Rookie Adventurer
- Lou

Hello and welcome to the club of loving Reno and Vincent doing anything and everything together! That can mean as friends, as coworkers as lovers~ whatever your heart loves for these two characters.
- Vincent Valentine has a complicated relationship with the concept of the Turks. He is not as against their existence as the other members of Avalanche are. He dislikes Shinra for their dealings but sees the Turks as a separate entity almost. He is willing to work cooperatively with the Turks post-meteor.
- Reno is disillusioned with the concept of Shinra and it's power, but he remains a Turk and stays loyal to Rufus if only because they are more of a line group of survivors with lots of enemies now. They have become a tight nit working family.
- Vincent does not mind Reno's presence when he does do the occasional job with the Turks. Like Cid, Reno is someone Vincent does not have to really talk to in order to keep him happy. The occasional nod or hum of agreement or disagreement is enough to keep Reno talking. Reno is competent and good at his job and Vincent appreciates that. Reno works well with his partners and Vincent likes that he never has to communicate a plan with him. Vincent likes that he can fall into his training and have a battle buddy that will understand his moves.
- Reno enjoys a good challenge and Vincent is as challenging as they get.
- Vincent likes to not have to be the one to fill the silence. Reno talks enough for two people.
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