writing it off as "just a joke" is missing the point - the person targeted by the joke has to be okay with it being made. Allowing jokes to be made at others' expense without their approval is opening the door to all kinds of nonsense the staff don't want to allow. And really, I can't blame them.

Now, if a member without any history made a joking comment to "shut up" which didn't go over well with the target, they'd probably just get a verbal warning. But Channy had several active warnings already, ergo b& for two weeks. Mumble's next fuckup will get him two weeks as well.


Lol at repeated belief that Channy was banned for telling Mako to stfu. How and for what reason a member was banned is not a concern of other members, nor should they be bothered about it.

Second, lol at people already abusing the fuckery section as their private 'bawww about the unfair staff!11' section. I'll have it shut down if that shit happens again.

If there's a disagreement with a warning or suspension, warned or suspended member can contact staff about it. Simple as.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I don't see any reason to shut down the fuckery section tbh, just warn/ban people who use it as a "bawwwwww about alleged oppression" section.


I don't see any reason to shut down the fuckery section tbh, just warn/ban people who use it as a "bawwwwww about alleged oppression" section.

Works for me too, :monster:.

Speaking of the subject, are people content with that section at the moment?
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