Special Episode Extended Summaries

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
These summaries were written by myself based on the Japanese scripts posted on Dark Ocean and NeoSphere. Feel free to link this page, or copy to another site, but please reference and credit appropriately. Thanks

25. Special Episode of Tseng
Costa del Sol (XX/XX/97)

Mission 1

Tseng arrives at the Costa del Sol harbour late in the night, and approaches a large vessel docked at the far end. The Turks are under suspicion of the boat as they can find no information of its existence, and its sudden appearance in Costa del Sol has coincided with the mysterious kidnapping of a Shinra soldier while on patrol duty at a Reactor (which Reactor is not stated, but the most likely candidates are Gongaga, Junon, or Midgar as the Corel Reactor has not been built yet). Tseng has been ordered to search the boat as part of the investigation to locate and rescue the missing guard. He believes that the only purpose anyone would kidnap a patrol guard would be in order to extract information about the Reactor itself, and since his job as a Turk is to keep the secrets of Shinra Inc. confidential, he sees the successful completion of the soldier’s recovery as highly important.
Coming to the stern of the vessel, he calls Chief Verdot to tell him that he has made it to the ship. Verdot tells him that he must be careful onboard, and that he should first find the control room so that he may gain information about the boat itself. He also warns Tseng to be on the lookout for any sign of militants from the enemy country (Wutai) that may be inside.
Boarding the ship, Tseng slips cautiously through its dark passages, and discovers a number of enemy soldiers patrolling them just as Verdot had predicted. Taking out the militants with his handgun, he moves towards the centre of the boat, investigating the boiler room, the water supply room, and the engine compartment on his way. In each of the respective rooms, part of a code is offered. When Tseng finally reaches the doorway to the control room, it becomes apparent that the codes refer to the password required to open the lock. Inputting the combined code (A-03-Z), Tseng enters the room.
Tseng searches the control room for any information that may be of use to the Turks, finally noticing the image of a trapped Shinra soldier on one of the security camera feeds. Unlocking the confinement room from his position, Tseng rushes in the direction of the bow of the vessel to the man’s aid. As he runs into the confinement room, however, the soldier collapses.
Helping him up, Tseng asks how he is. The man has been brutally tortured, and has much difficulty speaking. He is grateful that the Turks came looking for him, but is not surprised. He says that there is something much more serious going on than his kidnapping; that the enemy are stacking large quantities of Shinra weapons on the boat having bought them from a black market weapons dealer. Tseng is shocked, and knows that they must have been stolen, and that the information of the weapons’ existence must have been leaked from someone inside the company to the weapons dealer.
Tseng is torn between completing his task of rescuing the soldier or investigating further the stolen weapons. The man insists Tseng that he should find out as much as he can about the stolen weapons and stop the Shinra leak, but Tseng tells him that there is nothing more important than a life. Helping the soldier to his feet, he starts back towards the harbour.

Mission 2

Several days later, Chief Verdot debriefs Tseng at Turk Headquarters. He asks Tseng if it is true that he found out about the stolen weapons aboard the boat during his mission. When Tseng says yes, but that he was following his orders to rescue the soldier, Verdot calls him a fool, and tells him that a Turks’ priority must always be the secrets of the company, regardless of his or anyone else’s personal feelings. He says that Tseng should have neglected the soldier and destroyed the weapons, and Tseng begins to realise his own weakness.
When President Shinra receives the report of the investigation, he is extremely angry that secret Shinra technology has been allowed to be stolen. He declares to Verdot and Tseng who are present in his office that the leak of the existence of these weapons is an even more serious matter. He issues three orders to the Turks; the complete destruction of the weapons, the deletion of all its data, and the location and elimination of the leak in the company.
Verdot tells Tseng that he will be personally be destroying the weapons on the boat, while Tseng will be in charge of deleting the data at the site, and the other Turks will be in charge of finding the leak. Tseng is stunned by this as he feels he does not deserve the chance to rectify his mistakes on such an important assignment. When Tseng asks why he has been given the mission, Verdot responds that it his responsibility to succeed after what has happened. He tells Tseng to throw away his fear and recover his pride, as the Turks must always succeed by any means necessary.

Tseng and Verdot arrive back at the Costa del Sol harbour and board the ship. Making their way down the passages and defeating the enemy soldiers, Verdot orders Tseng to go to the control room while he heads for the hanger to find the weapons. Tseng comes to the control room and begins to search for any data relating to the stolen weapons. Operating the computer system, he finds what he is looking for, and starts deleting the backup files.
As he works, three militants enter the room behind him, but he does not see them. They snigger amongst themselves that the lead the weapon seller gave them about the Turks assignment was accurate. Turning as the men close in on him, he does battle with one of them, while the other two escape with the backup hard data.
Killing the man with ease, Tseng goes to chase his partners, but they have already disappeared. He runs to the security cameras and watches the feed to learn the men’s whereabouts, but is unable to see them on any of the monitors and becomes anxious. Suddenly, an alarm sounds. On one of the screens, he sees Chief Verdot surrounded by the activated Shinra weapons (they are white armoured Proto Golems).
Tseng calls Verdot and tells him he is on his way to help him, but Verdot asks what has become of the data. Tseng tells him he has almost finished destroying the computer files, but that the hard disc has been stolen. Verdot asks if he has already forgotten the meaning of being a Turk; that the secrets of the company must be kept at all costs. Understanding that he must complete his task at the expense of helping his mentor, Tseng finishes the erasure of the files while continuing to search the security feed for the enemy.
Finally, he sees the men on one of the cameras heading towards the exit and runs after them at lightning speed, praying that Verdot can hold out against the weapons. He catches up with the men just as they are about to leave the ship and battles them. Tseng is able to kill them both and collect the hard data backup, and hurries back towards the hanger to aid the Chief and finish the mission.

Mission 3

Chief Verdot battles the mighty Shinra weapons with his gun in the hanger bay, but although he is able to knock many down, he is struggling against their force. Tseng arrives in the hanger and begins fighting alongside the chief. Verdot asks him if he succeeded in his task, and congratulates Tseng. They are able to evade the onslaught and are eventually victorious against the machines, leaving them all unable to function.
After the battle, Verdot tells Tseng he is grateful for his help, and asks him what he has learned from the mission. Tseng replies that he finally understands that the mission must be completed by any means necessary and without the inclusion of ego or personal feelings – that is what it means to be a Turk. Pleased with his protégé, Verdot orders that the two return to Headquarters and help the others in their task of locating the Shinra leak.
Suddenly, there is the sound of an explosion and the boat shakes terribly. Verdot yells that the ship is sinking and that they must escape quickly. He darts forward, but turns in time to see an enormous steel frame fall from the ceiling, trapping Tseng beneath it. Tseng tells Verdot to make it out, to leave him behind and make sure he finds the Shinra leak. As Verdot fights his way back to Tseng, avoiding the collapsing ceiling, there is another explosion almost directly above them. Tseng shouts for Verdot to get out, that he must complete his mission by any means necessary (even if it means losing Tseng). With a smile, Verdot tells Tseng that he still hasn’t understood the meaning of those words (essentially, Tseng learned his lesson about the way of the Turks, but in this circumstance, Verdot believes that there is no need to sacrifice his life as the have completed their task).

Several days later, Tseng wakes in the infirmary having come out of intensive care to see the from of Chief Verdot standing over him. Tseng is guilty to see that Verdot has a scar on his face after saving him, but Verdot replies that it reminds him of his daughter (that there are more important things in life than just work). Tseng asks the chief why he saved him, to which he responds that the Turks completed their duty and he can still report that two people have lived. When Tseng asks him if it was an unreasonable judgement call for the chief (ie. after all that he professed beforehand), Verdot smiles and tells him that it seems he and Tseng are not so unlike one another after all. Tseng thanks him, and tells him that one day he hopes to be just like him.
Verdot then informs Tseng that he will be leading the mission against the Shinra leak who has been found to be residing in the Kalm area. Tseng suggests that Verdot spend time with his family in Kalm if he has time during the mission. Verdot tells him he’ll try, and orders him to get some rest so that he may return to the Turks fully fit again. (This is the mission that leads to the misdirected bombing of Kalm).
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S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
26. Special Episode of Reno
Midgar (01/04/01)

Mission 1

Reno and Rude are on the 45th floor of the Shinra Building, searching through reports in the scientific data section while on guard duty in the room. Reno complains about the nature of the task and insists that he and his partner liven it up by doing something fun, but Rude is his usual self and simply states that although he agrees it is plain work, they must stick to it following the robbery. Reno drops a folder onto the floor and grumbles despairingly, arguing half-heartedly that the thief would have quickly gone into hiding after the incident.

In the Turks Headquarters, Tseng and Chief Verdot are discussing the robbery of confidential documents from the 45th floor several hours before. Verdot explains gravely that there are fears the information that was stolen was in relation to the SOLDIER Mass Desertion – where First Class SOLDIER Genesis and a large number of SOLDIERs disappeared while on a mission in Wutai during the War. He says that he received an order from President Shinra to close off the document room and search for the missing reports, which is why Reno and Rude have been sent there.

Back in the document room, Reno says that he can’t wait to get back to doing some more exciting work instead of being confined to a room. He says that he isn’t happy, but Rude simply shrugs. As he puts files back onto the shelf, he asks Rude if he remembers the time when they first met, and he thought Reno was very erratic. Rude walks to the other end of the shelf and gives a nod. Reno thinks to himself that their personalities differ in that respect; where he loves to be wild, but Rude keeps all his anger and concerns inside.
Suddenly, an alarm goes off, declaring there to be an intruder alert. At the same time, a Red Saucer enters the room. (As a side note for those who didn’t know, the Shinra security system is such that intruders are targeted by the machines through heat and movement sensors and eliminated, but if the security level is raised to its highest mode – S-Level – the robots are programmed to target everyone as a failsafe. The latter occurs at the Mako Cannon during Episode 3.)
The Turks are surprised to see the robot, and think that it may have come due to the threat of any suspicious characters following the robbery. Rude asks if it is possible that the thief has returned, but Reno laughs and says that there is no way anyone would come back. Rude nods, but says that the circumstances are very strange, and that nothing should be taken for granted. As they talk, they show no interest in the Red Saucer that has slowly crept towards them.
Suddenly, it shoots a bolt of electricity at the two. They dodge the attack, and the shot hits the bookshelf. The Turks defend themselves against the robot, and quickly defeat it. They are unfazed by the attack, concluding that the security level had been raised to S-Level. Reno laughs at the sluggishness of the machine, but Rude says that it is not its speed which is important. Hurt by Rude’s words in his pride of being the Fastest of the Turks, Reno bets his partner that his speed would be much more effective against enemies than Rude’s strength. Rude accepts the bet and suggests they fight against the Red Saucers of the passage outside the room, knowing that they are still working to guard the confidential scientific documents from possible intruders, and it would be impossible to be defeated. (They actually bet a piece of Rude’s armour or accessory.)
Reno exits the room first into the 45th floor corridor, snorting to himself that Rude has gone mad since that morning if he believes he would win. He runs quickly down the corridor, defending himself with ease against the Red Saucers which fire at him as he moves, finally reaching the end of the hallway having defeated four of the machines. Rude comes out, determined not to lose to Reno, and also starts to defeat the robots. After a while of scouring the floor, it becomes obvious that Reno has won the bet, and the two get bored, with Reno boasting that it was indeed speed which was the most important aspect of a battle. As they return to the document room, they receive a call from the Chief.

Mission 2

From Turk Headquarters, Chief Verdot calls Reno and Rude and asks them about their situation. Reno tells him that they have remained guarding the 45th floor, but the Red Saucers have been attacking due to the security being raised to S-Level. Verdot explains that something is wrong as although the security has been raised to S-Level, according to Tseng, security robots throughout the building simultaneously began acting abnormally with the attack on the Shinra Headquarters.
Hanging up, he calls Cissnei to ask her about the damage report. She states that there is not much problem as there is a First Class SOLDIER taking care of the intruders. When Verdot asks if it is Sephiroth, she replies that it is Zack, a SOLDIER who had been promoted to First Class that very day. He then asks about the abnormal behaviour of the machines, to which Cissnei informs him that it is not just the robots that are malfunctioning, but many of the control systems throughout the Shinra Headquarters.
Verdot calls Reno again and tells them that the Turks must determine the relationship between the system failure and the attack. He explains that a young but very capable SOLDIER will be dealing directly with the attackers. When Reno says that he and Rude will get on the case right away, Verdot tells him that he has already issued Cissnei with the task, and that those two have to continue with the investigation of the stolen documents.

Hanging up, Reno grudgingly explains the situation to Rude. Rude shrugs that Cissnei is often given the most secretive of tasks – even in the Turks – which is why her existence has remained a secret to the group’s newest members (the BC Turks). Rude begins to praise Cissnei’s special abilities, but Reno mocks him and suggests he has a crush on her. He laughs that Rude is special too; that he has sunglasses. Rude calmly reminds Reno that he wears goggles.
As they speak, Reno notices someone watching them from the shadows. Realising he has been spotted, the man flees. Rude says that during a security breach, the emergency stairwell is blocked off, and only the Turks and SOLDIER have access to it (through means of ID cards). Because the elevators are monitored and difficult to use without being seen (especially during S-Level), it would mean someone on the 45th floor had been there since the security breach, and would most likely be the thief themselves. He says that the fact the man fled when he was seen only confirms this theory.
The two give chase, knowing that his only escape from the 45th floor under the circumstances would be by elevator. Reno runs directly there, while Rude takes a different path south-east in order to cut him off. As he approaches the elevator, he sees the door closing, and the lift begin to go down. Shooting a grand spark from his electromagnetic rod, Reno blows a hole in the doorway, and leaps into the elevator shaft.
He lands perfectly on the roof of the descending elevator, only to discover a password-locked hatch preventing him from getting inside. He calls Verdot and explains that he has located the thief, and is pursuing him in elevator A108. Verdot tells him that Tseng is trying to access surveillance cameras from inside the elevator, but the system failure is preventing their efforts. Reno asks them to give him the password for the hatch so that he can get inside, but a Red Saucer suddenly falls from above.
He battles the machine as another one lands beside him. Defeating the security robots, Reno takes a deep breath, but frowns with confusion as the elevator stops abruptly at the 20th floor. Expecting the thief to have taken the lift all the way to the 1st floor, he begins to question the action, but after a few seconds it begins rising rapidly. Concerned, he phones the Turks Headquarters.

Tseng anxiously relays the seriousness of Reno’s situation to Verdot, knowing that if they fail to open the hatch, he will be crushed. When he asks for the password, Verdot says that during S-Level security, each password in the building is temporarily reset and must be individually deciphered. Tseng says there is very little time, and that he only has fragments of information to give Reno. Verdot tells him to call Rude, but Tseng says that of all the times when he can’t reach him, it is now. Tseng calls Reno and tells him that he has 50 seconds before the lift reaches the 59th floor lobby, so he must decipher the code as quickly as possible.
Verdot calls Cissnei and asks her if she has been successful in restoring the internal control system of the building. She says that she has got some things working. Verdot asks her to see if she can gain control of elevator A108 from her position. As she works, she informs them that someone had tampered with the controls of the security robots, changing their settings so that they would not attack certain people (which explains why the Red Saucers did not target the thief). After a number of seconds, she informs them that there is no way to stop the elevator from there, but that she has the hatch code decipher.

Tseng calls Reno again and tells him that they will have to enter the password manually. The code is the discovery date of Mako energy. He is given the option of 19590923 (the discovery of Mako), 19680109 (the Nibel Reactor’s completion date), and 19760624 (the commencement of construction on Midgar’s Plate). Tseng quickly tells him the answer is 19590923. Inputting it, the lock asks for the second code. Confused and worried, Reno frantically tells Tseng that a second code is also required.

Cissnei informs Chief Verdot that the safety of President Shinra has been ensured by Sephiroth’s presence and Zack’s actions against the intruders, but that the malfunctioning security robots have begun pouring onto the streets of Sector8 and attacking civilians. Verdot states that they must be stopped or the citizens’ confidence in Shinra Inc. will collapse. He orders her to deal with the situation. As they speak, Tseng interrupts, telling Cissnei that the hatch lock requires a second code. She replies that the code is the subtraction of 5 from the elevator’s top floor (59th in the case of this shaft).

With thirty seconds remaining, Tseng tells Reno what he must do to open the hatch. Having no confidence in his mathematical skills, Reno tries to count down from 59 on his fingers as his time quickly fades. With the elevator rushing towards the 59th floor, and the ceiling in sight, Reno calculates the answer and hastily punches in ‘54’. The hatch unlocks, but as he prepares to open it, a monstrous Proto Golem security robot crashes onto the roof of the lift.
Reno battles the security robot, striking it speedily and powerfully with his EMR, but it is too strong. As the elevator nears the ceiling, it knocks him to his knees. He crouches as the lift reaches the 59th floor, and the huge robot is crushed as the elevator comes to a halt, jamming it a number of feet from the ceiling, saving Reno. Sighing with relief, he spins as the hatch pops open, and is grateful to see Rude’s head appear from the hole. Reno asks where the thief is, and Rude answers that he most likely used the ropes of the elevator shaft to get down to the entrance from the 20th floor.
Climbing out of the elevator, Reno mentions how close he had come to meeting his end. Rude is silent as Reno speaks, and only eventually says that he tried everything to save his friend, but the controls had been overridden and there was nothing he could do. Although Rude is saddened by the thought of what may have happened, he still shows a lack of emotion. He says that it seems Reno got the exciting work he desired after all, but now they must go and continue their investigation into the stolen documents, starting with locating the thief somewhere on the Plate, as well as helping out with the security robot problem. Reno says he’ll take the stairs.

Meanwhile, Professor Hollander (the thief) re-enters the 45th floor, having been flown back up the elevator shaft by a winged Genesis Clone. Thinking to himself that the diversion caused by the malfunctioning security robots and intrusion by the Genesis Clones has resulted in SOLDIER being sent onto the streets of Midgar, his escape from the Shinra Building should be simple. He begins to search the confidential documents.

Mission 3

Reno and Rude exit the Shinra Building into Midgar’s Sector8. They know that Cissnei has already been working to halt the outbreak, and that she is somewhere in the sector. They have also learned that SOLDIER has been dispatched to help resolve the situation, but that their numbers are far fewer than normal due to the Mass Desertion. Such a decline in personnel was the purpose of the Turks’ assignment weeks before to scout for new candidates (see Episode 4).
Rude decides to take the west section of the town, while Reno heads north. Following the streets, Reno finds a man in a blue suit being chased by two robots. He is perplexed to see this as it is not the usual behaviour of the machines. He defeats them and is thanked by the man (he is actually given a healing potion as a reward). Hunting the rest of the north part of Sector8 and destroying any remaining Shinra weapons, Reno receives a call from Cissnei to ask about his situation. He tells her that he has cleared the north area, and she informs him that more machines have appeared in the south.
Reno heads south and sees Custom Sweepers attacking an old man. He rescues the man, and clears the area. Heading east, he finds a girl in trouble, and uses all his speed and skill to save her from a large group of security robots. Reno calls Cissnei to ask her of her situation and she says she is at the fountain, but the line is cut off. Concerned, Reno phones Rude, who says he’ll call back because he is in a spot of bother. Thinking that both may be in serious danger, he is torn between which one to help first as although he wants to aid Rude, he doesn’t want to damage his friend’s pride.
Choosing to help Rude, Reno runs west and finds his partner surrounded by security robots. Together they fight through the attackers until every last one is defeated. Reno explains that he thinks Cissnei may be in trouble, and thee two make their way back through the streets to the fountain in the Sector8 town square. As they reach the fountain, they meet Tseng, who asks for an update on the situation, but stops as he notices something across the plaza. Looking up, they all see Cissnei cornered by two Genesis Clones, but her weapon is drawn and she is ready to fight.
Suddenly, from the other side of the square, a black-haired man in a First Class SOLDIER uniform appears, and tries to run to the aid of Cissnei. Reno stops him, determined not to surrender the credit to SOLDIER, telling him that there is nothing to worry about. Stunned, the young SOLDIER turns and sees Tseng, pleading with him to see reason. Tseng introduces Zack to Reno and Rude. Reno tells Zack that Sector8 is the Turks’ turf, nodding towards Cissnei who has swiftly killed the Clones.
Tseng again asks about the situation in the other areas of Sector8, to which Reno replies that the security robots have been running wild, but they have stopped most of them. Tseng orders Reno and Rude to continue with their assignment (in this particular case, he is referring to the cleanup of the machines), and the two head up the steps of the plaza in the direction of the Sector8 Mako Reactor. (For those who didn’t know, this is also a scene from Crisis Core where Cissnei is first introduced to Zack after Reno and Rude leave. It is an interesting crossover as it expands on the purpose of the Turks’ presence at the fountain when Zack arrives there.)
As they head north, they spot a suspicious character on the street; the thief (Hollander). For the first time, they are able to see fully what he looks like (dark hair and beard and dressed in a white lab coat). Hollander runs, and Reno begins to give chase, but Rude stops him, saying that they have to destroy the malfunctioning robots before they do any more damage (essentially Reno believes the secrets held in the stolen data are the priority, but Rude believes it is more important to keep the secrets of the Shinra Weapons Development from the public).
Reno says that they must retrieve the stolen data because he doesn’t like being a failure and it would be that work which would be more exciting, but Rude argues that by going after the thief would mean the failure of their current task, and that past failures must be accepted. Reno states that when they first met, Rude taught him that it is important not to dwell in the mistakes of the past, but if you get the chance to change them, you have to take it. Rude sighs and says nothing, but follows after Reno.

Mission 4

Having left Zack and Tseng at the fountain in the Sector8 town square, Cissnei calls Chief Verdot at Turk Headquarters to update him on the events. She informs him that Sephiroth has dealt with the disturbances in Sector7, Sector1, and Sector2, while Zack and the Turks have taken care of Sector8. Verdot orders Cissnei to locate the source of the enemy, and hangs up.
Almost immediately, he receives a call from Reno to say that he and Rude have found the thief that stole the confidential documents and are giving chase. He explains that he believes the stolen data to be more important than their previous task, and asks for permission to proceed. Verdot agrees, saying that they should not miss this opportunity, and that Cissnei and Tseng are in Sector8 anyway.

Reno and Rude pursue the thief down an alley, and find a manhole leading to the Plate’s underground. Climbing down, they are met with Hollander and two security robots. As the Turks fight off the machines, Hollander escapes east-bound along the tunnels. Defeating the robots, the two again begin to chase him, battling their way through hoards of more Custom Sweepers. As they run along the passages, Rude begins to question why the machines do not attack the thief, but only target the Turks. He tells Reno that this is no accident, and that it must have been the thief who tampered with the control system and wrote a new trace program to affect their sensors.
Finally, the two are able to corner Hollander at a dead end, and they realise that he is one of the former employees of Shinra’ Science Department. He says that his information tells him that Reno and Rude have the highest success rate of any of the Turks, regardless of the type of assignment. Reno laughs and tells him that his being chased and caught is proof of that, but then realises that information on the Turks is restricted only to the upper echelons of Shinra, and sneers that there is no way Hollander could have seen that data. Hollander replies that by hacking into the control system, he could do anything.
As he speaks, a hole in the wall of the dead end appears, and two Genesis Clones enter the passage. Hollander escapes into the opening, and the Turks are forced to fight the Genesis monsters. (Depending on whether or not Reno won the bet earlier and gained the armour or accessory from Rude, the fight will be significantly easier). Even with Reno’s speed against one monster and Rude’s strength against the other, the battle is a difficult one. Finally defeating the Genesis monsters, the two continue after Hollander.

Back in the Turks Headquarters, Cissnei reports to Verdot that all of the malfunctioning security robots have been contained, and that the Genesis Clones have disappeared. She says that it seems the actions of the invading Clones and the machines were a diversion for something else; so that someone could move separately. Hanging up, Verdot receives a call from Reno to say that the thief was Professor Hollander and that they are chasing him through the underground passages.
He explains that the problems with the control system in the Shinra Building were the scientist’s doing. Verdot tells him that Hollander is working in unison with the rogue SOLDIER Genesis, and that it confirms the theft of the confidential documents was indeed in relation to the SOLDIER Mass Desertion incident. When Reno asks if he should continue on Hollander’s trail, Verdot tells him that it won’t be necessary as SOLDIER is now taking care of the investigation following the sighting of one of the main antagonists at the Sector5 Mako Reactor (Angeal - as is stated in Crisis Core).

Grumbling that once again, they don’t get to do the exciting work, Reno returns with Rude to the fountain in the town square. He says that even after the countless enemies they defeated, which would have caused problems due to the shortage of SOLDIERs, they still won’t get the glory. He complains that SOLDIERs get all the exciting work, and that maybe he should become one of them. Rude replies that there has been many times when they have been given assignments which only the Turks could do, and asks rhetorically if he would really change that.
Reno moans that the work just gets him angry, but Rude responds by saying that the pay is good. Reno asks why he has to work by simply following orders. Rude tells him that he shouldn’t think that way; that he should think of the pay, of the important assignments, and of the friendships. Reno then asks what he would bet that Reno would remain a Turk, to which Rude replies that he would bet their partnership. Nodding at his friend, Reno smiles, and the two run off.

At the Turks Headquarter, Verdot calls Cissnei to ask if she was safe after an attack by Genesis on the streets of Sector8. Cissnei reveals that it wasn’t the real Genesis, but an advanced Clone, and that she was helped out by Zack. (See Crisis Core chapter 4). Cissnei reports that the real Genesis is somewhere in the city according to the information gathered by SOLDIER, and that Sephiroth and Zack are now on the move. Verdot says that he understands, and orders Cissnei to continue with the top-secret assignment of monitoring Zack that Director of SOLDIER, Lazard, had given her.


S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
27. Special Episode of Legend

Mission 1


With the end of the lengthy War between the Empire of Wutai and the Shinra Company inevitably approaching, many people across the Planet rejoice in the prospect of peace for the first time in over eight years. However, Chief of Turks, Verdot, is much less optimistic. Believing it only to be a matter of time before a new threat rises in the wake of Wutai’s defeat at the hands of the Shinra Army, he decides that he must take pre-emptive action; recalling a certain man to the Turks.
Tseng arrives at Turk Headquarters having been summoned by Verdot, and is told that he is to go to Costa del Sol and recall the man who was placed under house arrest there. Tseng is confused by the circumstances, knowing that the man had been sent there because of his actions in an incident two years before, and wonders if it would be a good idea to allow him to return given that he is still on probation. Verdot explains that due to the increased activity of anti-Shinra organisations, it is important that they are well prepared and that the Turks need the man’s power. He tells Tseng that his assignment is to persuade the man by all means necessary to return to duty. Tseng is highly reluctant, but says that he will do whatever the Chief asks.

Arriving in Costa del Sol, Tseng goes to the house where the man is supposed to be. Discovering him not to be there, he begins to search the town. Coming to the town square, he meets two young sisters named Juli and Rose and shows them a picture of the man, asking them if they know of him. The girls giggle and say that they do, and discuss between themselves that they had seen him with Jesse earlier and Katherine the day before. They say that he is a charming man and is friends with everyone.
They ask Tseng if he is a friend of the man. Tseng strongly refutes this, but asks if they know where he is now. They point him in the direction of the beach and he thanks them. The two sisters walk off towards the Bar del Sol arguing about which one of them is next to go on a date with the man. Tseng get annoyed that the man has been enjoying himself too much.
Tseng follows their information and soon finds the man he is looking for standing on the beach, dressed in a black suit, smoking a cigar as he looks out to sea. He slowly approaches the man from behind, but the man chuckles to himself and, without turning around, tells Tseng that when closing in on the enemy, he should learn to quieten his footsteps like he was taught. Tseng is stunned as he believes he had remained silent.
The man says that they have not seen one another since his last mission in 1999
and asks if Tseng has come to saddle him with punishment as well. Tseng replies that he has come for a different reason, causing the man to laugh. He explains that he has come because Verdot needs his strength and has requested he rejoin the Turks. The man asks Tseng if he thinks that having spent time in such a beautiful place, with the sun and cheerful women, he would actually want to return to Midgar. He says that he may not be as strong as he used to be as he has not been training the same way that Tseng has, and decides that they will do battle to test out his abilities.
The two duel; Tseng using his pistol to defend himself as the man tosses bombs in his direction, moving quickly to avoid the explosions. Tseng tries to read the pattern of the man’s attacks, hoping that he has a chance of winning. The man mocks his aim as they fight, watching Tseng struggle as although he has improved, the man is still too fast and powerful. He arrogantly offers advice as he dodges Tseng’s bullets, telling him that it is fatal on the battlefield not to take advantage of openings to kill one’s enemies. Finally coming to rest, he chuckles as Tseng continues to aim at him, and says that it is exactly the same as the first time they met. Tseng begins to remember the events of that day.

Mission 2


During the Wutai War, a special secret agent working with the Turks had proven himself far stronger than any of his peers. Formerly a member of an anti-Shinra organisation in the early years of the War, he was a man with great battle experience, and ultimately played a large role in the War for both sides. Never knowing his real name, the soldiers of Shinra gave him the title ‘Death God of the Battlefield’, and he was feared by enemies and allies alike. With his incredible power and fighting abilities, he had become a hero to many of his fellow Turks, achieving the rank of super first class, and the status of ‘Legend’. However, not everyone approved of his role as a Shinra operative.

Verdot stands in the Turks Headquarters with one of the special Turk agents waiting for Tseng, and tells the agent that he was once involved in one of Tseng’s first missions as a new Turk. As Tseng arrives, he immediately recognises the man as the Death God, and aims hi gun at him. He asks the Chief if he has already forgotten what happened three years before, and that he finds the idea of the man acting as a Turk after his war crimes completely unacceptable. (Side note: it may seem strange that Tseng had been a Turk for approximately 3 years and had never been introduced to Legend, but recall in the main game that the playable characters were not aware of Cissnei and Katana’s existence until after episode 17 which took place 3 years after they joined)
Verdot orders Tseng to lower his gun so that he may explain himself. As he does so, Legend taunts him that even though Tseng wants to kill him, he still obeys the rules, and that only a weak man would pull a gun on a comrade in such a manner. Furious, Tseng raises his weapon again, but Verdot puts a hand on the pistol to stop him.
He explains that he appreciates Tseng’s feelings towards the Death God after their personal history from three years before, but that he has been a Turk for some time and Tseng of all people must understand what he is capable of. Verdot says it was him who persuaded the Legend to join the Turks. Tseng remembers how Legend had become famous for his participation in the bitter battles against the Shinra Army, but that he did not doubt the man’s immense abilities. Verdot says that sometimes in war there exists something that cannot be destroyed, something that is irreplaceable, and to remove such an existence would mean weakening your enemy beyond repair. Tseng understands that Verdot is referring to the recruitment of the Death God, and knows that he will have to get over his personal feelings.
Although reluctant, Tseng introduces himself to the Legend. He is stunned when Legend nonchalantly calls Verdot ‘old boy’ before declaring that he is leaving to start the mission as he has wasted enough time. Verdot asks Legend if he needs an explanation of the details of his assignment. Legend replies that it is not necessary as Tseng will be acting as his support and he expects him to send the details to his PHS. The Death God leaves the room and Tseng, perplexed by the man’s attitude and Verdot’s tolerance of it, scurries after him.

The Legend arrives at a secret Shinra military factory somewhere in Wutai which has been overrun, analysing the windy weather conditions and surroundings as he prepares to begin his mission. He has to make a decision between the use of time bombs or remote-control bombs, and, feeling in the mood for something flashy, decides that the use of both types would satisfy him and prove beneficial for the assignment. (Side note – these two types of bombs are the weapons of the Legend for use in battle. Time bombs are set on the ground and explode after a set time, and when two are placed in close proximity, they can create a chain-bomb effect. Remote-control mines are ones where the player has control over when they go off, but they explode after 15 seconds if no action has been taken.)
Tseng calls him to ensure he knows the details of his assignment. The Legend confirms he has to rescue the kidnapped ‘old boy’ and completely eliminate the abductors. Tseng gets annoyed with Legend’s overuse of the term ‘old boy’, and tells him to call him by his name 'Mr. Liner' instead – a weapons trader that has a connection to Shinra. (Side note - the name of the arm dealer is a strange one because some of the translations refer to him as Liner, others Mr. Liner, and some as the liner. I’ve put it in as his name at the moment, but this is subject to change if anyone can advise me otherwise) Tseng says that the enemy has occupied the Company’s military factory and the President has ordered their disposal before they can leak information and secrets about the existence of the factory gained from the captured arms dealer.
Legend asks if the criminals have made any demands, and Tseng tells him that there were two made a short time ago; money to fund their activities and the release of political prisoners from Corel Prison (this is a blatant continuity error on SE’s part since Corel Prison was only established after the destruction of Corel five years later). He says that if the Shinra refuse to meet these demands, the rebels have threatened to expose the secret and distribute the weapons around the world.
Tseng tells the Legend that reports say there are approximately forty people inside the facility and that he should be cautious, but the Legend decides to attack them head on rather than sneak inside. He bets Tseng that he can complete his mission within ten minutes. Tseng is stunned that he thinks the task can be completed so quickly, and replies that gambling is not a principal that the Turks should adopt, but that the Legend should perform to the best of his ability and complete the task in that time anyway.
Coming to the entrance of the facility, the Legend is met by mercenary soldiers. They do battle, but the Legend is far too powerful and fast for them, defeating them with ease by using his chain bombs. Following the explosions, sirens go off to alert more rebels to the intrusion and they come running as the smoke rises. The Legend kills them all with his bombs, telling them that he has brought hell to them as they scream in agony.
Making his way inside the building, the Turk finds a spacious factory area with a number of pillars keeping the upper levels of the building aloft. Tseng calls him and verifies the blueprints of the facility and the location at which Liner is being held on the second floor. He orders him to strategically place explosives at five points throughout the factory so that the detonation will cause the facility to collapse.
Hanging up, the Legend quickly places three bombs at on the designated pillars and machinery across the lower level. At the rear of the area, there is a set of stairs leading to the second level. Running along a passage, he comes to a dead end where a soldier waits. The Legend attacks him, but even after the man states that he was someone who worked with the Legend during the conflict in 1995, the Legend shows no mercy in killing him. Planting a fourth bomb and retracing his steps, he comes to another dead end and is attacked by another mercenary. The man accuses the Legend of being ruined by the Shinra by becoming a Turk, to which he replies that the battlefield has not changed for him – he just fights on a different side now. Defeating the man, he hurriedly places the final explosive well within the ten minute window, and gets another call from Tseng.


The Legend sighs as he recalls who he was back then. He asks Tseng if he would give it all up for the women, and he answers that he wouldn’t have the patience. Legend believes he has become a bitter person, and when Tseng asks him what he plans to do when his probation ends, he says that he will leave Costa del Sol. Tseng is surprised by this but Legend explains it is because he has come to find the place too busy and that he too has become impatient with the women. Tseng wishes him luck, leaving Legend wanting to cut all ties with his former life, and again reflect on his actions two years earlier.


Hurrying down the passage of the military factory’s second floor towards the location Tseng had targeted as the Liner’s whereabouts, the Death God is confronted by waves of mercenaries. Fighting his way through enemy after enemy with his bombs, leaving them pleading for the pain to end, he navigates the corridors, blowing down walls as he goes.
In a room at the centre of the facility, a squad of soldiers and their leader stand guard over the kidnapped weapons dealer. Hearing the explosions grow closer, the leader orders his men into formation. Suddenly, there is a blast at the side of the room, creating a gaping hole from which Legend emerges. He declares he has come to rescue the ‘old boy’ (Liner), and immediately notices him dressed in a blue suit, gagged and bound by his hands and feet to a chair in the middle of the room. The hostage has a strange look in his eyes as he sees the Legend and tries to say something, but his words are muffled. Legend thinks the kidnapping appears amateurish, and tells Liner to hold on just a bit longer.
The squad leader calls out to Legend, saying that the unique sound of his bombs has not changed. Legend says that it has been a long time since they saw one another. The man admits that he never expected the feared Death God of the Battlefield to have joined Shinra, and the Legend replies that he has only lent his powers. The leader states that even the Death God can not escape from such a predicament, and orders the soldiers to surround him. Watching the men come toward him, he answers that he has two principles; never make a woman cry, and never throw down a game. The man says that he has never heard the Legend say that before and that maybe he is different from before, but does not halt the mercenaries advancing. Legend shrugs and says that it is a shame it had to come to this and, as he does so, he pulls out the detonator for the bombs he has set and flicks the switch.
The bombs on the pillars downstairs go off as expected, causing the floor beneath the approaching soldiers to cave in. Screaming, all the soldiers disappear and plummet to their death, leaving only the Turk, the squad leader and Liner remaining. Legend comments that he has not destroyed so much of a building and annihilated so many enemies at once since his role in the anti-Shinra manoeuvres in 1995. The man says that he should be happy that he has not lost any of his ability over time, and the Legend replies that it is only natural given the way he uses his bombs. He says that the only way to prove he is really alive on the battlefield.
The leader sarcastically says that he is afraid
, and the two are thrust into an intense battle. Using his speed and skilled techniques, the Legend is victorious after a short time. Wounded, the leader falls to his knees. Gasping painfully, he gestures towards the Liner, saying that he heard a rumour about what happened during the negotiations in 1997. Legend asks him if he is referring the mission in which he participated, and he responds that the truth will stay with him for eternity. As he says it, the ceiling collapses on top of his body, crushing him.
Disappointed but showing no fear as the building shakes around him, Legend unties the weapons dealer, recalling the arms negotiation mission of 1997. As the ropes fall away, Liner leaps from the chair, pulling the gag from his mouth as he shouts angrily at the Legend for wasting time and not releasing him sooner when the facility was crumbling. As the Legend looks upon the man’s scarred face, Liner spits habitually, and commands the Turk to lead him out safely. Hearing his voice, Legend stops in his tracks, realising at once that he recognises it. It strikes him how easy it is to alter one’s face and name, but not voice.
As he turns to look at the weapons trader, Tseng calls to ask the status of Mr. Liner and tells Legend to hurry up as the time window for escape is closing fast. Legend replies by telling Tseng that Verdot will have a record of what he told him back in 1997, and hangs up. As he does so, Liner enquires if that was the Turks phone aid and asks why he disconnected the call for his own convenience.
The Death God casually asks if he remembers the events of 1997. Liner shouts that they don’t have time to talk, but the Legend repeats the question. Liner says that he will get himself out, but the Legend will have to pay him if he wants to ‘inspire’ him to remember. As chunks of ceiling fall down around them, the arms dealer becomes frantic and pleads for them to leave. Speaking softly, the Turk asks Liner if he is a gambling man, and bets that the weapons trader would give up his memories in order to leave the facility safely. Liner asks the Death God if he is insane, to which he responds by asking why Liner will not protect his own life by offering up the information. Liner then asks if it is a usual occurrence that the Turks abandon their duty. Legend tells the dealer that he will do it before anyone realises what has happened, and leaves him behind, screaming his name as the building falls.

Later at Turk Headquarters, Tseng approaches Verdot to ask about Legend’s punishment after he deliberately quit his assignment. Verdot answers that in light of his immaculate past record with Shinra, he has been sent to Costa del Sol to be placed under house arrest for a long time. Tseng is very angry with what he feels is an injustice that an individual with Legend’s history is punished for abandoning his mission and leaving a Shinra official to die by sending him to a tropical resort, but bites his tongue. Observing Tseng’s reaction, Verdot reminds him that Shinra’s executives feared the highly classified information Mr. Liner held and the secrets of the military factory would be leaked. He explains that although the Legend did not complete his duty, he guaranteed that the threat posed would be removed.
Tseng comprehends that it has been determined that the damage caused by the Legend is less than what Shinra would have lost if the information had been leaked. He says that although they have only worked together once, it is testament to how exceptional a top class agent Legend actually is given that he can still expect to be successful in his main objective while abandoning the mission, but admits that he has no idea why the Death God did what he did
. Verdot asks him if the Legend mentioned anything about 1997 in his last phone call, to which Tseng replies that he had.
Verdot asks Tseng if he knows what incident Legend was referring to. Tseng says that if he remembers correctly, it was an incident in late 1997 when an anti-Shinra organisation took occupation of a Mako Reactor and threatened Shinra. Verdot says that he is correct, and at that time it was Mr. Liner who was offering to provide the organisation with weapons. Tseng is surprised to learn that Liner was previously associated with and traded with anti-Shinra groups, and Verdot reveals that his connection was very close.
Verdot asks Tseng if he was aware of the outcome of the incident. Tseng answers that he knew the anti-Shinra force’s operation failed, and that official reports stated that there were only two unnamed survivors. Verdot states that it is highly probable that the man known as Mr. Liner was one of the survivors, and Tseng gasps as Verdot confirms that the other was the Death God. Tseng realises that after the incident, the arms trader had changed his name to Liner and had facial surgery to hide his identity and his past, and it seemed had later began trading with Shinra. (Side note – it doesn’t specifically say so anywhere, but I reckon this is the same arms dealer who was trading with anti-Shinra groups during the Special Episode of Tseng. He was thus indirectly responsible for Tseng being put in intensive care, Verdot getting his scar, and ultimately Kalm being bombed. As far as I can make out, this all occurred before the incident with Legend.)
Verdot recalls that on that day, he went to the Mako Reactor immediately after the incident to confirm the facility’s condition. He says that the Death God was there and that he was afraid, and that he put himself on guard, but the Legend simply tossed away his weapons. Verdot says that he had something in his left hand; a single red shoe. He says that the Legend opened his mouth and said gently, “I will not cry for the sake of my family, but instead mourn this day for their death”.
Verdot reveals that Legend did not speak about the incident after that, only to say that he never did anything but bring forth battle. He guesses that Mr. Liner used the relationship he had with the Death God and his peers to betray them using a weapons negotiation. As a result, his comrades (family) were killed – including a little orphan girl (whom I guess the shoe belonged to)
– and he only survived because of his strength. Verdot asks Tseng what he would have done if faced with the same situation as Legend at the military factory, having learned of the incident in 1997, to which the young Turk cannot give an answer.

Mission 3


On the beach in Costa del Sol, Tseng stares off into the distance, thinking about the events of two years before. Legend asks him what is wrong, and Tseng says that he has never understood what it feels like to be betrayed. He admits that if put in Legend’s situation where his comrades had been killed and he lost the little girl who was very special to him, he may too have acted the same way when confronted with the weapons dealer. The Legend is silent after he hears this, surprised by Tseng’s words.
Tseng again requests that the Death God returns to duty with the Turks, stressing the fact that his powers are needed. Blowing on his cigar, Legend reminds him that he does not feel the same way about Shinra as Tseng does, especially after discovering that they were in league with Liner. He says that the world has enough to worry about, but that they are prepared to match it (I assume he means that the Turks are ready for whatever is thrown at them), commanding Tseng to tell the old boy (Verdot) that he refuses their request.
Legend then says that to tell the truth, it had been troubling him if he was worthy of returning to the Turks (not physically – its sounds like remorse for his actions), and wishes to turn over a new leaf. Tseng is shocked to hear Legend opening up his heart to him, but says that he understands, even if it means he is turning his back on them. As he leaves, Tseng tells the Legend that should he change his mind, it is not only Chief Verdot who awaits his return, but he would also look forward to one day fight alongside him again.


In the aftermath of the Wutai War rose many anti-Shinra militant groups, some hailing from what remained of the Wusheng, others from elsewhere. Of these enemies, one group proved more of a challenge to Shinra than any other. They were known as AVALANCHE. Since AVALANCHE’s first attack on the Shinra Company a year before, the Turks had been given the duty of combating the group and tracking their movements while SOLDIER fought off other enemies.
Following a series of confidential information leaks to AVALANCHE, President Shinra held Verdot accountable for the Turks’ failure to do their job of keeping the company’s secrets safe, and ordered his demotion to another department. As a result, Tseng was promoted to the Chief of Turks, answerable to the incompetent Head of the newly-formed Department of Public Safety Maintenance, Heidegger. (Side note – after Verdot’s demotion and Lazard’s disappearance, the General Affairs, Security and SOLDIER Departments merged under an umbrella title to form the Department of Public Safety Maintenance)
When the Turks are given the trivial task of acting lookout in Junon, an army of AVALANCHE operatives attack the city. The Turks have been given explicit instructions by Heidegger to report any incident so that he may deploy the Shinra Army to take on the militant group. However, under Heidegger’s poor leadership, the Turks are outnumbered and AVALANCHE begin to take control of the city. Meanwhile, watching the events unfold on the monitors at Shinra Headquarters, Verdot decides that he must take action, calling an old friend. (Side note – as far as I can make out, the game shows the following conversation taking place from Verdot’s perspective, ie from the monitor room. It doesn’t state anywhere where Legend actually is at this point. It can be assumed he is still under house arrest in Costa del Sol, but he could be anywhere, although smart money would have him somewhere where Junon is easily accessible.)
Legend answers Verdot’s telephone call, stating that it has been a long time since they spoke, and asks what’s wrong when he immediately detects Verdot’s voice is without its usual vitality. Verdot informs him that he has lost command of the Turks, and Legend laughs, telling him he thinks that’s very amusing. Verdot says that he has a favour to ask. Legend says that the Shinra are likely to be monitoring the call, but Verdot advises him that he has ensured the line is encrypted.
Verdot then asks Legend directly to fight for the Turks. Legend asks him if he remembers what he said when they met for the first time at the Mako Reactor; that he did nothing but bring conflict. Verdot tells him that it was because Shinra were trying to end the prolonged Wutai War that he requested that the Death God join them again. Legend answers that he has no reason to return to the Turks since the War is over, but Verdot says that the War is not over yet, leaving him puzzled. (Side note – bear in mind that Legend actually comes from Junon, so Verdot may be playing on that a bit.)
Verdot informs him of AVALANCHE and their current movements to try and destroy Junon, and that the Turks are caught in the middle of it. Verdot says that these days, Shinra and the Turks don’t have the necessary strength to deal with such a situation, and that they need his power. Legend comments that the circumstances seem drastic if Verdot would go to the extent of calling him, and Verdot replies that he is begging him to return.
Agreeing, Legend asks what the situation is. Verdot explains that Heidegger has taken command, but that Shinra’s efforts are in chaos due to his inept orders. He tells the Legend that his task is to ensure the safety of Junon’s civilians. When Legend asks who will be in charge, Verdot informs him that he has a plan to lay down his life in order to regain authority. (Side note – for anyone who doesn’t know, Verdot’s plan is to threaten President Shinra that he will go public with Shinra’s secrets if he is not reinstated as Chief of Turks. Angered by the blackmail, the President does what he asks, but warns him that anything but complete loyalty on his part will result in execution.). Legend says to leave it to him.

The Legend arrives in Junon and is quickly surrounded by AVALANCHE operatives. He orders the ‘boys’ to let him pass as he is in a hurry to get to the trouble spot up ahead. The soldiers say that if he is trying to get somewhere, then losing time could prove fatal, and engage him in battle. Using his bombs to defeat enemy after enemy, one of the AVALANCHE soldiers realises who he is, questioning why the Death God is working for the Turks. The Legend gasps as he remembers how much he had missed the unique sound of his bombs, declaring that he will take care of fifty enemies while the ‘old boy’ regains authority.
Battling his way through hoards of AVALANCHE operatives, the others involved in the fighting take notice of his actions. Realising his strength, Elfé orders her troops to retreat. Elsewhere, Reno and Rude notice the change in AVALANCHE’s movements and a decrease in their numbers as they draw back. Tseng deduces that the Turks have regained control of the situation and decides that they will remain defending Junon until Verdot is reinstated. Believing his return to leadership to be imminent, the Legend and the Turks continue to fight until they successfully overcome the chaos in the city. (Side note – for anyone wishing to know further how this was achieved, read episode 9 of the main story which can be found at Dark Angel’s page here: http://www.freewebs.com/gunshotromance/episode9.htm )

Later at the Turk Headquarters, Verdot shares his appreciation with Tseng and the Turks following his orders well and settling a dangerous situation. He tells them that before he says anything more, he would like to introduce someone. As he speaks, the Legend enters the room, leaving Tseng stunned. Verdot reveals that when they were struggling at Junon Harbour, he got the Legend to fight for them. Tseng realises that the sudden decrease in AVALANCHE’s in the middle of the battle was because of the Legend’s involvement.
Legend says that the ‘old boy’s’ safety came before everything else, to which Verdot responds that it appears it was not their time to die. Legend jokes that it is simply not in Tseng’s character to die. (Side note – I think this is a reference to Tseng’s supposed ‘9 lives’). Verdot says that Tseng is likely to be the one to inherit the leadership of the Turks. Legend wishes him success in his career and that since he is the ‘newcomer’, he would have to take orders from Tseng.
Tseng finds the Legend’s words odd as it would be a big mistake to consider him a newcomer. Turning to the others, he asks if everyone knows who the Legend is. He tells them that it is easy for everyone to find faults in others rather than themselves, but that if they knew what had led to his house arrest, they would understand his actions. Reno begins to fear the man as he realises that the rumours are true while Rude thinks that the man is a legend and not someone to be crossed since his actions are forgiven, and worries that Reno will have to be careful.
Tseng tells them that he guarantees the man’s ability, as before he joined the Turks he was once feared as the Death God of the Battlefield. Reno become even more scared, but Rude is unsure if someone that abandoned their duty should be given the opportunity to be reinstated. Turning to the Legend, Verdot asks him if he has settled upon an answer. The Legend responds that he has thought about Verdot has asked, and decided that he will entrust his life to the Turks.

The one called the ‘Death God of the Battlefield’, a man known as a Legend within the Turks, returned to them. Those who know of his history do so with fear and wonder. But, he will never again look back on his own past…forever will it sleep in the darkness of the battlefield…
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
These are very cool, I must also repeat the sentiment that you should post these on the frontpage as soon as you can when finished. Thank you so much for sharing this awesome information you gathered ^^


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
LOL well the Reno one was posted on the front page. I'm sure he'll get to the other one :monster:

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Sorry guys. I happen to work two jobs and sleep the rest of the time, so writing these summaries is a few slots down my priority list. If you want the translation to work out what is going on by yourself, then email me at [email protected]
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Legend's character

I'm working on a fanfic which will probably never see the light of day, in which Legend makes a brief appearance as an amoral womanizer. I've tried to piece together some kind of character for him going by what I've managed to glean from your and Dark Angel's summaries. If it turns out he's a decent chap underneath it all (as all the Turks seem to be in BC, rather disappointingly) could you let us know when you have a spare moment? I take your point over being overworked. I deduced that he does return to fight with his comrades towards the end, but it's possible he could do this and still be an amoral womanizing jerk, isn't it?
Many thanks, and thanks too for the fantastic summaries. It's a real labour of love.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Legend is a very interesting character. My interpretation is that he would gladly sell his loyalty to the highest bidder but give his life for the cause once he had done so. At the start of the Legend Episode, Tseng meets two young women on the beach who are talking about how the plan on meeting Legend at the bar for drinks so even in his later years he is still a womaniser. Tseng has hated the guy from day one for something that happened in the past (I still haven't been able to work out what - dunno if its personal or if Legend was part of anti-Shinra forces in Wutai or whatever) but Verdot trusts him completely. Legend is the kind of guy who is who he is and everyone else can take it or leave it. He enjoys the life in Costa del Sol with the sun, bars and women, but he has no doubt over his ability and goes back to fight for Verdot.

Dunno if that helps at all.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Here it is folks, the moment we've all been waiting for.

Special Episode of Legend missions 1 and 2 completed.

It's been 6 months coming so sorry it took so long. Life got in the way. I'll get round to mission 3 asap but it's basically an extension to the story of ch9 from the main game. Quite interesting but not quite as revealing as these 2.

Be warned that the reason it has taken so long i that the Legend web translation was really difficult to decipher compared to the others. As a result, there may be a few slight differences that I have wrong or missed out, but nothing massively important I don't think. If anyone has read a script or has additional knowledge about this do share.

There are 2 main things I want to bring up, though.

a) On Dark Angels Legend character profile it says

There is a complex relationship between Legend and Tseng, though what happened between them to warrant Tseng's opinion of him is at the current time unknown. What we do know is that Legend was Tseng's mentor ¨C one of the people who taught Tseng what he knows today.

However, I have read through the entire transcript and cannot find any reference to this whatsoever. I'm not doubting DA since she has played the game and can understanding Japanese, but I can't for the life of me understand where it comes from. Open to suggestions.

b) The whole part about what the arms dealer did to betray Legend is really difficult to make out. Ive done my best but will hold my hands up and say I may have got this wrong. I'm in the process of reviewing this at the moment as I have taken the neoseeker scripts and ran them through a few different translation sites, which gives an indication that Legend lost all of his comrades INCLUDING the young girl at the incident. Anyone who wishes to have a go themselves can do so:

From Babel Fish

"You insert", Entering to the room in the word after all Tseng .
"Chief! ! That dealing how becomes and increase is high! ? "
"Long-term good behavior at the costa del sol which some time ago has report was ordered",
"(Fool! When to abandoning duty as Turksand looking at the VIP of the Shinraon that and making the murder it is good behavior with the south?) "
The Tseng っ て thing quiet lose, in heart to talk, it seems that is the る type which is sown.
"As for the top fearing safety of the current Shinrawhere the everything of that where secrecy of the Shinrais the liner person and to leak from the factory to outside goes out was guaranteed"
"...... It is plugged, when the damage which those compared to loses him is larger don't you think?... it is such judgement? "
"So is",
"But...... (and the dealing only of name, there are times when you do not know whether the reason)"
Tseng which again says nothing in the word of the chief. In heart talking, however the る don't you think?! The chief who conjectures among such a hearts.
"Something expressive shelf"
"Working together, that construction ability to be understood it is the super top rank, if it does with that much power duty... being not to know whether the him who is the expectation which it can succeed not to be wrong why duty is abandoned in me, it does", Said "...... he, by the last telephone, [ μ ] - as for thing of incident ε γ λ 1997? " Don't you think? "
, it is and... certain... counter Shinra organization occupies the demon 晄 furnace and the Shinra was threatened... is at that incident? " According to the chief, those where the weapon was offered were the liner person to the counter Shinra organization, it seems. Shinra with before associating, having transacted with counter Shinra organization, when it was in close relationship, thing. If "in the gold it is as for story remembering and viewing! It is the case, the gold everything "with you say sort, for the liner? The う - it is hateful is hateful. And the chief has known the conclusion of incident, when is, you question to Tseng .
"Don't you think? as for the maneuvers of counter Shinraorganization, as for those where you exist with the failure authorized personnel... they were 2 names",
"So 1 person among those where is probably is the liner person",
"! ? Already 1 survivor never...? "
"So ' dead God of the battlefield ' is"
, Being to be the case that after the incident, the liner changing name and the face, turned off your own past, Shinra with began transaction it does. And the chief started talking the thing of the day when it meets with dead God.
"As for that day we in order to verify the safety of after the incident which is in actual place he was there where it faces to the demon 晄 furnace, ' dead God of the battlefield ' with we which is the man who fears took a stance, is, but... he had those which throw away the weapon"
, "Those which are...? "
"That time when just 1 pair had the shoes where he is red well in the left hand, he opened the mouth gently, '... the family which cries for the fellow where the family is not is not in the fellow, it is about today when is the death of the fellow it is sadly with to do... '"
"As for him just he where also the girl of the orphan where the relations where the companion dies with the betrayal of the liner person who is we imagination from here where you do not talk many are good had become sacrifice simply the one person survived in the strength reason",
"Tseng latest duty... you were he, how it did? "
"When...... it is I..."

From Google

I have been working together
His ability to work
Is a world-class
So much power
If you simply
The mission is certainly
I could have been successful
He is the
The mission?
Or waiver
I do
I do not know


He is, in the last
[μ]-εγλ1997 years
The incident?

, Yes
God organized the anti-Na
Occupied the furnace晄Magic
God threatened to Na
This is the case?

Luo organization of the anti-God
Was to provide weapons
Rainer said that the

! ?
('s Liner?
I did not know)
Na God go with a previous
Trade Organization and anti-God Ra
I had

Is that
[μ]-εγλ1997 years
Organization and anti-God Ra
An intimate relationship
Outcome is known?

Organization's anti-God Ra
Operation, failure
The official
The survival
I could name two

One of them is
The liner will

! ?
The other survivors were
No way?

[Death] is the battlefield


(After the incident
The liner is
Left off the record)
(A deal with God Ra
(Or so)

I was on the scene
Immediately after the incident
To confirm the safety
I went to the furnace晄Magic
He was there
[And] death on the battlefield
He was afraid
I two-fisted
He discarded the weapon
Had something


He is on the left
Red shoes
Had only one leg
At that time, he
Open-mouth silent
He's the
No family,
For him,
The family will cry.
I do not,
Today, the only
The death of a Murderer
Do what's


He is saying a lot
Here is my imagination
Mr. Liner
The Betrayal
Death of peers
Good terms
The orphan girl
He only
Because of their strengths
But one
I survived


This mission
He would have you
What happened?


If I

Abandoning the mission
Bomb (a man)

The Costa del Sol
Was suspended

Verdot is
He recalled a time
Were helped --|

And please do feedback on this. I'd be thrilled to hear what people have to say cos I can't help but notice BC is a dying topic. :(
Last edited:

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Hey, folks. I've spent the last few hours going over the differences in the numerous translations. Most of what I had written before is correct, but there have been a few slight changes such as the history of Tseng and Legend. I've highlighted all the changes in yellow so you can see them. I know it looks a lot, but since you tend to pick up a lot reading from different translations, I've noticed a few things that are missed in one script but not in another due to the various engines. If you read it, you'll realise it's not a rewrite so much as a greater collection of in-depth info.

I'll get the rest done over the next couple of days hopefully.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So glad to see you back and working on this. This was wonderful, man. Thank you for your hard work!

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Phew....finally got the revised version of missions 1 and 2 up. Again, same general storyline, but vastly more analysis about what actually happened. It's good to finally get a grip on some of Legend's history. Sadly, there is no explanation as to what really happened with the arm dealer that caused him to betray his associates, what actually happened inside the reactor, and who the orphan girl was and what she meant to Legend.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think. Once I get mission 3 up, Ill pot it on the TLS front page
Thanks and a question

Thanks so much for all this. It's invaluable. However, there was one part I didn't understand:

"The Legend sighs as he recalls who he was back then. He asks Tseng if he would give it all up for the women, and he answers that might need a bit of time. Legend secretly believes he has become a bitter person, and when Tseng asks him what he plans to do when his probation ends, he says that he will leave Costa del Sol. Tseng is surprised by this but Legend explains it is because he has come to find the place too busy and the women too impatient. Tseng wishes him luck, but Legend thinks about how callous a person he is, and again reflects on his actions two years earlier."

Does Legend think that he himself has become a callous person, or does he think that Tseng has become a callous person? Either way, seems kind of an un-Legendlike reflection. He comes across to me as someone who always thinks he's right, though that could easily be my mis-reading.

I do hope Square Enix NEVER tell us why Tseng dislikes Legend. It's much more fun to leave it to our own imagination.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Does Legend think that he himself has become a callous person, or does he think that Tseng has become a callous person? Either way, seems kind of an un-Legendlike reflection. He comes across to me as someone who always thinks he's right, though that could easily be my mis-reading.

Bugger, I knew I'd forgotten to add something. That exact ling you are talking about should actually be changed to
Tseng wishes him luck, leaving Legend wanting to cut all ties with the place, and again reflect on his actions two years earlier
. The way the translation worked out, the wording is confusing, but he basically says he is sick and tired of living at Costa del Sol. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. It's been updated now.

I do hope Square Enix NEVER tell us why Tseng dislikes Legend. It's much more fun to leave it to our own imagination.

Personally I love it when they give little tidbits of character history. There's quite a lot left wide open for the imagination in this episode. I would have enjoyed learning more about Legend's time in the anti-Shinra group. I mean the story touches upon a major operation he participated in during 1995, there is the operation that involved Tseng in 1996 (before even the episode of Tseng takes place) and obviously the incident at the Reactor in 1997.
I reckon they could have revealed a bit more.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Clearly he's referring to himself, since in the previous two sentences he's questioning his own persona and changes he's went through. Not to mention he's trying to change himself now.

And the reason was already given why Tseng doesn't like him, wasn't it? Legend was a notorious killer who used his bombs on friends and foes alike. Tseng finds his methods distasteful and his attitude obnoxious.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
First part of mission 3 added. Only a small bit, but reveals quite a bit about both Legend and Tseng's personality. Legend was remorseful and Tseng wanted him back. Who saw that coming?

All that remains is what Legend does during the AVALANCHE raid on Junon. I'll hopefully get that up over the weekend.

And the reason was already given why Tseng doesn't like him, wasn't it? Legend was a notorious killer who used his bombs on friends and foes alike. Tseng finds his methods distasteful and his attitude obnoxious.

Tseng's dialogue when he first sees Legend suggests that he was involved in a mission early in his Turk career where Legend was the enemy and did something horrible. I think Licorice meant that the lack of info on this event was pleasing as it was left to the imagination.
The mysterious Legend

Yes, that's what I meant, S&G. As a fanfictioneer, I don't really like it when everything gets explained in canon, as this leaves us fanfic writers with very little wiggle room. I enjoy seeing a multiplicity of invented backstories blooming from a range of writers, each with their own ideas. I like it when there's no one right answer.
Thanks again for all your hard work.


S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Large chunk added for mission 3.

However, this has brought to light a few things where the script did not make sense previously. When Tseng when to request Legend return to the Turks, he did NOT. I think I assumed the outcome was that he had based upon an earlier understanding, and got myself confused. The text has been altered appropriately.

Apologies for this confusion. The new text will immediately reveal why it is obvious I made a mistake.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher

Special Episode of Legend complete.

I'm gonna go post it on the TLS frontpage now.


S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
I found these on a Japanese site a few weeks ago. They are the only images of the Reno Episode I can find online. If anyone knows where I can find more pics of this or the Legend episode that aren't in the Ultimania, or even the videos, please do share.

Anyway, enjoy.

Reno meets Zack at the Sector 8 fountain plaza, tying in with the Crisis Core event. Notice the Genesis Copies in the top right corner.

Reno and Rude take on Genesis Copies in the train tunnels.
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