To me, like many OG players, or at least CTs, this scene was always a red herring, and in the end we had Cloud's "not interested" there. So yeah I never thought this scene was too important because there were a lot of scenes that were supposed to play into the LT.
However, it does look like Nojima wants to push a new spine on it; if you think about it, both in the OG and trilogy, then Jenova is meddling with his memories so his mum's speech cannot be fully heard, nor can we fully trust what is said after all. But if we can trust this bit of memory, we also must remember that it's partial, incomplete. We once could've wondered if real Cloud wasn't trying to interfere to try to keep his secret from Jenova, but given the context of him trying to connect with this new persona of Cloud, it does feel more like Jenova is interfering and Cloud cannot access to this whole memory.
I definitely agree that the OG was "red herring" the players there; but for the trilogy, mmh. If you think about it, Teen!Tifa was vastly different from the Tifa we know; she had a lot of spunk in her, while being mature and giving classes to the elderly etc., if we look at her in the Kalm flashback it's like "wow, what a difference". And then, she fits completely Claudia's description -
this is the Tifa Claudia knew! A spunky yet still well-grounded kid.
I actually agree. I also noticed this about Tifa and why I think it applies to her.
Though I also want to offer another perspective into why such a connection (Claudia's statement and Aerith's character description) would even be there in the first place.
I think since OG Aerith and Tifa have been mirrors of eachother. And like Zack and Cloud are somewhat mirrors this could be part of the narrative too.
Aerith and Tifa in the present are very different from when they were younger. We see Aerith in CC is more reserved and observant than impulsive. Like Tifa is now. And we see Tifa is more confident and spunky like Aerith is now.
I think this is very intentional as even in OG we have a moment near the end where Cloud sees Aerith in the Life stream reaches out and the scene changes to Tifa reaching for him. Other than just a red herring I think this is key to their roles in Cloud's life as guides. Aerith as a Cetra spiritual guide but also Tifa was a literal guide in Nibelheim. The parallels between both girls is I think interwoven between.
Which is why I definitely think that yes that Claudia can't be talking about Aerith literally. It would have to be Tifa But the narrative does want you to think of the both of them here which is why Aerith's description is that way. Because of this meta parallel between them.
As for why: I think it's supposed to bring up more thinking about the narrative, the shell game so to speak and a mystery of Cloud's identity and past. Also his secret feelings for Tifa. Also probably why when Aerith is called that in Costa Del Sol she admits she isn't sure that's who she is. It's hinting at the red herring there you're supposed to think it's Aerith first hence the romance looking stuff like Life stream dream sparkles and dress reveal then later on go wait a minute... (Also when comparing the quest to his quest with Tifa in Costa as well. As a CA I will admit that because it's very blatant and Aerith is questioning the whole quest) That's my thoughts on what you said about recontexualising the CA bond.
Though I will add I think it's a hybrid of friendship and agape but with the framing of romance first for narrative purpose then recontexualising it later in the end like you said as a more friends than anything else thing. And I still don't think this because he's saying nee-san there but just because that's how the story goes he has feelings for Tifa.
In fact I still think nee-san has nothing to do with platonicness or romanticness here and is a description of character traits and yes a bit of a dynamic thing. And I see the point of them trying to recontexualise the CA bond as more spiritual and platonic but I still don't think that's enough to say Cloud himself views Aerith as a sibling and not as just as a friend. When every time that description has been brought up in the past it says nothing about sibling like.
You can argue that being friend zoned is just that too; that he sees her as a friend. Especially when this description of chottoneesan can applies to Tifa too. And we don't say he and Tifa are sibling like. Because the context of when this description was used was in describing an ideal girlfriend.
As for Hamaguchi I don't know but I don't think he's going so far to talk about CA's relationship that deeply here but rather saying Aerith is that type of nee-san character pulling Cloud along but also guiding Cloud to get the White Materia here. At least that's how I read it. Not as a comment on being romantic or not. I took it as what is up for interpretation is what everything means story wise,"with the timelines" etc.
As for Cloud, it's a set up the reveal for the buried feelings for Tifa basically. So basically similar to OG but set up this time with more neon lights as hints.
But also something else that stood out to me is this. Cloud gets to act out what he wanted to be for Tifa by being Aerith's body guard. And Aerith gets to act out spending more time with Zack by spending more time with Cloud.
It's a very interesting meta going on there. And I think that meta is in both OG and ReTrilogy. So I don't think it's all just LTD set up either. It gives you information of why their bond is important too from a storytelling perspective in terms of their hopes and wishes.
Though I don't think it was me that said "Cloud needed to go through Aerith to reach Tifa". That's my view on that.
But yes I want to talk about kid Tifa and kid Aerith too because I noticed the new lore seems to be trying to expand on her friendship with Aerith too.
As for Tifa as a kid and kid Aerith I do think the Tifareth just parallel eachother separate from Cloud as well. Both girls lost both parents and both girls lead a new life after losing everything. Both girls have struggles making friends. Both girls are guides. Both girls had fake friends who proved to be fake friends and finally both girls have feelings for Cloud but that's the least of it now after OG especially in TOTP the narrative of their connection is deeper and more nuanced. Maybe to explain why they have such a deep bond even after Aerith's death. AC Tifa literally senses Aerith.
It's interesting how it's all set up pretty deliberately. To the point something that always stood out to me is in wallmarket Aerith in her dress says Heya to Cloud with the same way and voice direction that Tifa says Heya to Cloud on the water tower. Another hint of the parallels.
So in conclusion: Tifareth power FTW

But yeah...
I think it's intentional to have part of the narrative parallel Tifa and Aerith even in the narrative in ReTrilogy as well not just OG for the reasons above. And it also helps to push the red herring of the "which will he choose mystery" while the answer is literally Tifa. In the literal sense.
Edited 1:51pm EST: Added thoughts on the sibling like comparison here.