Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!


Friendly reminder that Episode VIII is only less than one and a half years away :awesome:
(unless they delay it)


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Well I hope it's good. :monster:

I just wonder in what direction they're going to develop it. In terms of plot development in VII everything seems so front-loaded so it feels like the story has already passed the TESB mark and VIII would be like the ROTJ of the trilogy.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well I hope it's good. :monster:

I just wonder in what direction they're going to develop it. In terms of plot development in VII everything seems so front-loaded so it feels like the story has already passed the TESB mark and VIII would be like the ROTJ of the trilogy.

I'm curious what you mean by that. Care to elaborate in more spoilery detail?

X :neo:


ACF Refugee
Well I hope it's good. :monster:

I just wonder in what direction they're going to develop it. In terms of plot development in VII everything seems so front-loaded so it feels like the story has already passed the TESB mark and VIII would be like the ROTJ of the trilogy.

Hopefully it will move in a new direction. Like you said, in terms of plot development, they've got a lot of the referential New Hope-Empire stuff out of the way. Rian Johnson is a visionary filmmaker, and I'm sure there is an excellent Star Wars trilogy to be had under his vision--hopefully one that addresses the mythology a little more directly this time ;)

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
So anyone actually watched Rian Johson's movies ('Looper', 'Brother Bloom', 'Brick'?) I haven't. Any of them good?

Reckon he'll do justice to the next movie?


Harbinger O Great Justice
So anyone actually watched Rian Johson's movies ('Looper', 'Brother Bloom', 'Brick'?) I haven't. Any of them good?

Reckon he'll do justice to the next movie?

Rian Johnson is awesome.

I utterly LOVED Brick and that got me excited for Looper -- which i also ended up absolutely loving to bits. He does marvelously at crafting a deep feeling world, but leaving little teases of answers to theorycraft around, which -- given that Star Wars has a lot of that just feels like he'll fit right into this and make one HELL of a film with this.

I've never seen The Brothers Bloom though, but I ought to check it out now.

The book version of TFA leaves me ZERO doubt that Snoke is Plagueis.

io9 said:
Supreme Leader Snoke is a whacking great mystery throughout The Force Awakens. Who is he? Where did he come from? Is he a Sith? Is he really that big, or is he holocommunicating with some major compensation issues?

The novelization doesn’t answer all of those questions, but it gives some insight into Snoke by revealing that he’s been working behind the scenes for quite some time, even during the Original Trilogy. In one of their several hologram chit chats, Snoke reveals to Kylo Ren that he actually had apprentices before the fallen Solo. But Ben shows the most promise, because he didn’t begin his training as an adept of the Dark Side, but was corrupted and fell from the light, something Snoke hadn’t experienced before:

It is far more than that. It is where you are from. What you are made of. The Dark Side—and the Light. The finest sculptor cannot fashion a masterpiece from poor materials. He must have something pure, something strong, something unbreakable, with which to work.

Snoke then recalls to Kylo that he saw the Empire “rise, and then fall”, and even that he knew that Darth Vader was Luke’s father (which is probably something Luke didn’t go touting publicly after Endor). This is something that he may have learned while seducing Ben to the dark side, admittedly, but in the book it’s implied that it was something he already knew at the time, anyway. The book really emphasizes that Snoke was a major presence throughout the events of the previous films, though, more than the film did—and that he has a vested interest in the Skywalker family lineage.

X :neo:


Can I be real about Boba Fett?

I've seen the original trilogy countless times (far more than the prequel trilogy) and when people bring him up I often don't know who he is. I know now obviously, but I don't find his role in the original trilogy even remotely memorable.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I think it's mostly the sort of enigmatic badass role that he plays in capturing Han Solo, the "no disintegrations" warning that Vader gives him, and the fact that his armor is really cool that makes him as cool as he was – which is why the Prequel Trilogy giving him more backstory diminished that rather than improved upon it, because it explained away the mystery that gave his character a lot of its appeal.

X :neo:


I think it's mostly the sort of enigmatic badass role that he plays in capturing Han Solo, the "no disintegrations" warning that Vader gives him, and the fact that his armor is really cool that makes him as cool as he was – which is why the Prequel Trilogy giving him more backstory diminished that rather than improved upon it, because it explained away the mystery that gave his character a lot of its appeal.

I wouldn't say the prequels diminished him. 9-year old Boba Fett is objectively a more capable combatant from the guy in Return of the Jedi. Problem is that they made the mysterious Mandalorian armour wearing bounty hunter, the son of a mysterious Mandalorian armour wearing bounty hunter. The whole clone thing is fine but it doesn't address the mystery beyond that it's no longer Boba's mystery.

And then the Clone Wars cartoon came along and destroyed Boba Fett utterly and any connection he or Jango might have had to the Mandalorians.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Boba Fett is the only ancillary character that Darth Vader appears to have a modicum of respect for (as he talks shit to everyone in Cloud City but still insists on reimbursing Fett if the carbonite plan fucks up), so what little he says and does invites a lot of imagination by viewers as to how huge of a badass he actually is.

Well I hope it's good. :monster:

I just wonder in what direction they're going to develop it. In terms of plot development in VII everything seems so front-loaded so it feels like the story has already passed the TESB mark and VIII would be like the ROTJ of the trilogy.

I'm curious what you mean by that. Care to elaborate in more spoilery detail?

X :neo:

Just by the fact that all the dots between most of the main characters are about 90% joined, like I mentioned in my huge tl;dr earlier.
We fully understand that Kylo Ren is a huge Darth Vader nerd who struggles with the light side of the Force, and that he's an interesting, flawed individual (or a giant whinging crybaby who throws temper tantrums). We get the motivations behind Han attempting to turn him back to the light, and the reason why Kylo Ren killing Han is such a personal deal.

We get all the character subversion that we got from TESB throughout the second hour of TFA, and afterwards it feels like there's no mysticism to that part of the story. All I think is available to Kylo Ren's arc is some sort of emotional aftermath or resolution, something which didn't occur in the original trilogy until the end of TESB and throughout ROTJ.
tl;dr what took the original trilogy two movies to do, slowly building up the villainous persona to a climactic turn, TFA basically reached that peak halfway through the film. I don't want to say it's poorly paced, because all in all the pacing is fairly satisfactory, but in comparison to the original trilogy it's why I say it's very front-loaded.

So in order to keep the wheels turning for the rest of the new trilogy, there'd have to be something else in the works, a different plot element that hasn't included every character we've been presented with so far. This part is pure speculation, of course, and maybe they've come up with some brilliant way to keep these specific character arcs rolling for another four and a half hours of film.
But with the way this movie tends to ape the original formula so closely, I don't want to hold my breath on that.


^The thing is though,
I think you're comparing it too heavily to the original trilogy by doing that. I'm fairly glad they got that part of his arc out of the way so as not to directly mimic a subverted trope on the original, because it leaves room for more development and specifically a shift of focus to Luke and the role he's going to play now, which is where I think they obviously seem to be going with this.

The only real "complaint" I have about Kylo Ren is that I find him completely non-threatening due to his reveal, but that's my bias as a fairly judgemental person on looks. I looked at him and thought "wow who is this spotty 17 year old with dodgy hair" and it wasn't until after the movie I kind of realised they were doing Anakin hair XD


Pro Adventurer
The only real "complaint" I have about Kylo Ren is that I find him completely non-threatening due to his reveal, but that's my bias as a fairly judgemental person on looks. I looked at him and thought "wow who is this spotty 17 year old with dodgy hair" and it wasn't until after the movie I kind of realised they were doing Anakin hair XD

The funny thing is that Adam Driver who plays Kylo Ren is actually 32 years old and 9 years older than the acters of Rey and Finn. :monster: He looks really young in the movie though, which makes me wonder about how old Kylo Ren is supposed to be. I have the impression that he is older than Rey. Maybe what Leia ment with "he has too much Vader in him" was that quite like Anakin was Ben is also a bit reckless and has a temper. But then again, how would she know what Anakin was like. But still, there are similar traits between Anakin and Ben.

Also I disagree that we would already know everything about Kylo Ren and his motives. I feel like all that was said about him was super vague and I definitely want more details. Also, it is suggested in the film that he haves intrests that are different from those of First Order's and Snoke's. And if the First Order wants to find Luke to kill him then what does Kylo Ren want from him? Or what is his plan? I think there are a lot of things to be revealed in the next film. More about Rey but also things about the First Order and Kylo Ren.


Harbinger O Great Justice
So, I have a LOT of thoughts about where this is going, and to prep it, just look at the directors for VIII and IX for a quick non-spoilery version.

• Rian Johnson (VIII) - A bit dark and heavily plot driven.
• Colin Trevorrow (IX) - Massive spectacle and nostalgia revisited.

So, I think that we'll get the most intense bit in the middle section, and the big spectacle in the final one (a lot like TESB & RotJ). Despite the apparent frontloading, I think that there's still a lot to be built upon (and not the least of which that we don't know who Benicio Del Toro is playing in VIII). So to get into it a bit more
Rian Johnson is really good at managing multiple threads and pulling them all together, while maintaining tension.

While we know ABOUT the Resistance and the First Order, we haven't really spent time building into them -- especially after the status change of the New Republic and their forces getting wrecked.

Spending some time with the injured Finn and Poe Dameron is likely going to be how we get acquainted with what this military/political setting looks like, and maybe some more history of where it all came from, and how things have kept up over the last 30 years. This will also give some time for Finn to find out where he belongs, since he's going to be apart from Rey (his injury being the way to accomplish that), while also building up on his and Phasma's relationship as enemies. We need this film to set up a bigger picture for what this setting is in order to give the greater conflict more weight. This is what I see happening with those groups (and I really hope that Lando gets to come back and pal around with Finn).

On the other side there's the Light Side and Dark Side masters and apprentices of Snoke & Kylo Ren Vs. Luke and Rey, which I feel is likely to be Darth Plagueis & Ben Solo Vs. Luke Skywalker & Rey Skywalker. Keeping these groups a part lets you build up the history of Plagueis' machinations to get to this point, as well as what Luke had done up to this point and how it all got ripped away.

Snoke is terrified of the Jedi coming back as a Force, and (assuming that my aforementioned ideas are accurate), he's attempting to take control of the legacy of the powerful Force users that he is ultimately responsible for creating. Building up this interaction between the Dark and Light Side as the fallout of Anakin's Prophesy gives a lot of weight to the motivation and trajectory behind the past and present of of what's happening.

Essentially, I think that Episode VIII is going to give us the controlling forces that set the events in motion and how they're attempting to keep them in place, while separately building up what the eventual main conflict between the First Order and Resistance are apart from the Force users. We get background and tension and things built up and brought together, but just building into THE big conflict.

X :neo:

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
A side note but...

You reckon Darth Plagueis might find a way to bring back Solo just to toy with Rey and Finn? We know that he has the power to bring people back form the dead.


Harbinger O Great Justice
A side note but...

You reckon Darth Plagueis might find a way to bring back Solo just to toy with Rey and Finn? We know that he has the power to bring people back form the dead.

He could prevent people from dying as well as create life, but not reanimation as far as I know.

Plus, being as Han got the Galaxy's most metal Viking funeral of all time, because his body plummeted into the abyss of a planetary base that collapsed into a new Star… I would say that that is an emphatic "no" and Han is really, properly dead.

X :neo:

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
A side note but...

You reckon Darth Plagueis might find a way to bring back Solo just to toy with Rey and Finn? We know that he has the power to bring people back form the dead.

He could prevent people from dying as well as create life, but not reanimation as far as I know.

Plus, being as Han got the Galaxy's most metal Viking funeral of all time, because his body plummeted into the abyss of a planetary base that collapsed into a new Star… I would say that that is an emphatic "no" and Han is really, properly dead.

X :neo:

Fair point.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Yeah Han is super fucking dead, I think.

Though honestly, Captain Phasma is still alive, which boggles my mind since they literally threw the character into the trash of a planetary base which imploded into a sun within the following half hour of the movie. That's some god-tier bullshit right there, so who knows :monster:

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
So, regarding Snoke.

There's apparently a theory that he might be Darth Plagueis?

The music from Episode III when Palpatine talks about him and Snoke's theme from Episode VII are very similar...

Holy Christ, I didn't think of that! Good going there, Tets, I'm beginning to lean towards that possibility. However, if that does turn out to be true, then...

how could he have possibly survived his death at the hands of Palpatine?

the scarring on his face, and that utterly enormous gash going down the center of his skull have something to do with how he managed to appear dead. i.e. he didn't ACTUALLY teach Palpatine everything he knew.

X :neo:

That figures. After killing his own mentor Darth Tenebrous, I'd suspect Plagueis was smart to realize that his own apprentice would eventually end up killing him when the time came. He must have faked his death with Palpatine and went off hiding somewhere afterwards. Though if that were the case, it begs the question of what he was doing all those years prior to FA.

Excuse any mistake I've made. I'm not terribly acquainted with the entire SW universe outside the movies, you should know.
- Like Hisako, I was looking for a new, memorable John Williams motif to define this new trilogy. All I could hear though was forgettable arrangements with familiar notes playing here and there. I hope that the soundtrack of the next movie gives us a leitmotif that brings our thoughts to Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren.

- The fact that I remember the names of the new main characters and that I care about where their respective stories are going is proof that this new Star Wars movie succeeded beyond rubbing nostalgia boners. Well done.

- Two years ago or so, MovieBob predicted that Han Solo would be killed off in this new trilogy so I Always had that idea in the back of my mind. Add to that, facebook spoiled me about Han Solo's death a few days before I saw the movie, so when Han Solo did finally die I felt nothing. I still feel nothing. Perhaps if there had been flashbacks or something of tender father-son moments between Han Solo and Ben Solo would I have cared, but as it stands the drama was too rushed. The little I *do* feel is that I feel sorry for Chewbacca. Moreso than I feel sorry for Leia, because I picture that Chewbacca and Han Solo had a much longer history.

- I was worried that we wouldn't see Rey using a lightsaber in this or the later Movies. When the moment came and she held the lightsaber I thought "PLEASE DON'T COCKBLOCK THIS PLEASE DON'T COCKBLOCK THIS" and then when she activated the saber I was all "FUCK YEAH!!!!!!". It feels appropriate and refreshing to have a main female lead as the main Jedi or Jedi-to-be.

- Seeing Rey beat Kylo Ren was really enjoyable and I almost wanted her to mutilate the guy. "YOU WANT TO BE LIKE DARTH VADER, YOU FUCK?! HERE, LET ME CUT OFF A FEW LIMBS!" That would have been hilarious. XD

- Really hoping that Snoke is Darth Plagueis. This would be a good pay-off after his semi-introduction in Episode III. If Snope turns out to be Palpatine I will be disappointed and feel like they are beating a dead horse. I want Darth Vader to have been the one to ultimately kill Palpatine, end of story.

- The final shot between Luke and Rey was awkwardly drawn out, as if it was only drawn out to time with the music.

- Poe Dameron is cool. Really like him. See, that's another character whose name I remember without having to look it up! That's amazing.

- The nostalgia and almost beat-by-beat structure mimicked from Episode IV is justified in my mind, especially if Episodes VIII and IX rely less on nostalgia. We need to start off with a Star Wars movie that truly FEELS like old-school Star Wars Before the story can move on in directions that feel different from the original trilogy. It's a bit like fanfiction. If a fanfic starts out so good that it feels like the official deal and earns our caring for the new elements, it is much easier to accept when the fanfic later does something which would otherwise feel too crazy or divergent. This new trilogy will work even if the later Movies are equally drenched in nostalgia but I hope they take more risks and introduce a new musical leitmotif.

- The humor in this movie was great. BB-8 is like a cuter version of R2D2. The guards turning back when Kylo Ren had another fit was gold.

- When Finn lied about being part of the resistance I groaned inside because I expected whiny dialogue from Rey about how Finn lied to her. Thankfully they didn't go in this direction and dealt with this part of the plot without it feeling like something I have seen a million times before. Thumbs up to the writers here.

- A crossword puzzle at work actually spoiled me about what Kylo Ren looked like beneath the mask. XP Not relevant I just find it funny that first a crossword puzzle spoils me about Kylo Ren's face and then facebook spoils me about Han Solo's death.

- I didn't know that lightsabers could "call" to people. Is that...a new thing in the Star Wars lore or have we seen it before?

- While I did enjoy The Force Awakens and feel that most of the strings were pulled correctly, I don't feel like seeing it again anytime soon.
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Ya know people keep bringing up the point about a lack of new themes for the characters, but I feel like both Kylo Ren and Rey had clearly recognizable music that was consistently associated with their characters. Hell, in Rey's case its even called Rey's Theme on the soundtrack.
- Two years ago or so, MovieBob predicted that Han Solo would be killed off in this new trilogy so I Always had that idea in the back of my mind. Add to that, facebook spoiled me about Han Solo's death a few days before I saw the movie, so when Han Solo did finally die I felt nothing. I still feel nothing. Perhaps if there had been flashbacks or something of tender father-son moments between Han Solo and Ben Solo would I have cared, but as it stands the drama was too rushed. The little I *do* feel is that I feel sorry for Chewbacca. Moreso than I feel sorry for Leia, because I picture that Chewbacca and Han Solo had a much longer history.

- I was worried that we wouldn't see Rey using a lightsaber in this or the later Movies. When the moment came and she held the lightsaber I thought "PLEASE DON'T COCKBLOCK THIS PLEASE DON'T COCKBLOCK THIS" and then when she activated the saber I was all "FUCK YEAH!!!!!!". It feels appropriate and refreshing to have a main female lead as the main Jedi or Jedi-to-be.
I'll agree partially about Han. I don't feel all that sad that he's gone, but the fact that Ford decided to act for the first time in 20 years gave it more impact. I wouldn't have really felt much if it wasn't for Chewie yelling out tho. My eyes started to well when he did. I listened to a review of this last night, and one of the guys said, "I'm a 31 yr old crying because a 7 foot dog is alone in a spaceship, what the fuck?"

I don't really get why people are going crazy when she uses the lightsaber? I guess it speaks to her character and how people latched onto it, but I never once thought she wasn't going to be the one using it since Finn is shown literally zero connection to force while the force is practically swimming around her in every scene after a point. If she hadn't gotten the saber, it would have been terrible writing.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Very good reboot movie. Explains enough so that we know what's been going on since VI, but leaves plenty of plot-hooks for the rest of the series.

We've never seen baby Jedi lightsaber fight before. In I-III and IV Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anankin are all fully trained Jedi and in V and VI, Luke has already had training with Yoda before he fights Darth Vader. It's nice to give the characters a baseline for their skills.

I like the contrast Kylo Ren provides for the other SW villains. All of them have been characters who are very sure of the dark side being better then the light side, and it's nice to see that switched up. He also doesn't have the "I'm on the dark side because no-one's on my side" feeling that Anakin in III does, so that's good. Depending on what's done with him in VIII, he could either be a great villian, or a lame one.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
My buddy created this gem:


Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Theres a book out called Before The Awakening. Its about Poe, Finn, and Rey before the events of the movie. I would highly recommend it. Not only does it expand on the new characters backstories, but it provides some much needed information about the relationship between the different factions in the movie.
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