Star Trek Discovery


Double Growth
So that's the name for the new series. I might have offered some pause on giving your show the initials "STD," but what to do I know.

Here's the "test footage."

I dunno, that ship feels awfully Klingon. (And so does the music, frankly.) I know it's based on some old Enterprise concept art, but it's still ugly.
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Higher Further Faster
I dunno, that ship feels awfully Klingon. (And so does the music, frankly.) I know it's based on some old Enterprise concept art, but it's still ugly.

Maybe this is secretly Michael Dorn's show about Worf. They just ninja'd all of us.

At lease one can dream... :sadpanda:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I think it's the fact that it's so angular is what's making it seem Klingon-like. Intrigued nonetheless.

X :neo:


Dun like the ship design, but I guess we'll see how everything comes out. I feel like it looks like an Enterprise tried to mate with a Star Destroyer.


3x3 Eyes
They will probably initial it DSC, along the veins of TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, etc...

Having said that, I agree that I'm not a massive fan of that design, but that could have been the CGI. Need a clearer look at it for sure.


Double Growth
First full trailer!

Well the ship definitely looks improved from that concept footage (EDIT: Whoops, different ship), although it doesn't really resemble other Kirk-era Starfleet ships... Nevertheless, I am intrigued, I can see some promise.
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‪‫‬‭ ‮
I really hope this is good so I can retire Voyager/TNG/DS9 as my background bullshit shows.


Double Growth
It's just that now it's what every show does regardless of whether that's best. Also it invariably leads to episodes where jack shit happens because they need to end every episode on a cliffhangar. If they turn Star Trek into Walking Dead I will not be pleased.

Serialized benefits from something where the writer knows the whole story from the get-go, and ideally is shorter form (like a 13-26 episode anime, though lord knows that doesn't guarantee quality either). When they only have a vague idea and just make shit up as they go so that each episode has the requisite "shock" at the end, it gets old really fast.


I liked the format of Voyager, which had episodic content and the occasional two- or even three-part show, with frequent recurring themes, storylines and subplots.

There was also plenty of conflict, like the odd love triangle or dick measuring contests.


Double Growth
I don't mind overarcing plot lines. But when EVERYTHING is in service to that plotline, it gets tiresome.

The show Burn Notice was pretty good about this. Every season had an overarcing plot, and the first and last 5-10 minutes of each episode related to that. But then the meat of the episode was addressing the problem of the week that told a little story that wrapped up by the end. Then of course the last 2 or 3 episodes of the season would deal with the overarc. This was a good way to handle it.


I liked the format of Sherlock season 1, mystery of the week (?) but also overarching wossname. The overarching part seems to have taken over though... or maybe that's just me because the episodes are each movie-length long.
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