Shinra's Experiments With Non-SOLDIER Combatants in the Remake


Harbinger O Great Justice
The downside of testing this is that the encounter is at the VERY end of the Demo, and I haven't found a place to restart it in order to do that encounter multiple times easily without going through the entirety of the demo first. I did to the two encounters with only Vocal Audio... but a lot of the unique lines didn't come up. The main line that I couldn't hear very well and wanted to double-check only showed up three times in that run, and because it's during a melee attack it gets interrupted by the hit grunt sounds. The best shot I got at it was literally the last attack he did on the double encounter, and I tried menu pausing to see if I could get it more clearly, but all the enemy dialogue gets slowed down, unlike the character dialogue.

It's the one that sounds like "Nice trick!" but it's the one line that I can't quite make out properly

That being said, they don't seem to have any lines specific to low health, magic, or Limit Breaks.

Also @Tetsujin – Do I have to change system settings to adjust the Demo language, or is there another way to do it that sucks less? :awesomonster:

X :neo:
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