

Harbinger O Great Justice
Daaaaaammn. WELL DONE!

I got enough coins to get the Genji skin, so I've got all the things I'm really into for the event. The double XP has been way nice.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I haven't picked up any of the new skins yet and have leveled up about 15 times haha.

I'm pretty happy though I haven't played Overwatch this much in several months and it's been a blast so far.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Had a good match while playing with my little brother the other day.

Also, it happened a week or two ago, but I played a match with two people who were throwing (and they were on the other team the next match – which is the one this vid is of), and I also was getting sniped by someone playing Widowmaker whose killcams didn't seem legit at all, and wanted to get a second opinion.

2:05 & 3:10 are the kills.

Especially because at 3:21, you can see the shot go off and the skull icon on the screen before their reticle even reaches me from their PoV.

X :neo:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Would have thought paying $30, ie. half the price of the base game would net me most of the substantial anniversary content, but nah, have like... 2 new anniversary skins and a few of the dance emotes

Duplicate rate is still fucked lol. Not sure why I'm still a stupid sucker for this gambling shit


Harbinger O Great Justice
Speaking of which: You can get a Golden Loot Box if you have Twitch Prime & link your account to your Blizzard account. It's just a normal loot box that guarantees a Legendary skin.

I set up a little practice custom game mode to do before I play, so that I can get a little bit more into the swing of things. Also swapped my reticle from a dot to the small crosshairs, and feel like it's working well for me as I won most of my games yesterday, and the ones I lost were really close. Also, now that you can see combined play time, I'm at about 294 total hours on Zen. :awesome:

On top of that, I got to hear a new Zenyatta quote when he takes out Sombra.

The unique ones I'd heard before this are vs. Genji, "The master still has a few tricks." & "I win THIS round, Genji." vs. Tracer, "Move too quickly, and you overlook much." vs. Orisa, "Being eager to learn is not the same as learning."

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Replay footage is very difficult to prove legitimate as it can get funky.

There are plays from pros that people tried to prove was evidence of them botting/walling but was thrown out by Blizzard because the play system screws up from time to time.

I know in my case I've seen the PotG system as well load or drop in player models in really odd spots and then gives them like +500000 movement speed or something to get them to the right point in the timeline lol.

That said though, and I don't mean this is as a knock against console players, that shot is pretty impressive when it comes to console. I've seen pros whiff that all day long on PC where they have much greater control and range of motion with a mouse.

So it's rather surprising/concerning to see a console player land it effortlessly.

Not even just landing it, but rather knowing where to look, tracking to you and then landing the shot all in the span of a few hundred frames. On a controller no less where you just have messily thumb dexterity to work with.

It's a bit funky but unfortunately can't really use the kill cam footage of proof of it =/

Also your brothers Winston bubble timing is clutch and impressive af lol.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Replay footage is very difficult to prove legitimate as it can get funky.

There are plays from pros that people tried to prove was evidence of them botting/walling but was thrown out by Blizzard because the play system screws up from time to time.

I know in my case I've seen the PotG system as well load or drop in player models in really odd spots and then gives them like +500000 movement speed or something to get them to the right point in the timeline lol.

That said though, and I don't mean this is as a knock against console players, that shot is pretty impressive when it comes to console. I've seen pros whiff that all day long on PC where they have much greater control and range of motion with a mouse.

So it's rather surprising/concerning to see a console player land it effortlessly.

Not even just landing it, but rather knowing where to look, tracking to you and then landing the shot all in the span of a few hundred frames. On a controller no less where you just have messily thumb dexterity to work with.

It's a bit funky but unfortunately can't really use the kill cam footage of proof of it =/

The difficulty of pulling that off, and getting a one-shot with it was what made me wonder about it, especially since I got iced by it twice in a game. :awesomonster: Ah well, I'm not really bothered about it. in the grand scheme of things. Good ta know that it's wonky for future reference though.

Also your brothers Winston bubble timing is clutch and impressive af lol.

Also, I will definitely let my brother know. :D


X :neo:
Anyone else on thoughts on Roadhog now? He should be intimidating, but, he's not. His dps may technically be the same, but there's so many more opportunities for the hooked to escape. No use hooking tracer now, it's just a waste.


Double Growth


Joe, Arcana
I don't get the Roadhog hate honestly. If he misses his hook (or you're not out of position to begin) he's a sitting duck who makes charging your ult a cakewalk.

If a Hanzo or boosted Pharah miss you with their shot, they'll just KO you with the next one or the one after. :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I think that Your Overwatch's coverage seems pretty solid in that Roadhog's role as a solo flanker is pretty much gone, and he's got to be a lot more team-coordinated to be effective now:

At 7:37 in this video there's a Roadhog Pro who gives some of his opinions on it that seem to be pretty close to what their earlier video discussed.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Anyone else on thoughts on Roadhog now? He should be intimidating, but, he's not. His dps may technically be the same, but there's so many more opportunities for the hooked to escape. No use hooking tracer now, it's just a waste.

Well if there was a Tracer on the map who was half decent you shouldn't have been playing Road Hog anyways. Since a smart one could stay in his DPS dead zone (about 8 meters) and charge ult off you before you had your hook back up, leading to repeated bad times for your team mates.

Personally. Idk.

On the one hand I feel the reason why he was nerfed was pretty bullshit.

People with bad positioning (i.e. the soldiers who thought they were reaper or Tracer etc.) were the ones bitching. And well Roadhog directly counters bad positioning and bad timing. No wonder why they would be butthurt they were hookbait for a year.

It's the same thing with Sym. If you get in a position where she can stick on you long enough to boost her beam up and kill you , Well one of you is way over extended and alone.

On the other hand getting hooked sucked major dick in the past and even the worst of the worst players still know shift>Leftclick>V is 100 to 0 on almost all classes.

I want to see how he plays out for a few more days before deciding. I quite like the extra round in the chamber and the extra fire rate feels real smooth, but the lost 100 to 0 is rough to get used to.


Harbinger O Great Justice

Been floating just ONE WIN SHORT of Platinum on and off for the last few days, and working my way back. After dealing with two games in a row being paired with the SAME two people who were throwing (playing two snipers or two support and just wandering off making the match basically a 4v6), I managed one with a tie and lost the other one, and hasn't having the best time, this Hanamura match was my last game of the night to make up for some disheartening games, and this Squad and I totally rocked, and we all messaged each other after the game and friended up on PSN, and hopefully we'll get to team up again soon.

X :neo:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

Just be warned, this issue is going around and it basically makes Competitive even more of a roulette than it is already. In addition to this, the way the system handles disconnects post-Uprising patch means that players get leaver penalties even if they reconnect. Not that it matters, because the way this disconnect issue happens is that the rejoin match function doesn't even work (hence the red text showing up for a "group" at the bottom). There's absolutely no visual/audio feedback that the player has disconnected - the searching screen goes blank as if connecting as normal, until the text at the bottom says "failed to connect to server".

Looking into support threads further, this seems to have been an issue in the past which pops up every now and then. Bugs and issues like this really disrespect the player's time more than anything else (especially because of these escalating suspensions), and that's a bigger cost than any money I could throw down for loot boxes or whatever.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Summer Games are back on the 8th, and all the previous year's stuff is at a normal coin cost for those items (i.e. Legendaries are 1000, not 3000), and they also have new stuff coming out, and along with the new Lootboxes being SO MUCH BETTER, I'm stoked to see how this goes.

X :neo:


I can imagine the meta is much different in deathmatch (no support) and a little different in team deathmatch.
Lucio Ball is unplayable. People move their joystick with a elastic or something, then they leave it. They don't get kicked cause their moving, just farm exp. I just played 5 matches, with a total of 1 person on my team actually playing. While every team I faced had everyone playing.
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