Indeed, there's a lot of old jokes and references rattling around up in the old noggin. They're bound to bounce awkwardly now and then. Plus I've had multiple concussions, that's always good to excuse this sort of thing.
Ironically, despite all my various head traumas, a concussion is one thing I've never had.
By definition you have the Devil's eyes. Do you have a pickup truck?
8 Bul for the dance, Buluzi if they use Potara.
Works for me.
The Administrator would love it.
Tifa and Ms Pauling teaming up would also be amazing.
It's the kind of joyous love that Baloonicorns are born from.
A love that burns, as opposed to one that crushes like a mace.
Sonic is so bored he is breaking you game now.
Sometimes that just happens to sonic, you know. At least '06 times.
[quotee]If only it were that simple, right?[/quote]
Sadly it never is.
Interesting, I need to experiment with this, maybe loosen the whole biz up mid-line delivery and see what happens.
I accept full responsibility if I somehow blow my own voice out.
I don't think you will. Still best of luck.
He deserves it, man works hard.
He's raising a daughter as a single black dad with one arm AND managing a bar and an ecoterrorist cell at the same time.
Imagine, if you will, the alternate timeline where Aerith watches the kids for the afternoon so Cloud and Tifa can have some alone time. (Or, if you like, one where they get Yuffie to do it so the three of them can have fun)
The LTD seems to bring about more dishonesty than most of course.
Shipping in general gets a lot of people very very worked up. Not just over "which pair is endgame" but also the other dark aspects of shipping discourse.
I hope so, it's a damn good joke.[/quote]
That's why I'm sure it's been made before.
How do these people sleep at night?
By counting their copes as they lay down at night.
We need to find out where Red the Red is from and make him live there, methinks. If that's around Nibelheim, score.
Oh, the Deepground Color Guard.... I mean Tsviets.
I can see the shack full of piss jars fitting there.
Imagine the mines, or better yet, Gold Saucer as a TF2 map.
Maybe so, but we all know wherever he's from we'd find him in Hojo's lab somewhere doing something less than ethical with the specimens.
Possibly less ethical, but definitely less creepy than Hojo.
Can robo-kitty drink, I wonder?
We'll find out.
Close enough to Mid-West.
Mostly I think he'd fit in with the dumbass punks around there.
With a single click of his disguise kit he could be an active Turk. Hell he could be anyone. He could be you! He could even be... Blam!
The reason I say possible is because he might be active still. He might even be... Cloud's Father!
Works as well as anywhere, since Pyro is even more mysterious than Spy.
The only known fact about Pyro is that Pyro is the CEO of a megacorp when not being Pyro.
But wait, you forgot the Engineer. That's a practical problem that needs solvin' so... obviously Rocket Town?
Cid's cousin, in fact.
It would explain the prices she got at the Honeybee Inn back in OG.
Yep. She's got them hooked, the poor bastards.
I laughed until I ran out of breath twice. Mind you it's funny both because it's true and also phenomenally unlikely.
-Polite Bow-
That poor kid. Luckily Tifa helps, or it'd just be a downer.
Tifa's attention is the reward he wants anyways.
You're right, admitting you have a problem is step one. He'd probably like the bad guy affirmation though

There's no one I'd rather be than me
Imagine him needing to get dragged there by like Golbez and Jecht.
Yeah I've got three kids and three cats, it gets a little exponential sometimes.
You think they'd pair off and solve the issue, but no.
I'd play this spinoff. We can even shoehorn in an unnecessary boss fight against Sephiroth at the end.
We'll call it Mom of War and there won't be any legal issues at all ever.
I know, right?
Yeah that tracks. I'm still gonna headcanon it actually working being due to him subconsciously learning Yuffie's tricks.
I mean he probably is, he's just not thinking about it.
This may be one of the kindest and most idealistic sounding things I've ever seen you say.
I am a beacon of kindness and patience. A modern day buddha, if you will. But you may still only strike the buddha three times, after all.
Also yeah this basically.
Aerith's big moment resembles Great Gospel, she just had to wait for her limit gauge to fill
Pretty much this. Do you know how hard it is to fill that gauge when you're dead?
Yes. She does not succeed at moving on from Zack. She knows she should, but...
Heh, bedroom eyes. A way to express feelings without words, one might say.
One might indeed.
I need to read this. They were right to ask, actual time in Cloud's head is so limited.
You can find it online pretty easily. "2000 gil to be a hero" brought it up quick for me.
The healthiest friend zoning I've ever seen. Everyone who gets friend zoned should be so lucky.
It helps that in this case Cloud is both not interested in pursuing a romance and not aware a romance was being considered. He's more like "I have a friend!"
I’m not even trying to joke around but I’m sure the argument would just be to reduce it to fan service for westerners.
Aerith’s in a beautiful dress, it’s more wholesome. Tifa is just sexual.
Aerith's red dress was very sexual, though. So many closeups on the exposed flesh and her cleavage. Which is understandable, Aerith is pretty, but for Cloud she is a candle next to the Bonfire called Tifa.
If one wanted to be mean and petty about it, Aerith's dress scene is hardly wholesome since they're in the FF7 version of red-light district and dressing up to infiltrate a sex trafficker's hideout. And iirc, Aerith was uncomfortable in the red dress since she was dressed up to suit Corneo's tastes and not her own (Aerith's best dress debate, here we go lol). At least Tifa's bikini scene happens on a holiday beach with friends, lol.
But I was thinking CA and CT from the debate point of view. I mean, CTs can just point at the text to show that Cloud textually had feelings for Tifa (even if people want to argue that's no longer the case/doesn't matter). But I feel that CAs should first prove the premise that he has romantic feelings for Aerith instead of just assuming that obviously he has. Obviously they have cute moments that the fans see as romantic because otherwise they wouldn't ship them but that doesn't mean they textually have romantic feelings for each other (mutually, that is). I don't know if I made sense with that, though.
No, this makes perfect sense. Both ships need to establish that Cloud has romantic intentions for the woman in question. Finding them attractive is sort of the bare minimum here. It gets you to the starting line. Cloud has numerous textual and extra-textual (Ultimanias, being outside the narrative but commenting on it) examples of his continuing attraction to and intentions toward Tifa. Aerith, not quite.
Someone on twitter actually pointed out that the wording is the exact same to describe Tifa and Cloud's feelings.
This is from the 10th anniversary ultimania:
and this is from Cloud's recent story:
I mean, their feelings to match, after all.
The oddest thing I've seen about this debate is people talking about these characters as if they're real. For example, "Aerith/Tifa is allowed to move on", "they shouldn't be forced to waste half of their lives waiting for a guy", etc. And totally incidentally, it's usually done for ship-invalidating purposes. Besides, neither of them was hardly wasting away waiting for a guy? They were both living life the best they could even if they weren't hopping from one relationship to the next since that's hardly relevant to their characters or storylines?
It's a weird line, because you want characters to come across as real and as though they have agency even though they literally do not- they are fictional and cannot have their own agency external to the will of a writer, natch -but even then they have to feel real while still serving the needs of the narrative.