it was good until the timeskip, then things started to deteriorate. and in case you arnt this far (dont know how far the anime is now) I'll spoiler
element types ala pokemon were a horrible idea, and just cemented narutos decline into shittyness. now everything all about how ridiculas a jutsu they can come up with. and the "awesome" jutsu is just bigger versions of others. OMG HUGE ASS BASEKETBALL COURT SIZED RASENGAN!! OMG U ROK JIRAIYA!!! XD PWNZERS1!!
oh right, and the leader of akatsukis plan is to rule the world. real fuckin original there pal
so in short, pre-timeskip = good, post-timeskip = ok at first then shit
I enjoy the anime, too. But even though I do like a lot of the English VA, Naruto's own voice is very grating on my ears. I watch the subtitled version whenever I can(like when I get something on netflix).
The manga is way better to me. I can enjoy Kishimoto's wonderful artwork, and the best thing is probably the way the action sequences feel more natural and fast paced than in the anime, where battles go on for multiple episodes.
But overall I read Naruto for the story and the many wonderful characters. I guess that's why things like this:
quote from Interslicery-
element types ala pokemon were a horrible idea, and just cemented narutos decline into shittyness. now everything all about how ridiculas a jutsu they can come up with. and the "awesome" jutsu is just bigger versions of others. OMG HUGE ASS BASEKETBALL COURT SIZED RASENGAN!! OMG U ROK JIRAIYA!!! XD PWNZERS1!!
don't bother me. It may not be the best idea ever came up with, but something like it could never ruin a series for me.
So I have read everything available now! Let's talk, everybody.
How the hell does a water jutsu extinguishing and being stronger than a fire jutsu not make any sense? Elemental affinity is basic and adds a semblance of balance and logic behind the fact people are spewing water and fire out of their mouths.
In regards to the current plot..
All I'll say is, is that Madara has a hard act to follow after the feats Pain has shown in the manga.
How the hell does a water jutsu extinguishing and being stronger than a fire jutsu not make any sense? Elemental affinity is basic and adds a semblance of balance and logic behind the fact people are spewing water and fire out of their mouths.
In regards to the current plot..
All I'll say is, is that Madara has a hard act to follow after the feats Pain has shown in the manga.
and lighting having an advantage over earth? how does that happen?
I hate it cause it removed the "skill" part of fights. remember fights like Neji VS Kidoumaru? or any fight with Shikamaru? introduce elemental advantages and whop! Kakashi put it best when he killed Kakuzu "you got paired up against the wrong guy" or something like that.
lighting beats rock, sry kakuza, skill has nothin to do with it budday
The manga is where the true potential of the series lies.
I think the ever constant teasers with sasuke are becoming boring and the general spin offs are just becoming depressing.
They should just concentrate on the ongoing battles and the actual plotline involving sasuke and orichimaru while akatsuki do their thing.
All in all pissed off with yet again teasers ruining the show.
Actually it makes sense that Lightning has an advantage over earth because lightning is known to be so hot, that it's capable of melting sand into glass. Lightning is known figuratively to split the earth, and the very nature of cloud to ground lightning is lightning traveling the least resistance to reach the earth. In basic terms, Lightning strikes earth.
And it doesn't remove skill at all. If anything, it adds skill, because it forces ninjas to take into consideration the skill set and abilities of their enemies. A ninja can't foolishly go using a fuuton jutsu against an opponent who uses a katon, unless they want to get burned in the face or something. I don't see how an element that punishes a ninja for not taking into consideration the abilities they use before going into battle would somehow take away the skill of a fight.
And the way Kakashi found an opening to even use Raikiri required stealth and skill in the first place. He didn't charge right in and hit him from the front.
Fire >> Wind (oxygen makes flames bigger)
Earth >> Lightning (Earth doesnt conduct electricity)
Water >> Fire (obvious)
Lightning >> Water (Water conducts electricity)
Actually it makes sense that Lightning has an advantage over earth because lightning is known to be so hot, that it's capable of melting sand into glass. Lightning is known figuratively to split the earth, and the very nature of cloud to ground lightning is lightning traveling the least resistance to reach the earth. In basic terms, Lightning strikes earth.
And it doesn't remove skill at all. If anything, it adds skill, because it forces ninjas to take into consideration the skill set and abilities of their enemies. A ninja can't foolishly go using a fuuton jutsu against an opponent who uses a katon, unless they want to get burned in the face or something. I don't see how an element that punishes a ninja for not taking into consideration the abilities they use before going into battle would somehow take away the skill of a fight.
And the way Kakashi found an opening to even use Raikiri required stealth and skill in the first place. He didn't charge right in and hit him from the front.
and water can blow the shit out of anything if there's enough force. doesnt make lighting >> rock any less stupid.
and I prefer a thinking mans fight. kakashi won because Kishimoto decided to implement a crappy pokemon element factor instead of actually thinking of a fight.
sneaking up behind him isnt clever, smart, or interesting no matter how much skill it takes. and the skill isnt even demonstrated, making it less interesting.
I read some of the Manga, but not really enough to judge it. You're right- I may like it much better. I might give it a try after I'm done obsessing over Lovely Complex. The show just drove me up the wall, though. The characters annoyed me (most of them apart from the ones I mentioned), and the episodes got really redundant like say, Inuyasha, Bleach, and all of those other more mainstream Anime's. And it's not like I'm all into Shojo either, it really just depends on the plot and characters for me... as long as those are good, I can like anything. Though, I must admit to watching Naruto dubbed, and never picked up the Japanese version. I guess it didn't help that the first episode I watched was Sasuke being a whiney little bitch (no offense... no fangirls/boys kill me).
Yet you watch Inuyasha..? Even the anime of Naruto, while not the best, is definitely better than that pile of crap.
Correction, I watched Inuyasha. I still love the character Kikyo, and after she
offed it in the series for good
(via the Manga) I stopped paying attention alltogether. I was at least semi-interested in it when the show finally ended, mainly because of her and Naraku being my favorites and I wanted to see what would happen to them, etc. Same thing with Naruto... certain characters keep me watching. Can't say I didn't used to be an Inutard when it first came out though, either.
Anyway, I don't really like Inuyasha or Naruto all that much. They're too... well, boring.
Naruto 452(that's the latest, right?). Naruto and Sakura know that Sasuke is in cahoots with Akatsuki now. It'll be interesting to see them when they finally meet up, and if they'll still have so much faith in him now that he's actually done something they'll see as bad that they can't object to.
What do you guys think of the new characters? The ones they went a few rounds with in the newest chapter?
omg I hate it when ppl call others tards just because they have an interest in that subject. AT LEAST I DON'T COSPLAY AS NARUTO CHARACTERS AND WEAR THE HEADBANDS!!!! T.T
Anyway, chapter 449 is very suteki y/y? Shit is hitting the fan. AND SAKURA IS FINALLY GOING TO CONFRONT NARUTO ABOUT BEING IN LOVE WITH HER HOOOOOO SHIT