Name of founder of AVALANCHE

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Not really an epic topic so much as a passing observation. For those who played the original Japanese FF7, they will recall that when the party first sit around the campfire at Cosmo Canyon, Barret mentions that AVALANCHE existed before the group that he led did, and thus he was not the founding member.

Through the dialogue of Before Crisis, it is discovered that Fuhito was once a student of Bugenhagen and the Study of Planet Life from which the first peaceful-protesting wing of AVALANCHE. From the ultimanias and further information, it has been established that Bugenhagen was one of but not THE founding member of the group, and that the main founder was someone highly regarded in the Study of Planet Life.

The founding member, however, has to date never been given a name. Or have they?

For anyone who has read Hitoshura's translations of the FF7 early materials, did you notice the conversation between Zangan and Tifa? Zangan specifically mentions meeting an elder of the Study of Planet Life named Mon Mos on his travels. Could this have been the early name for AVALANCHE's founding member?

Just a thought...


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Probably, but alas he never made it into the final draft of the story :monster:


Rueful Figure
I really expected this bit to be covered in BC, and for a while actually thought it was Sears or Elfe. Lo and behold the founding figure is still a lurker from a period before even BC.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I remember back when Crisis Core was still in development and stuff, people theorized it was Angeal, and was the reason why he left SOLDIER. With the whole trailer footage of him saying to Zack, while standing next to him back to back, "Our enemies...are those who hurt the planet."


Harbinger O Great Justice
I remember back when Crisis Core was still in development and stuff, people theorized it was Angeal, and was the reason why he left SOLDIER. With the whole trailer footage of him saying to Zack, while standing next to him back to back, "Our enemies...are those who hurt the planet."

I also remember how that scene / location never made it into the final game. I think seeing some of the early Crisis Core drafts would be awesome.

X :neo:


Double Growth
Holy crap you're right! I totally forgot about that! I was just assuming Mako was referring to the part that was in the game when he says something like that in Midgar, but all those trailers had that scene in front of the window, haha, that's interesting.

That would be interesting to see why that scene was cut, whether it cut a whole aspect of the plot or just a setting.
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