SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
I think he IS helping them. I just also think he's going to get hijacked and we're going to need to fight a chadleymonster in pt3
I think this is kinda alluded to in the Nibelheim world intel when Hojo realizes Chadley is off doing his own thing. He hacked into his mind or something lmao


Pro Adventurer
The oddest thing I've seen about this debate is people talking about these characters as if they're real. For example, "Aerith/Tifa is allowed to move on", "they shouldn't be forced to waste half of their lives waiting for a guy", etc. And totally incidentally, it's usually done for ship-invalidating purposes. Besides, neither of them was hardly wasting away waiting for a guy? They were both living life the best they could even if they weren't hopping from one relationship to the next since that's hardly relevant to their characters or storylines?
For some reason they think written characters have a mind of their own that let's them do whatever they want, instead of you know, following on what the writer wants them to do. When a character is written to not move on then they won't move on.

Trying to compare fiction to real life in this way is just pointless.


Pro Adventurer
It just shows that people are only capable of thinking about Tifa and Aerith in terms of their romantic relationship with Cloud sometimes.

When i read that i automatically assumed it was just for general screentime and importance and the game did show us basically that, but so many people automatically assumed it was about the love triangle somehow, as if the characters aren't anything more than that.

This whole love triangle crap just isn't healthy for this game and muddies everything else the game tries to present to us.
Definitely. I think too many people view the characters through shipping goggles and therefore, it creates a bit of tunnel vision in regards to what’s happening around the characters and the rest of the story.


Pro Adventurer
Right? Aerith did some really cool things for the overall narrative of the story. Ch 13 alone was crazy. Yet, some don't even seem to care. "But, but, my ship!"
Probably one of my favourite chapter alongside chapter 4 and 9.


Pro Adventurer
I loved Chapter 13, and it's one of my most favourite chapters in the game.
It's a beautiful chapter. Tbh the last 2 chapters are insanely gorgeous even though I'm not a huge fan of the ending. I replayed it on the weekend after finishing my hard mode chapter run & then I replayed it yesterday as well just because I was bored and work was slow. But playing it back to back gave me such a larger appreciation for the way the game closes out tbh.


Pro Adventurer
Probably one of my favourite chapter alongside chapter 4 and 9.
I loved Chapter 13, and it's one of my most favourite chapters in the game.
I agree! Ch 13 was my favorite for multiple reasons. The music, stuff with Aerith (her speech in the sanctuary and her gaining control of the Lifestream? Fantastic), the whole architecture of the ToA, stuff with the Cetra, Gi and Jenova.


Pro Adventurer
It's a beautiful chapter. Tbh the last 2 chapters are insanely gorgeous even though I'm not a huge fan of the ending. I replayed it on the weekend after finishing my hard mode chapter run & then I replayed it yesterday as well just because I was bored and work was slow. But playing it back to back gave me such a larger appreciation for the way the game closes out tbh.
I can't wait to actually explore the Forgotten Capital. I'm hopeful there will be different murals and such to see on their architecture.


Pro Adventurer
It's gonna be GOOOORGEOUSSS. Very excited for that myself!
Yeah. Wutai and it's surrounding area is another one I'm looking forward to! Obviously it's now become a tourist spot. I'd be nice to see a few tiny surviving villages on the outskirts though. The island is too huge to not do something like that, imo
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Pro Adventurer
I can't wait to actually explore the Forgotten Capital. I'm hopeful there will be different murals and such to see on their architecture.
I’m a sucker for lore and murals with meaning, so ToA was a huge glow up for me in particular. I’m also hoping the Forgotten Capital builds on it when we get to go back. I have a feeling that’s going to be the segment that sets up the real stakes going into the end of the trilogy.


Pro Adventurer
.. I really don't understand where this concept of cloud having a "crush" on aerith is coming from.
Personally, I didn't see it either. I saw their dynamic more as anime siblings: Aerith's the flirty big sister who likes teasing him and Cloud is the crouchy, long-suffering little brother, lol. But to be fair, Cloud's little bro energy was strong in Remake (imo). But from a debate standpoint, it bothers me a bit that people just state "Cloud has a crush on Aerith" instead of proving it, lol.

Tifa is canonically called beautiful in FF7 world (not just by Cloud), but Zack doesn't compliment her lol. It seems that both Zack and Cloud have Very Different personal preference/type in terms of looks and personality.
I also liked how they did Tifa's reactions to Zack's hyperenergy in the Nibelheim flashback. And I really like that both canon couples have different preferences, it's cute lol.

It's actually weird that she still said that after getting Friendzoned tho.
This is another thing that bothers me a bit. They friendzoned each other, lol. Cloud's "because we're friends/nakama" and Aerith's "That's right. I'm happy to hear your feelings" before she goes on to say there's liking and liking.

This was before the whole Zack thing too, so I hope nobody says it's about bro code (I don't think that ever even entered his mind). If anything, remembering Zack made him kinder to aerith if you ask me.
I liked that detail in Remake when we see him lower his guard after Aerith starts talking about Zack in the playground.

For some reason they think written characters have a mind of their own that let's them do whatever they want, instead of you know, following on what the writer wants them to do. When a character is written to not move on then they won't move on.

Trying to compare fiction to real life in this way is just pointless.
Exactly. It's honestly tiresome and people seem to do it only to derail the discussion about the actual text.


Pro Adventurer
Guess what manga/anime is this:

Woman: "My dream is... to protect this planet so everyone can happily live in peace.... with you, Mamo-chan."
Man: "My dream is also, to continue protecting this planet, both of us together."
Woman: "It makes me happy, that we share the same dream."

So, lemme dream if I could get similar scene for Zerith in Part 3.


Rookie Adventurer
But from a debate standpoint, it bothers me a bit that people just state "Cloud has a crush on Aerith" instead of proving it, lol.
Same.. when I do try it, they tend to contradict themselves and don't realize the other implications of this to how you interpret these character's actions and thought process from OG to ACC. Which is so bothersome to me and kinda makes me not want to support ct.. Because wth?? I Don't like "this" version of mc lol.

As I've said, if it were they would emphasize it the way they wrote aerith being into him. But like.. we were given the complete opposite of that, they added stuff that showed the complete opposite of a crush aka Complete Disinterest. We don't have that with Tifa, why? Because devs wanted to emphasize that she is the one he has a crush on. Not yet even love, because he doesn't remember this yet, it's only subconscious. Like you can Never be mean to her unlike with the others. Her LA gsd is the Only one that's super positive and still in line with HA ver.

Same sentiment goes for those who say "didn't explore, develop, know what feelings because died/not enough time", we literally have a famous film called Titanic where two people fell in love in a span of 3 days!? And which she lived her entire life just for him. I've seen them use this as an argument before for a different purpose than mine but it Doesn't apply lol. What I mean is whether it's a hundred years, she never died, and theres no Zack or Tifa, Nojima and devs will still continue to NOT endorse Cloud's pov and feelings as anything more than Friends and Nakama. Why? Because they Wrote it that way (unlike Titanic) and even went ahead to Double Down on this Incompatibility in All levels (characterization, personality, interest, circumstances, goals, etc) since Remake, Rebirth and etc. Also, what's the point of "if they did not exist" there are literally so many other characters in FF7. You can even say the same sentiment of "didn't explore, develop, know because died/not enough time" for Jessie, Cissnei (for Zack), Yuffie (for zack) and who knows.. Zack (for cloud maybe he Bi lol). So many people died in FF7, why limit this sentiment to only one person lol? But Ultimately , it's a Huge Waste of Time because the answer is VERY SIMPLE. Jessie, aerith , and Zack will Never be more than a Friend to Cloud. Just as much Cissnei and Yuffie will never be more than a friend to Zack, how Johnny, Rude, etc will never be more than a friend to Tifa. In any case, if Tifa didn't exist, he'd most likely end up with someone similar to Tifa's looks and personality, Nojima even Endorsed Cloud and Tifa as ☯️ in AC showing that they Balance and Harmonize eachother (as I've said before, personal preference and type.. it's just fascinating because Cloud and Zack's type are 100% Polar Opposites just as Tifa and aerith are popularly known to be Complete Opposite of eachother's looks and personality).

This is another thing that bothers me a bit. They friendzoned each other, lol. Cloud's "because we're friends/nakama" and Aerith's "That's right. I'm happy to hear your feelings" before she goes on to say there's liking and liking.
Hm, personally Cloud's the Only one who Friendzoned her here. I think she's still confused about what she feels. It's there, but the dots aren't connecting in her head yet. Possibly she'll only realize the Truth after seeing Zack again.

I liked that detail in Remake when we see him lower his guard after Aerith starts talking about Zack in the playground.
Lol. I heard her sentiment that she wants to hang out actually made him happy, but as soon as she started making moves, that's when he shown visible Discomfort. But as soon as he realizes that it's not like that and she's talking about another guy, he felt more comfortable. It was a Platonic event lol. I think this is why he found her sudden change of approach to him in Rebirth and that resolution scene as Weird. Back then at the playground, to him he believed she was a Friend because of what she said prior. Just as how after Wedge told him that jessie's just playing around, that's when Cloud had a visible shift and soon started to appreciate the invitation for pizza and looked forward to it. They're not flirting with him, they're just a possible Friend! Of course this is in his pov lol. Wtvr jessie or aerith actually was up to.

Ngl I think this guy is just so wholesome but his kindness is being misread so badly.
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Well it really bothers me Cloud and Aerith get called related because ... they're not, and I don't think the devs have that intention in the slightest unless they are being deliberate with incest vibes with romantic framing.
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Pro Adventurer
Well it really bothers me Cloud and Aerith get called related because ... they're not, and I don't think the devs have that intention in the slightest unless they are being deliberate with incest vibes with romantic framing.
I can see why it bothers you. I don't really subscribe to it either but it's really SE's own fault for having Cloud refer to Aerith as "Mother" in Advent Children. And tbh I have no idea why he does it since he's been communicating with her/talking to her the entire movie, so he definitely knows what her spiritual presence feels like. So, I guess, in a way it is a deliberate choice by the devs but not one that I like, personally.


Pro Adventurer
I think the most telling thing about Cloud's feelings for Aerith is the fact that, even when invited to, he very purposefully chooses not to sit next to her.

I mean, if I remember correctly, he looks at her smiling at him, sighs, and then sits across from her. yikes.

That's what really killed Clerith for me.

I can see why it bothers you. I don't really subscribe to it either but it's really SE's own fault for having Cloud refer to Aerith as "Mother" in Advent Children. And tbh I have no idea why he does it since he's been communicating with her/talking to her the entire movie, so he definitely knows what her spiritual presence feels like. So, I guess, in a way it is a deliberate choice by the devs. Not one that I like, personally.
I always thought it was sort of alluding to Aerith being a "mother" caring for the planet, I'm pretty sure there's an ultimania passage or something like that which states that she is.


Pro Adventurer
I always thought it was sort of alluding to Aerith being a "mother" caring for the planet, I'm pretty sure there's an ultimania passage or something like that which states that she is.
Oh I'm sure they have some justification for it, but it's still a strange choice for Cloud do it specifically. The point comes across just fine when its Kadaj doing it.


Pro Adventurer
Oh I'm sure they have some justification for it, but it's still a strange choice for Cloud do it specifically. The point comes across just fine when its Kadaj doing it.
I'm pretty sure Zack also does it in Crisis Core. A bit weird.


Pro Adventurer
Up until the GS Aerith date, was Aerith aware that Tifa likes Cloud? I recall A and T wanting to talk about "first loves" in Junon. However, I do not know if that conversation ended up happening. I assume so based on T's concern for A after A went to Zack's parent's house. Also, throughout rebirth, it seems A is aware that something could be going on between C and T because she seems to tease it (water tower scene in Nibelheim) and A tells C to not take advantage of T's friendship (at kalm).

With this context, during the Aerith GS date, when A holds onto C's arms and says "she wants to be with C," is that A having a selfish moment to herself? Also, if she is close friends with T and is aware of the CT relationship, why would she pursue C? Do that make A a bad friend or being selfish in the moment? Although A says that C is not Z and she is ok with it, it felt like A was still lingering on Z and was smitten by that, esp when she talks about Z while holding her hand to her chest.

BTW - I have nothing against A, just trying to figure out why she acts that way given her character and the relationship she has with T.
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