SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
I can't believe people have that much of an inflated perspective when it comes to things like this. "OMG, Cloud looked at Tifa! That's such a ship moment!" Lol wtf?

Twitter is an interesting place lol. As I said there is something to be said about two characters dynamic by how often they look/touch each other, but no that doesn't make everything a ship moment.


Ninja Potato
Yeah, original concept art has her doing the driving:

Oh, weird that they drive an American style car. In Japan the wheel is on the right.


Pro Adventurer
Does anyone watch streamer/Youtuber playthroughs? There's this one called Materwelonz on Youtube who did a blind playthrough of the Remake and has some really great insights to the story and characters. She's incredibly observant for someone who knows nothing about the OG.

She hit almost every plot note perfectly and a lot of her theories are in line with people who're familiar with the OG and Compilation. This is tangentially LTD-related because she makes a few characterization and relationship observations in her playthrough.

Yes!! @Eerie mentioned her here bf and I went to check and holy sh*t she's sharp!! She was spot on in many moments, which makes me think Remake is really being able to convey the story in a much better way ( not just the LTD but the overall plot as well). Things seems not to be as confused as bf (which is great!)


Pro Adventurer
Twitter is an interesting place lol. As I said there is something to be said about two characters dynamic by how often they look/touch each other, but no that doesn't make everything a ship moment.

I've seen some claims that the pair of ducks drawn on the wall in Aerith's old room are supposed to be Cloud and Aerith, so yeah, Twitter is interesting.

Yes!! @Eerie mentioned her here bf and I went to check and holy sh*t she's sharp!! She was spot on in many moments, which makes me think Remake is really being able to convey the story in a much better way ( not just the LTD but the overall plot as well). Things seems not to be as confused as bf (which is great!)

Yeah, I've seen a lot of people say that newcomers to the series won't be able to understand but she definitely came out of the game guns blazing with knowledge. But then again I don't know how many players will be able to connect the dots like she does.
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Pro Adventurer
I've seen some claim that the pair of ducks drawn on the wall in Aerith's old room are supposed to be Cloud and Aerith, so yeah, Twitter is interesting.

Yeah, I've seen a lot of people say that newcomers to the series won't be able to understand but she definitely came out of the game guns blazing with knowledge. But then again I don't know how many players will be able to connect the dots like she does.

Please tell me you are joking!
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Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I've seen a lot of people say that newcomers to the series won't be able to understand but she definitely came out of the game guns blazing with knowledge. But then again I don't know how many players will be able to connect the dots like she does.

I don't expect this type of sharpness even for older players like myself, so she's really ahead there with her thoughts :lol: It's definitely nice seeing a newcomer getting the story so fast.

I've seen some claim that the pair of ducks drawn on the wall in Aerith's old room are supposed to be Cloud and Aerith, so yeah, Twitter is interesting.


Pro Adventurer
Not joking about the ducks thing. Apparently one of them has "spiky hair" so that means it's Cloud. If I were indulging that the ducks represented anything, I'd be more inclined to think they're Gast and Ilfana.

@Pandemonium Yeah newcomers definitely won't understand importance of the flashforwards/visions and the ending might be a bit confusing, but I think the story is pretty easy to follow overall.


Pro Adventurer
Not joking about the ducks thing. Apparently one of them has "spiky hair" so that means it's Cloud. If I were indulging that the ducks represented anything, I'd be more inclined to think they're Gast and Ilfana.

@Pandemonium Yeah newcomers definitely won't understand importance of the flashforwards/visions and the ending might be a bit confusing, but I think the story is pretty easy to follow overall.
Yeah I think it's pretty straight forward too


Pro Adventurer
I just realized that Tifa is in every Chapter since CH3. Even she is mentioned in the first two chapters. Gosh who is this Tifa character?


I think what annoys most people is the somehow enduring train of thought that Tifa is the "second woman" or that Cloud only chooses her because she has a heartbeat — as if she's some sort of leftover woman whom Cloud actually wishes were Aerith. It's a blatant misreading of the plot and themes, but many people still believe it even if it's complete character assassination for everyone involved.
Edit to add: That's why I'm glad the Remake is already taking pains to get rid of those assumptions. That interpretation was always the most frustrating part of the LTD to me.

Basing off the Remake’s writing, the devs are definitely squashing these false assumptions. I believe that’s partly the reason we get several Tifa flashbacks (some weren’t even in the OG) including those in Chapter 1 and 8.

ETA: I don’t recall Cloud checking in on anyone specifically during the highway chase. I might have to watch it again. Wasn’t he just like “let’s go” when they stopped to see the whispers swirling the building. He did look in the general direction of the truck tho when he thought it crashed.

IDK, maybe I just don’t see it because I’m not looking hard enough. I have my side on this LTD but I don’t think all their moments are shippy either.
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Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hi everyone!
I see you guys are on the topic of how newcomers perceive the story and the relationships, so I thought I might butt in and give my perspective!
I'm really new to the fandom and knew almost nothing about FF7's story, I already played other FF games but never got into VII until I played Remake.

To give context on my takes, I already been spoiled about some things from looking at Twitter/Forums: Aerith dies, Cloud's mind is messed up and Tifa somehow fixes it, Zack, the guy with black hair at the ending, was Aerith's boyfriend and Cloud's friend, who also dies (or not?), Sephiroth is an alien(?), etc.

While I knew there was a love triangle in the game, I never really thought the discussion would be so heated. I made the mistake of trying to discuss it on Twitter and I was bombarded with people insulting me and telling me I was wrong. One of them even had "Anti-Tifa" in their Twitter bio and their feed was filled with rantings against her character, which made me really sad 'cause she was one of my favorites (I just love punchy women with big hearts, lol).

Anyways, from my humble (and probably wrong) opinion I feel like both pairings are really valid and have really sweet moments together, but I felt like Aerith's character was more of a spiritual companion(?) rather than a love interest. She seemed really hanged up on her ex (Zack) that died and the scene in the playground was really sad, w/ her trying to relate to Cloud through her experiences with her ex. It seems like her role in the story is to be the light to Sephiroth's dark and to guide the group through the right path, rather than just being Cloud's girlfriend lol.
Also, I got the Aerith dream scene on my first playthrough and the whole "don't fall in love with me" felt really weird and forced, seeing as they only knew each other for like 2 days and Cloud never gave signals of loving her, so far. I guess it's there as a meta commentary on how she dies later on, but for new players like me it was a weird scene.

Cloud and Tifa, on contrast, feel like they are skirting around each other, trying to get close but kinda failing to do so. I assume it's cause of their complicated past, but I took it as they had a crush on each other as kids but the separation/Cloud being experimented on(?) made them a bit distant. I felt a lot of romantic tension between them and I'm really interested to see more of their past together when I play the OG soon.

TLDR: Cloud/Aerith feels like they are companions in defeating Sephiroth, with a lot of romantic undertones in their relationship. Also, Zack is there as a variant.
Cloud/Tifa seem to share a very complicated past that will probably get resolved as they get closer. To me, this relationship seems more interesting in that we may get a lot more development from them. If I am right in my reading, I also feel like they will be the endgame couple. Also, they have a lot of skinship which in Japanese media it's a big thing.

Sorry for the long rant, I have a lot of thoughts and the Twitter debates were intense, lol.
Also, I see a lot of hate for Tifa on Twitter which, like I said, left me feeling sad 'cause I loved her, personally. Is the hate mostly because of shipping reasons or do people genuinely dislike her character?

Thank you for letting me post! I hope I brought a kinda new perspective into the debate, or a least an interesting one.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
people still identify themselves with "anti-" character monikers? I thought that was something that died with the 2000s. I wonder if these are 30-40 year olds or teenagers? :huh:

.... There's an entire subculture called "antis" that are completely against shipping and/or any sort of "problematic" or "unhealthy" type of ship whatsoever.

And they are not just adults. They are young teens and young adults. "Antis" have actually grown :monster:


.... There's an entire subculture called "antis" that are completely against shipping and/or any sort of "problematic" or "unhealthy" type of ship whatsoever.

And they are not just adults. They are young teens and young adults. "Antis" have actually grown :monster:

I'm more surprised by hearing something like "anti-Tifa," which sounds so dated somehow. Like something off a geocities fanpage or something. I know about people who claim certain pairings are like... rape apology or whatever, I just didn't really think of it as the same thing, or identified in that kinda way. But I suppose... it is? =P
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Pro Adventurer
I just came back from the cesspool called Twitter, I am not understanding why Tifa is getting all this hate. Could it be possible that SE is ironing out the ambiguity of the LTD and they are not liking what they are seeing?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Tifa's not getting a lot of hate.

She was literally just voted best girl out of the FFVII Remake. She got the #1 spot, Aerith got #2.

The false reality constructed by the negative corners of social media overinflate their own influence through their vitriol and loudness. But no, Tifa is not getting a lot of hate. She's as popular as ever.


Pro Adventurer
Tifa's not getting a lot of hate.

She was literally just voted best girl out of the FFVII Remake. She got the #1 spot, Aerith got #2.

The false reality constructed by the negative corners of social media overinflate their own influence through their vitriol and loudness. But no, Tifa is not getting a lot of hate. She's as popular as ever.

This actually really surprises me. I was certain that our lovely flower girl would have taken the top spot. Her or Scarlet.

Speaking of Scarlet, I can't wait to see the slap fight this time!


Pro Adventurer
This actually really surprises me. I was certain that our lovely flower girl would have taken the top spot. Her or Scarlet.

Speaking of Scarlet, I can't wait to see the slap fight this time!

If the slap fight is anything less than Scarlet slapping Tifa, and Tifa punching her into the ground this time I'm going to actually be really mad.

I'm also surprised Tifa was number 1! I know she is well liked, but I always thought Aerith was the top spot for FF7.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
Honestly, when I was playing FFXV it felt like they were trying to recreate that romantic appeal that was present in the OG reading of C/A in Noctis/Luna... but uh... Results may vary on that one :monster:

At least Cloud and Aerith have chemistry and you know, scenes together. It's almost like Noctis and Luna were supposed to be completely different characters or something. :desuawesomonster:

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Tifa getting hate is nothing new, but people seem to love her more than ever. Twitter in particular is crawling with individuals hating on her because she's a beloved character, if everybody ignored her they would do the same.
It's hilarious -in a Schadenfraude way- to see them getting all worked up for a videogame character. It's not like Tifa had advised anyone to drink bleach or something :lol:
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Pro Adventurer
If the slap fight is anything less than Scarlet slapping Tifa, and Tifa punching her into the ground this time I'm going to actually be really mad.

I'm also surprised Tifa was number 1! I know she is well liked, but I always thought Aerith was the top spot for FF7.
Maybe even a wardrobe malfunction of Scarlet"s dress lol
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