Rainbow Brite is getting a reboot!!!


Higher Further Faster
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this. There are a lot of concepts and themes that seem great and are keeping in line with the original show. It seems like it will be a lot better than the last reboot Hallmark attempted, yet I'm not entirely feeling making her into a Valley Girl. :closedmonster:

It's going to be broadcast on Feeln, which is a streaming service kind of like Netflix and Hulu owned by Hallmark. Looks like it's only $3.99 a month so maybe I'd dish the extra out a couple of months just to see what it's like.

Watch the trailer here

Facebook page with character designs for the Color Kids



Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
All the girls who grew up with Rainbow Brite are going to flip their lid. I know they will probably be happier with this reboot over the 2009 one.

Hey, I wonder if anyone would try to reboot Rose Petal Place. Although that franchise never got off the ground like Strawberry Shortcake or Rainbow Brite it would be interesting if Hasbro brought the rights to Rose Petal Place so that they could make new dolls and a television show out of them.


All I can say they should take a few notes from Heartcatch Precure if they are going to do a reboot of Rose Petal Place.


It seems to be that the 2010's will be the decade of the Western Magical Girl series.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah, the one back in 2009 was pretty awful. I know a lot of people aren't happy about this one because it isn't the same as the original show, but you can't expect it to be.

I had never heard of Rose Petal Place before. Seems nice.

Does Rainbow Brite count as a magical girl series?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Yeah, the one back in 2009 was pretty awful. I know a lot of people aren't happy about this one because it isn't the same as the original show, but you can't expect it to be.

I had never heard of Rose Petal Place before. Seems nice.

Does Rainbow Brite count as a magical girl series?

Oh, you betcha it is. One thing to note in Japan the magical girl trope is divided into three subgenres: Cute Witch, Magical Idol Singer, and Magical Warrior Girl. The latter is the series that gets the most attention especially in the West. A lot of times magical girl series are examples of feminine fantasy where femininity is looked at as a source of strength. I have a feeling a lot of Western Magical Girl Shows are being created because most of the creators were inspired by Sailor Moon in the 90's.

If I was going to reboot Rose Petal Place I would update them a little bit for modern audiences. Not to mention I would make Nastina the villain of the original line into an ally because I think she was one dimensional and also having a spider as a good guy would be a genius bonus because a lot of spiders eat harmful bugs that spoil flowers. I think the villains instead should be a gang of bugs that are garden pests like aphids, grasshoppers, crickets, weevils, certain beetles, and slugs.
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Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
I'm holding my reservations on this for the time being, but it's okay so far. Will say one thing, it looks better than the horrid 2009 relaunch.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I used to have the Taco Bell sprites as a wee tot. :monster:


They clucked when you bounced them from the rubber band.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Cool! (And yeah, I wonder what happened to the other reboot ... it seemed it didn't go anywhere.) I will have to look into Feeln myself to see if this is any good.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
The funny thing is I am a 90's baby and I know about Rainbow Brite because they were doing commercials for the toy line in the 2000's.


Higher Further Faster
I've never even heard of this show.

Here's a quick summary, but it does not do the show justice at all:

I can't seem to find it anywhere, but there's another sort of recap video narrated by Peter Cullen using his Optimus Prime voice somewhere in existence. He actually did a lot of voice work on this show as well. :monster:


Save your valediction (she/her)
I had a random sprite (the yellow one?) stuffed animal but I called him Twink anyway. There were a couple of awesome movies actually, not to mention amazing insults from those-two-guys. I recall him calling the brown hairy guy "rutebega-brain" at one point which still cracks me up.


Higher Further Faster
Retebega-brain is a classic. :monster:

I watched the first episode. It was actually kind of cute. Very short, though. Brian kind of popped up out of no where without explanation but I get the impression that this is going to be explored in an over-arcing storyline.

They also changed Rainbow's personality. I like the hyperactive bubbliness but she's rather ditzy now. :/

Also, the Dark Princess is going to be the main villain, which is awesome because she was my favorite villain back in the day.
80's Princess:

Modern Princess:

Buuuuuut Stormy is now a villain, too. Not sure how I feel about that. She was never a villain before, more of the show's token anti-hero.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I forgot all about the Dark Princess. They were clearly channeling Cyndi Lauper in that 80s design.
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