Member Spotlight #2: Ask Keveh Kins anything


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
This is a new thing we're doing where we give a specific member a thread for a week in which they can share whatever information they want about themselves, then answer whatever questions the public asks them. It's sort of an expansion on the "Let's get to know each other" thread by, well, giving one member the spotlight. More information on the concept can be found here.

This week's participant is [member=9328]Keveh Kins[/member], who has elected to share the following information:
Family: Separated parents. Wacky mother, alcoholic father. One younger brother, one older sister.

Sexuality: Hetero

Employment: None at present.

Metaphysical views: Agnostic through apathy. Believe in a primordial source for existence beyond human comprehension. Don't believe that source watches people masturbate and judges them for it.

Political alignment: Pretty much neutral when it comes to political parties. Secretly a big lefty hippy.

Goals in life: Retire to Connemara in my elder years. Learn how to ride a motorcycle. I want to visit each and every tiny village, town and city in Ireland. It's a total fantasy pipe-dream but I'd love to write for a living.

- Diagnosed with clinical depression around 5 years ago and went through CBT and still take medication
- Love going for very long walks by myself
- In a relationship
- Like to sing, despite having the voice that sounds like a goose farting in the fog

Ask away folks :monster:

Feel free to ask whatever you'd like. This thread will be up for approximately a week before we move onto our next participant. :monster:


1) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

2) Craziest thing you've done?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What would your last meal be if you were going to be executed?

Tell us the contents of you fridge?

Do you want children?

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Will you sing for me? Or at least provide a suitable substitute (e.g. audio of a goose farting in the fog)?

One day I will write a song specifically about you Tres, and sing it...and then you'll probably stop talking to me :monster:

Telcontar said:
1) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I'd imagine a woodchuck would chuck a piece of wood once. Then, having been thoroughly satisfied as to its ability to successfully chuck wood, would move on to new and more exciting things with a hearty chuckle.

Telcontar said:
2) Craziest thing you've done?

This is hard to answer because I'm not a particularly exciting person. I was a bit of tit when I was younger and used to go into fields with cows and bulls and get them to chase me. This ended after, when fleeing from a bull, I tripped and landed face first in shit. I was humbled...and smelly. I've also built homemade rafts comprised of wood pallets and oil drums and sailed..and fell into, the local river.

It's very dull, but the thing I've done that was, at the time at least, the craziest thing ever to me was signing up to do the school musical in Secondary school. I was very shy and withdrawn and spent weeks after agreeing to do it arguing with myself about how much of a bad idea it was. Did it anyway and ended up really enjoying it.

I live on the ragged edge!

Ghost X said:
What would/do you write about?

I write fanfiction at a horrendously slow pace at the moment. Mostly FF7 Turk stuff. I've had an idea for years about a coming-of-age type original novel and have written chapters of it here and there but never really knuckled down and got seriously working on it. I think I'd do well writing comedy articles and plays. I used to write game reviews for the college paper from time to time too.

Realistically I lack the talent and admittedly, though I have gotten better about this in general, the commitment necessary to ever actually stick to writing a novel. It's always been more of an ideal fantasy, like how every kid want's to play for their favourite sports team when they're older.

Cab said:
What's your top three iconic childhood films and why?

In no particular order:

Toy Story. This film blew 6 year old me away and sent my imagination into orbit. I was always the imaginative, leave-me-alone-i'm-in-a-world-with-my-toys-dammit! type kid anyway, but Toy Story just had a massive lasting effect on me and I'd spend days as a child unfolding my own story with my toys, and then wishing it could be real. Which I still do. I never really grew out of wishing fantasies and fictions could be real. The idea of becoming a Power Ranger or living in the FF7 world is still awesome to me and I still wish, from time to time, that I could just fall asleep and wake up in all those fictional universes. But yeah, Toy Story kick started my creative imagination as a child.

The Lion King. It's visually stunning, the music is fantastic and for me it strikes the perfect balance between being a fun children's movie and still telling a story with significant themes and emotional depth. It also acted as my introduction to death, as I was too young to get that Bambi's mum died, especially since it was offscreen, but Mufasa was very definitely dead and so I spent much of my time afterwards plaguing my mother, sister, uncle and aunt with questions about dying.

The Animals of Farthing Wood TV Series. I know it's not a movie but I'd feel wrong not including it. I never missed an episode of this growing up and thought it was absolutely amazing, still do. I remember an episode where they all take shelter in a barn and one of the animals, a pheasant I think, dies, and her husband is absolutely heartbroken and so was I, for him and his now cooked wife. Wow that show was heavy-handed in retrospect. Still though, Fox was a character who's wisdom and internal plights stuck with me

Honourable mention goes to the Wallace and Gromit films, The Wrong Trousers and A Grand Day Out in particular


Ho do you take your tea? (Or coffee if you must)

How did you meet then get together with your girlfriend?

do you wear branded clothes? if so what and why?

Top 3 or 5 stupid things you have done (though not necessarily regretted :D )


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
How do you like your eggs in the morning?
If you were ever to make a music video using clips from FFVII, what song would you choose and what would the overall theme be?

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Octo said:
What would your last meal be if you were going to be executed?

A well done steak, chips and a box of KFC popcorn chicken. With coke.

Octo said:
Tell us the contents of you fridge?

The stuff that I own? Eggs, butter, low fat milk, potato croquets and two cans of coke. I can't afford much else :monster:

Octo said:
Do you want children?

I hum and hah about this one. Sometimes I think having a kid later on down the line would be nice, other times the notion fills me with dread. I often worry that if I had one, I wouldn't be a good father to it and would fuck up royally. The nuances of striking a balance between being a disciplinarian and being a nurturing, caring parent are completely lost on me and terrify me. I think I'd like to have kids, but I'm not sure I'd like them to be stuck with me, if that makes any sense? I'm not sure enough in myself, basically, but sure who is?

what's your favorite candy bar , your answer is crucial

I don't like chocolate so I don't really have one. *shields self from potential fury* I like those Maoam chewy bar things, if those count?


They don't?


Please don't hate me. =|

Cab said:
Ho do you take your tea? (Or coffee if you must)

Ho' lemme tell you sumfin' I take my tea sassy gurrrrlll *snaps fingers*

I don't really know why I did that. O.o I am very particular about my tea. Once I start to make my own cup of tea, nobody else is allowed to touch it or interfere with the process. I once poured the tea into a cup and left it to brew and strengthen whilst I made myself a sandwhich, and my mother, helpful spirit that she is, put milk in it for me. And that was it, that tea had to go and I started afresh. This ridiculously anal character trait does not apply if someone else makes the tea :wacky: I like my tea very strong, and the tiniest drop of milk to turn it from black to very dark brown. I take my coffee the same but with two sugars thrown in.

Cab said:
How did you meet then get together with your girlfriend?

I met her in our first tutorial for a module called Stagecrafts in our first year of college. I, like an eejit, was late because I'd spent ten minutes in the classroom next door, alone, wondering where everybody was. Lumbered in to the right classroom eventually and plopped myself down next to her. She really wanted to make an effort to make a new friend or two, and eventually we were put into groups and I talked a bit and she pinned my accent as being from Donegal. This got us talking and sappy as it sounds we spent the next three hours after the class just meandering around and chatting.

My birthday was coming up about a month later, and I normally don't really celebrate it, but figured it'd be a good pretense on which to head out for food with her. I was shitting myself the whole time but eventually blurted out that I really liked her and wondered if she'd like to go out with me. She muttered something that sounded like 'awkward' and apparently my face dropped to the floor, and she then reiterated that she'd actually said "awesome". I skipped home that evening...and tripped while doing it, right outside a pub full of cheery drunks whose laughter followed me down the streets.

Cab said:
Do you wear branded clothes? if so what and why?

By branded I assume you mean Hollister and Calvin Klein and Nike and all that? I'm not well versed in fashion lingo. But generally, no. Any brand things I have were gifts and most of 'em are probably pretty raggedy. I give nary a shit about the way I look or what I wear, so long as it's comfortable, and so I pretty much wear whatever's cheapest to buy. I dislike that Abercrombie crowd, and Hollister, shower o' twats.

Cab said:
Top 3 or 5 stupid things you have done (though not necessarily regretted)

Again in no particular order

1. Walked up to the door of a pub, it had a sign on it and I paused, read it aloud to my friend Kizzy "Mind the step", said "Oh, right" and then, of course, tripped on the step and fell headlong into the bar. Wasn't even feckin' drunk at the time ¬_¬

2. Bought a new phone, dropped it in a bucket of paint three hours later. It still works and has a faint wiff of varnish underneath the battery.

3. This big guy had been fouling players the whole way through one of our football matches, and he fouled one of our guys again and the ref called him on it. He stormed away and when he was passing me said "What are you looking at, freak?" And I don't really know why but my head just went and I squared up to him and told him not to ever call me a freak again. This all sounds might heroic except I'm a twig and he was a trunk and the rational side of my brain was screaming "ABORT MISSION! ABORT! IMMINENT DESTRUCTION!" The ref got between us and all was well, until ten minutes later he body checked me and I pretty much flew into orbit. It was daft to pick a fight with him, and I always feel guilty when I lose my temper, but I don't regret telling him to feck off.

4. I once bit into a big round ball of what turned out to be soap, thinking it was a Jawbreaker sweet...despite the fact it was on the sink in the bathroom.

Can't think of a fifth right now, but it'll come back to me :monster

Octo said:
How do you like your eggs in the morning?
Omelette, made with 3-4 eggs, sometimes I remove two of the yolks and just have it made with egg whites
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
You need your own series. This is not a question.

Have you ever considered doing stand-up?


Is there a member of this forum that you feel you have totally the wrong idea about but don't want to face the truth? (eg you think some one is damn cool but suspect this is not so in real life, but don't want to wreck the illusion).

Why did you choose that bloke in your avatar?

How do you feel about your depression diagnosis now? Do you feel you're coping with it, thriving despite it or struggling with it?
What are your depression coping strategies?

Have you ever abused condoms for purposes of mirth making?

If your girlfriend made you a mix tape, what would be on it and why?

Have you met any famous folk?

Will you continue to play football?

Do you fear soya products or do you find tofu terrific?

(Yeah I'm just plucking questions out the air here for lulz, you don't have to answer them!)

Alex Strife

Where would you like to be from if you weren't from Ireland? :P

Where do you see yourself in 20 years, gaming-wise? And generally speaking, too. :)

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
If you were ever to make a music video using clips from FFVII, what song would you choose and what would the overall theme be?

I would choose O Green World by the Gorillaz. The video would largely be set during Meteor's descent towards Midgar after Sephiroth's defeat and I envision the song being sang from Cloud's point of view, asking the Planet not to leave them to their fate, a final plea to Aerith, I suppose, which she then answers with the Lifestream emerging. The clips of meteor falling would be interspersed with clips of Cloud's own emotional struggle, his plunge into the lifestream and his realising each individual's connection to the Planet, being "made of you and you of me". It would end in much the same way as the game, with a brilliant flash of light and a final shot of Aerith's smile.

Arya Stark said:
What are clowns hiding?

I don't know but I damn sure as hell intend to find out *loads shotgun* Clowns disturbed me greatly as a kid because I couldn't tell if they were happy or sad and I didn't know how to feel about them

Octo said:
Have you ever considered doing stand-up?

Yes, debated about giving it a whirl once. Chickened out because I'm not half as funny or well spoken in spoken conversation as I am when I'm typing and have time to actually breath and think about what I want to say. Sometimes I try too hard to be funny for people, and I think they'd appreciate it if I stopped trying to be, and I think I'd end up doing that if I did stand-up.

I still consider finding an open mic night at a bar or something and just saying feck it and going up to tell one of the many ridiculous stories that comprise my life thus far.

Donovan Baine said:
What do you most can't the least?

Mostly can't stop addicted to the least

Cab said:
Is there a member of this forum that you feel you have totally the wrong idea about but don't want to face the truth? (eg you think some one is damn cool but suspect this is not so in real life, but don't want to wreck the illusion).

I'm sure there are people on here who I have the wrong idea about, but nobody who I have an idea so powerful about I don't want to risk it changing. I like when people prove me wrong, stops me from becoming a big-headed high and mighty twat, which I worry about becoming. I think I'd get along pretty okay with Nyarlathotep if I knew him in life outside of the forums, despite the fact that I often read his posts and mutter "Feckin' eejit" to myself. Not trying to be aggravating or confrontational with that statement Nyarl, just being honest. But yeah, you seem easygoing enough that I'd get on fairly okay with you.

My initial image of Sprites was as a Quistis Trepe lookalike, purely because Quistis was her avatar when I joined and still have to remind myself that she isn't Quistis' doppelganger. I also imagine Liccy as an animated bag of sweets, based on her avatar :monster:

Cab said:
Why did you choose that bloke in your avatar?

That's Gabriel Belmont, protagonist of the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow trilogy, voiced by the sexy Robert Carlyle. I picked it because of my love for the series, my love of the character's story, and the fact that it has a lot nighttime blue shades in it, which I love.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Cab said:
How do you feel about your depression diagnosis now? Do you feel you're coping with it, thriving despite it or struggling with it?
What are your depression coping strategies?

Nobody was surprised when I was diagnosed, as my behaviour patterns very strongly indicated it. I was very withdrawn, aloof, and would disappear from school and other commitments for weeks at a time, mostly spent just slumped on the sofa, and wouldn't talk about where I'd been or why I'd been gone. Or talk at all really. I was like that for years, and I think my mother knew, my father was very adamant that I not seek professional help for it, which in retrospect I've realised was down to him being afraid it'd be linked back to his drinking.

For my part, I felt very ashamed of why I felt so shit, felt I had no right to feel the way I did and berated myself a lot for it. Being diagnosed relieved that a bit, made it feel more legitimate but I still absolutely loathed myself for feeling the way I did at the time.

Nowadays, I'm not really as ashamed of it. I don't go around making a song and dance of it and don't really bring it up unless someone asks about it, mostly. In truth I still struggle with it on a day to day basis. Sometimes I can be fine for weeks at a time and then just wake up one morning totally devoid of any motivation, happiness, or desire at all really. It's been getting harder and harder recently to fight with it for a whole litany of reasons. I think I'm like most people, I do my best not to let it own me, I don't always succeed and when I do fail it takes a lot of willpower to pull myself out of that hole, but when I do succeed I feel fuckin' class afterwards and like I could kick the shit out of Goliath

Cab said:
Have you ever abused condoms for purposes of mirth making

I used a free one handed out at college to make a water balloon, more out of fascination as to how much it could hold than anything else. Condoms are feckin' expensive though, and my girlfriend would smack me for wasting them, so generally I don't use them for anything other than their intended purpose...and occasionally putting one on my nose so I feel like Squidward.

Cab said:
If your girlfriend made you a mix tape, what would be on it and why?

Oh Me and Where Did You Sleep Last Night? from Nirvana's Unplugged in New York album, as they are two of my favourite performances.

Stayin' Alive by The Bee Gees because I always sing it when I'm trying to do my cool walk

Rock n Roll Nerd by Tim Minchin, as in her mind the song describes me. Followed by White n Nerdy by Weird Al Yankovic, for the same reason.

Your Arms Feel Like Home by 3 Doors Down because we're both saps.

The South Park Theme Song (Bluegrass rendition) because it was the first mutual interest we talked about and continue to talk about to this day.

And out of sheer devilment she'd put some feckin' Irish folk song on it because, and I quote, "Ah sure, them's the anthems of yer people" ¬_¬

Cab said:
Have you ever met any famous folk?

I've met Shay Given (Irish Goalkeeper), Ken Doherty and Jimmy White (Snooker players), The Phelp Twins from Harry Potter, Andrew Maxwell (Irish Comedian), Ardal O'Hanlon (Irish Comedian), Mundy, Bo Burnham. Of all of them, I liked Shay Given the most, as I've met him a few times and he's a very down to earth, level headed lad. He went to the same Secondary School I did and my mother taught him so she keeps in irregular contact with him. He always has good time for the school too and visits it and does openings and charity events to raise money for the school whenever his schedule allows and he's always friendly and is just a generally likeable dude.

Cab said:
Will you continue to play football?

No idea. I'd like to sign up to a five-a-side league or something of that sort, but don't want to end up in a team that takes it very seriously and is all huffy about losing or playing badly. I was very fortunate with Neverloosin' to fall into a team full of sound folks who wanted more or less the same out of it as me, a bitta craic and exercise and a few pints throughout the year.

Cab said:
Do you fear soya products or do you find tofu terrific?

I actually tried Soya milk again recently and it wasn't as bad as I remembered it being the last time I drank it. My brother's a veggie and he's big into his alternative foods and all that. He's also an opinionated, thran wee shite that nagged me into drinking it again.

Alex Strife said:
Where would you like to be from if you weren't from Ireland?

Probably Canada, or alternatively anywhere with lots of mountains and seaside. I wouldn't mind being Italian, I think. They're very like the Irish in their own way, fiery and with that underlying devilish "Hoho I might steal yer begonias" sort of lunacy about them. I've good time for Italy. Nowhere will ever compare to Connemara for me though, think no matter where I was born the big spiritual hippy in me would drag me back there.

Alex Strife said:
Where do you see yourself in 20 years, gaming-wise? And generally speaking, too.

I'll still be gaming in twenty years. When PS4's are considered uber retro and all the hip kids are walking about with their eye sockets infused with holographic tech that literally put them in the game Oculus Rift style without the cumbersome head gear. I'll probably have a total midlife crisis and spend hours upon hours replaying Revenge of Shinobi and screaming "I'm a boy again!"

As for the rest of my life, I genuinely have no idea. I've never really had a long term plan, or long term goals of any sort and I tend to just go with the flow. I don't want to be one of those people who does everything in their 20's and the spends the rest of their life watching Royle Family and Downton Abbey whilst making remarks about how lovely suchinawan is. I still want to be doing stuff well into my old age. It's never going to happen and I will become one of those soap watching people, but I can pretend I'm not for a while.

Also, in 20 years, I will probably look like this:

Pixel said:
Tayto or King?

Tayto for crisp sandwiches, King for everything else

Licoriceallsorts said:
Why are you so adorable?


You're very kind, Liccy :)


You should totally go for an open mic night, I used to do stand up a billion years ago in Edinburgh. A good stand up club will do a workshop before the open mic night so you can run through your material with the other comedians and get feedback. Go for it Kevah, you have nowt to lose :D

I think depression, along with any mental issue is a bitch, fair play to you for smacking it. But you shouldn't feel any kind of shame for it. I got a lot better when I stopped kicking against my issues and when I stopped hiding them, and just rolled with it instead, but it ain't easy and everyone is of course different. But fair play to you for being awesome :cuppa:

:lol: at your gf putting some folk on your mix tape!

Ok I asked you this before, but this is official: What job you going for? (I still think you'd be a fab professor.... though I have no reasons for this!)

It's a hot sunny afternoon - what alcoholic drink do you fancy?
It's a cold frosty winter's morning - what alcoholic drink do you go for?

Has the Northern Ireland "troubles" affected you at all/what's your opinion of all that shit? (You don't have to answer of course. No shit stirring intended.)

Do you play any musicy instruments? If so what and why? If not, what would you and why?

What was one of your childhood gaming woo-hoo moment?

Are you going to cut your hair.... ever? (I'm kinda hoping not tbh)

Would you do anything life threatening yet awesome? (EG Bungee jumping, climb Everest, piss off a goose) And would you need a reason? And what would that reason be?

Do you love smartphones and are surgically attached to yours, documenting and checking your whole life? Or are you rejecting our dependency on technology and yearning for the old Nokias to make a comeback like some kind of mobile apocalypse?

Ok I'm done.... for now. I feel I'd make a damn good secret service agent! :lol:

BTW I'm feelin ya about the brands thing, but I confess a weakness for DMs.
Cab, you would make a phenomenal interviewer. Or somebody who writes quizzes for Cosmo!

Here's a question for Kevin: when you look up at the starry skies on a quiet night, what thoughts go through your mind?

And another

Would you ever emigrate, and if so, to where?

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Cab said:
What job you going for?

At the moment, I'm applying for anything and everything, including being the creep night porter at a local hotel :monster: I'd like to work with a newspaper or site or something, writing satire of current events would be fun, I could work for Cracked and my witty column title could be "The Craic on Cracked". Nyuknyuknyuk, wordplay

Cab said:
It's a hot sunny afternoon - what alcoholic drink do you fancy?

Guinness will, always and forever, be my first love in alcohol. Mind you, when a Guinness is shite, it is properly feckin' shite ¬_¬ It can be a bit heavy for some occasions too, very filling. If I was at a barbecue or something I'd opt for Miller or Cider, as they're nice and light and tasteh and I can get to that sort of merry level of not quite sober with them, whereas Guinness always makes me sleepy.

No matter what I drink, I will invariably start singing Scissor Sisters songs as well as Bee Gees and ABBA tunes and dancing horribly to them.

Cab said:
It's a cold frosty winter's morning - what alcoholic drink do you go for?

Admittedly in this scenario Guinness probably wouldn't be my first choice. I'd probably go for a hot whiskey or else make a whiskey tea, both using Powers Whiskey. Despite our reputation for drinking it, most Irish made whiskeys are watery arsed and taste crap, Powers is the only really decent one.

I also enjoy me Baileys with ice. When I was a toddler I'd crawl around the house searching for the Baileys I knew my mother had somewhere. She walked into the kitchen once when I was about 3 and I was plopped on the floor, back against the cupboard with the Bailey's bottle between my legs and the most content smile she's ever seen on my face, according to her. Slept like a log, that night.

Cab said:
Has the Northern Ireland "troubles" affected you at all/what's your opinion of all that shit? (You don't have to answer of course. No shit stirring intended.

I'm from a town very close to the Northern Ireland border and though I was quite young at the time have very distinct memories of my experiences with the effects of the Troubles.

A few of my extended family members were in the IRA and were big Tiocfaidh ar La heads and the there was a lot of anti-British sentiment about the community in general. There were fuckin' eejits on both sides, cunts who'd fly over the borders on back roads without checkpoints and throw petrol bombs into Protestant or Catholic family houses. Wasn't uncommon to wake up and see someone boarding up windows that'd been smashed in or finding the neighbour's living room torched. It was also pretty common to be in a shop on either side of the border and be evacuated due to a bomb scare. Bomb scares were so frequent in Derry's Foyleside Centre that eventually people just started ignoring them and kept on going about their business, it was usually some wee fart would just wrap a coke bottle in newspaper and stick it under a car as a joke. Border checkpoints were also very scary, the soldiers manning the points rightfully felt very tense, as did the people crossing borders and more often than not I would just curl into a ball and hide my head going through the border points out of fear.

From a very young age I hated the troubles. I hated seeing soldiers walking around, I hated waking up one morning to hear that someone was a victim of a sectarian attack, hated hearing news of how the Irish on our side of the border were doing the exact same things to people in the North and what have you. When the Good Friday Agreement came in I remember everyone being wary and not quite optimistic about it, naturally enough, but relieved that there'd be no more guns and soldiers and whatnot. And I think it was a testament to how much the people on both sides of the conflict wanted all the bombings and killings and violence to stop that the peace has continued and relations between North and South are better and stronger than they ever were, in spite of arsehole dissidents trying to stir up shit again. Nobody wants to go back to that.

For my part, the Troubles have had a lasting effect on me in small ways. Any time I see boarded up windows I automatically think petrol bomb. Any time someone from the North asks what school I went to, I'm very reluctant to answer because during the height of the Troubles you absolutely did not tell anyone you didn't know that you were a Catholic or Protestant, even if you weren't practising the faith, which my family really weren't, the fact you went to a school with more students of one denomination was enough that, if they were sectarian, they'd kick the shit out of you, and that wariness has kind of stuck with me despite how much better things are now. The religious divide was hijacked on both sides as an excuse for conflict, in my opinion, and I've never borne any ill will towards Protestants, or England as a state or as a people for keeping Northern Ireland in the first place. I found out one of the greatest irony's of my family history when I got older, was that we were actually originally an English family who moved during the Plantations, and were protestant up until my Great Grandfather converted to marry my Great Grandmother. And then all the IRA family members were all "HERPADERCATHOLICISMFENIANFREEIRELANDSHOOTTHEPRODDIESYADADADA".

They were twats.

Basically, I hated the Troubles and hated the warmongers and sectarians on both sides, and I hate wankshafts who act like everyone wants that conflict back. I think it's one of the greatest achievements in the island's history that both sides came to peace and have fostered a strong relationship since.

Cab said:
Do you play any musicy instruments? If so what and why? If not, what would you and why?

I can play tin whistle, and dabble with the guitar like every hairy teenager ever did, still do. Tin whistle was a mandatory thing to learn in primary school. It's one of those instruments that I think can sound nice in particular songs and circumstances, but mostly sounds like a shitty steam train whistle, especially when 20 or so wheezy, asthmatic 10 year olds from Donegal are puffing into it. Guitar was something I got because I wanted to be like Kurt Cobain because Kurt Cobain could do no wrong in the mind of 13 year old me. I've kinda fallen away from guitar since moving to Dublin as I've never brought it down with me, though I've been getting the itch to play it again recently. I can also play the Bodhran, because my mother had one and I enjoyed giving it a good batterin', I've not particularly good at it but I do enjoy it.

I'd love to be able to play the piano. I think it's a gorgeous instrument capable of producing some of the most emotive music, and have great respect for anyone who plays it. Same goes for the harp. Wouldn't mind giving the aul banjo a go either.

Cab said:
What was one of your childhood gaming woo-hoo moment?

When my Sims woo-hooed :awesome:

Nah, the first time I beat Ecco the Dolphin was a massive woo-hoo moment for me. That entire game was just classic and was the first game I'd played with a story that had a definite emotional impact on me.

Cab said:
Are you going to cut your hair.... ever?

I have, and wrote a long-winded memorial blog to it here /shamelessplug

It feels strange not having it anymore, and I'm still peeved with myself over the whole selling out thing. But I will regrow it one day, I was born a long haired, scruffy hippy and I will feckin' die a long haired scruffy hippy.

Cab said:
Would you do anything life threatening yet awesome? (EG Bungee jumping, climb Everest, piss off a goose) And would you need a reason? And what would that reason be?

I have pissed off a goose before, when I was 10. Bit the bejayus out of me and chased me for a good ten minutes when I tried to run away. My mother and sister were there at the time and rather than come to my aid, they shat themselves laughing and took photographs.

I'd love to climb a mountain, one of the things I want to do is to climb each of the 12 Bens in Galway and camp for a night atop each one. I also have a bit of a fear of heights and can get very dizzy sometimes when high up, but my innate thranness makes me want to overcome that. Totally want to snowboard too.

Cab said:
Do you love smartphones and are surgically attached to yours, documenting and checking your whole life? Or are you rejecting our dependency on technology and yearning for the old Nokias to make a comeback like some kind of mobile apocalypse?

I loathe smartphones and touchscreens. I find them cumbersome, finicky and far to delicate for someone as clumsy as me. I still use an old Nokia brick phone with a keypad and the most advanced feature on it is a Snake remake. It's sturdy as bejaysus, works despite being dropped in paint, tea, falling out of my pocket when cycling numerous times and has generally bore the brunt of clumsiness quite well. I use it to text, occasionally call someone, and tell the time. It cost me a tenner and does everything a phone needs to do and it's battery lasts forever and a feckin' day before it needs to be charged again.

What, in 'unner a jaysus, is the appeal of smartphones when compared to that? The apps are shit, the battery drains faster than a toilet full of arse gravy and it costs a small feckin' loan to buy one ¬_¬ Smart my feckin' hole ¬_¬


Sweet Jesus I'm such an old coot :doh:
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