Should Square Make One Last Installment In the Compilation or Leave it Hanging?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I know people have some really big dislike for the Compilation but the end of Dirge of Cerberus left a big cliffhanger that Genesis might play a big part in a next possible installment. However on the other hand given it has been shown that no one really likes Genesis people would just drop the game if he is given a big part in it. Some say for the sake of the FF7 dignity they should just not making any installment at all.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
For me it all depends on whether they can wrap things up in a satisfying way, without contrived plot twists and characters being horribly OOC. Some of the company's recent games suggest that they still know how to make a good game, but the quality of the writing seems to vary wildly, and the company haven't proven that they are still good at writing their own characters. Part of me would say they've defiled the FFVII canon enough as it is, but on the other hand some of the Compilation entries are so bad that it's difficult to imagine things getting all that much worse.

Basically, my answer is that it depends on the quality of the last entry. If they're capable of bowing out on a strong note, they should do it. If not, I'd rather they just leave the whole thing to rot and let people forget about it so we can just enjoy the original game on its own terms again.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
It's over. Even though theoretically Sephiroth could come back I dont give a shit. As for Genesus I give him about as much consideration as I do Palmer or Don Corneo.

So no they just need to leave it alone and try and make some decent new games.


Better a new Compilation title then nothing, if you ask me. It'd build on CC, DoC and AC anyway, rather then Before Crisis or Last Order, the utter trash titles.


All the main plot threads were wrapped up pretty much outside the secret ending in Dirge. I don't see how one sequel bait unlockable ending would necessitate having to make a whole 'nother game to wrap up what was wrapped up without said ending anyway.

So I'd say no, they shouldn't.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Even better idea they should retcon the whole Compilation and pretend none of it ever happened especially the fact that Genesis ever existed.


Double Growth
I think that they're done. But I would prefer they wrap it up. I still want a proper RPG with the cast again. But I don't think it will happen, and I'll live with it. Frankly I think a remake is more likely, though that will probably won't be for a long time.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Even better idea they should retcon the whole Compilation and pretend none of it ever happened especially the fact that Genesis ever existed.

This. So this. Although I admit I would be unhappy if we lost CC. I think that's the only part of the Compilation I ever liked.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
This. So this. Although I admit I would be unhappy if we lost CC. I think that's the only part of the Compilation I ever liked.

I would say just make a new CC without Genesis and make Lazard and Angeal the anti-villain Big Bads of the game.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Square should make it a final movie and end the compilation with just a dream from one of their descendants in the future where Nanaki and co are at the beginning.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Sort of. I mean the other titles are boss, but I could do without dirge. I really wish they made Before Crisis a console game, or a sequel about it circling after the initial storylines.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Sort of. I mean the other titles are boss, but I could do without dirge. I really wish they made Before Crisis a console game, or a sequel about it circling after the initial storylines.

Speaking of bad sequels I do wonder if they are still going to do that horrid Final Fantasy X-3 idea.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Nah, the radio drama never happened. There was no such thing as a break up, nor Tidus exploding, nor any bullshit concerning Sin coming back. They all enjoyed Eternal Calm, fishing in Besaid Islands, chilling in the mountain tops with Khimari and enjoyed some time in the hot springs.

There is no such thing as a radio drama. No such. thing. : )

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
So is it just me that liked Dirge? I preferred it to BC or AC.

I could go either way, a new game would be interesting, but I wouldn't be jumping up and down in anticipation.

Where could they go with it? Assuming that FF7 and the compilation thus far are set in stone, what would you do with that ending (and don't just say 'they wandered off into the sunset', assume you have to make a game.)

Genesis and Weiss have no ties to any of the living characters, and there's unlikely to be a Deeperground or yet another Cetra superweapon lying around. (turned out to be not so peaceful, huh?)

Genesis playable protagonist trying to stop one final JENOVA/Sephiroth Reunion? Neither of them have been definitively destroyed. (I will... never be a memory)

Genesis and Weiss gather the survivors of Deepground to form AVALANCHE III, intent on freeing the world from Shinra control? I think this one might work, actually.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I would love to see a sequel that's at least as long as the original game and as big in scale, with all the original playable cast returning(minus Aerith for obvious reasons) as playable, with maybe a few new playable characters as well. One problem I have with the Compilation is none of the games are as long as FFVII.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I'm more keen on an antagonistic force that could cause a cataclysm as good as the games, something like Jenova's kind or those bio weapons going mad. Sure we may need Genesis and all, but If they want to end the compilation, they must go out with a bang.
To start off with, the Compilation was never necessary. Sure, we had some questions. Primarily, did humanity get spared by Holy? But even that question, left unanswered, was a plot thread given emotion and impact to the original work because it wasn't given a clear answer.

The original game was good on its own. Everything with the Compilation has been expansion/exploration and making up new plot threads within those titles. Geostigma? Made for AC. Deepground? Made for DC. Genesis? Made initially for DC and then ultimately for CC. BC was very much an expansion of the pre-Barret AVALANCHE scenario and a reinterpretation of the Turks.

A sequel to end the Compilation is, in the same way, not strictly necessary. Yes, we wonder what Genesis is going to do. That's the only big question everybody has. In comparison only a handful are curious to see how the Seventh Heaven family develops, what Rufus Shinra's ultimate goals and dreams are, how the energy crisis of the FFVII world will continue to manifest (if at all) etc etc.

If one is not interested in getting more "for the sake of more/expansion/exploration" then a sequel to end the Compilation is not for you.

EDIT: I realize I avoided the question of whether or not Square "should" make a sequel. I guess my ultimate answer is that there is no "should" or "should not". If they are to pick a reason for a "should", then I'd want them to make this sequel out of solidarity to the fans of FFVII. But the reason will primarily be game industry economics, politics and random choices by board leaders and the strained relationship between those who want to mostly make money and those who want to (mostly) realize a creative vision.
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Pro Adventurer
I don't get the hate for doc. As a shooter it isn't great but as a game I enjoyed it. I think after they release 15 (nearly 9 years now?) and we see what can be done with a new combat system we will be given news of a remake on the 20th anniversary. If everyone likes the dmc style combat system I can see them remaking the game, making an advent children game (they have the cutscenes done lol) and slowly continue the compilation. But you have to take into account that its square Enix and they seem to make it their company goal to piss people off.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'm pretty sure the only way they're ever going to remake FFVII is if they're almost bankrupt. Some of the comments various people at the company have made (like it would take ten years to remake it in current-gen graphics - who fucking cares? just make it the quality of the FFX remaster or something) don't make me especially eager for a remake, either.
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