New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
"My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!"



Yes, it's hilarious Cloud's only dying thought is of Tifa. Reminds me of another guy who carried the same sword :awesome:

But I appreciate your attempt to try and make it seem like anyone here went "har har, death is romantic when it comes to Cloti, but not Cleris". That's what's truly hilarious.

But try harder, bb. Maybe next time :)

I remember Cloud's life revolving around Zack just as much in the game, though
Definitely after he remembers Zack. By that point he's already got Tifa, so he needs a new dude to obssess over live his life for.

Sephiroth's revolves around Cloud. LMAO, I was just watching some Dissidia clips. I LOLed so hard when they were arguing which one of them was clingy. :lol:
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wangxian married
But I appreciate your attempt to try and make it seem like anyone here went "har har, death is romantic when it comes to Cloti, but not Cleris". That's what's truly hilarious.

lol no






Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But you see the flower field and materia can't belong to Aerith because, say it with me now

SHE'S OPTIONAL :awesome:

Sephiroth's revolves around Cloud. LMAO, I was just watching some Dissidia clips. I LOLed so hard when they were arguing which one of them was clingy.
OMFG link plz?
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names

I was talking to Q and got the idea to make this. It needed to be shared with the world FGJ, and I felt this was the appropriate place for that. :monster: And yes, I chose pink for the text purely to be a dick.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'll say what I said on Yahoo, how do we KNOW Aerith didn't enjoy it? :awesome:


Higher Further Faster

I was talking to Q and got the idea to make this. It needed to be shared with the world FGJ, and I felt this was the appropriate place for that. :monster: And yes, I chose pink for the text purely to be a dick.

Mind if i play around with this a tiny bit? :)


unsavory tart
Maybe I'm half asleep, or way too easily annoyed over stupid shit, but I'm seriously hating the whole

"Tifa's OOC, she acts like Aerith here, so it's not Cloti"


Aside from my obvious dislike of dragging romantic fights into Dissidia

Are you for serious? This, this is what you are claiming to be OOC? Now is the time to start complaining? Not the fact that Kuja's character got put in the blender, Terra never leaves her fucking victim status, and Tidus works for the bad guys just because his dad is a good guy (I know he hates his dad, but come on)?

This the same people who just accept that ACC!Cloud= normal Cloud and not "Me and my surragate son is dying and I feel helpless"! Cloud, allowing Squeenix to keep wangsty Cloud in every iteration of its franchise forcing us to sit through every series where all his lines are some variation of "..." "Whatever" and "Not interested."? I dunno about you, but my Cloud wore dresses, made bad train analogies, and gave advice to Yuffie about how to avoid motion sickness. And what about Sephiroth, he went from a megalomaniac narcissist with illusions of grandeur, to some fucker who sits in his mother's basement furiously fapping to pictures of Cloud on his ceiling. And was Aerith IC during tactics?

But Tifa's OOC because... she's bright and optimistic?


Granted, it's just a small part of her character, but she does act like this to some degree (some people don't realize that Aerith and Tifa do share some similar traits). Yes she can get depressed, and be shy, but she's also fairly welcoming as an individual, and can take things as they come. She's perfectly capable of being personable (she became immediate bffs with Aerith when meeting her in a dungeon of a house of a perv who wants to marry them), especially when you consider she on some level knows Cloud.

It makes me think people are seriously missing the point here. The thing about Cloti, it's not a great relationship (imo) because it's romantic because someone said so. It's a great relationship because of how it developed, about how Cloud and Tifa grew together, past all their mistakes and problems, and even when they were obviously flawed and made mistakes- supported each other in some way (imo, AC/C destroyed the reciprocity of the relationship), about how despite their obvious communication problems and issues- it's obvious they still care each other deeply, and will do anything to keep the other safe. People need to learn that the fights between Cloud and Tifa are the exception, not the rule- yeah they sometimes have fights but they always make up in the end. If it's not "IC" interaction because they expect Cloud and Tifa to always be awkward with each other, than they got a messed up version of what IC is. You don't have to take it as romantic, but they still- if nothing else- are each other's best friend, and Tifa knows Cloud probably better than anybody.

So yeah, Nomura could come like a god descending from heaven and shit out golden scripture that says, "Cloti is canon" and that would not make Cloud/Tifa work as a relationship, or inherently better than any other couple. it's their interaction and problems, and how they deal with those problems, like expressed in the cutscene.

I need to stop waking up at 530 in the morning and making incoherent rants.


Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Mind if i play around with this a tiny bit? :)

By all means my dear, I have shared it with you all to do with as you wish.

Edit: Oh and Splintered, that was totally coherent. STFU and stop being all self-deprecating and crap.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
does anyone know is vriskana is canon yet



feels good man
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
"Tifa's OOC, she acts like Aerith here, so it's not Cloti"


But Tifa's OOC because... she's bright and optimistic?

I didn't think she was OOC. :monster: That's just all kinds of illogical right there.

And what, claiming that she acts like Aerith? Uhh... what? What?


:reptar: ♬♬ WAT~ ♫♫ /soprano

Is EVERYTHING about Aerith now? Or is it only because whatever in Dissidia is so threatening that people just decide Tifa is acting like Aerith so they can say it's "not CloTi"? :wacky:

Isn't it enough that she's being whoared into Dissidia as a super-special, one-of-a-kind Assist character? Just sayin'. :awesomonster:

Also, Tifa IS bright and optimistic. O.o It even said so in her character profile. Unless I mixed it up, which is kinda not possible. Besides, from what I've seen, she seemed kinda a normal-ish Tifa to me (then again I haven't played much of it yet). It was so defs Tifa when
she scolded Kain that one time, and that other time when she was all "Oh, you're all right! /relieved"
. I just... wat. >.>;;

. It just made me laugh for a long while. And I still laugh when I see it. xDDD

TY for waking me up. :wackymonster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Sorry for double posting but... >.>

Okay, so, I was browsing youtube, looking at Duodecim vids and whatnot, and this one video with Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth in it came up and I watched it. I was like "d'awwwwwwe kuraudo u silly lil

And then I found the comments in question. Saying that Tifa was OOC and acting like Aerith and therefore it isn't Cloti... and I'm like... wat. .____.

I don't have a youtube account (thankfully), which means I can't nitpick at the people who posted this, but I seriously just wtf'd, and the giddy smile on my face just got completely wiped off. I'd understand if they took advantage of the whole "I'll fight you with my all when we meet again" thing that Cloud said to Tifa and say that "LOL thats not cloti cloud wants to beat her up" but nooooooooooooooooooooooo ._. they had to say "Tifa is OOC and acted like Aerith, WHY DESU and I can japanese btw not that it's related or whatever"


The stupidness just pissed me off. I mean, ARE YOU SERIOUS?

I thought long and hard, and came to the conclusion on how they came up with this carp, and I'll share it with you.

It comes in 10 stages UPDATED WITH NOW 11 STAGES:

1 Hmm, let's see what those Clotis are all on about, with the Cloti hinted in Dissidia and whatnot *clickclickwatch*
2 Hmm, Cloud saving Tifa, nothing new, not Cloti. Blah blah... Cloud and Tifa interacting...
3 Hey... wait a minute, that's strange... while Cloud and Tifa not being canon is established, for some reason, I get this strange feeling of attraction between the two of them...
4 But that's impossible! Cloud loves Aerith! *watches some more* OMG, there's CHEMISTRY between them! What is this?! THIS CAN'T BE POSSIBLE! HOW CAN THIS BEEEEEEEE?! *headsplosion*
5 Oh wait... how I can even THINK that there's chemistry between the two of them? Only Cloud and Aerith have this kind of chemistry!
6 ... I GOT IT! It's not Cloud and Tifa that have this chemistry! It's Cloud and Aerith!
7 And the reason I see it in this video is because Tifa is OOC! And acting like Aerith!
8 Therefore, whatever Cloti there is CANNOT be Cloti, because Tifa is acting like Aerith! Hence, it's not actually TIFA having this moment with Cloud, but AERITH! It's AERITH IN TIFA'S BODY!!!11
10 ????
11 Profit!

Yup. :monster:

We found the new argument now, gaiz.


k im done /runs

Edit: lolzee
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