Survey: What do you love about 'Final Fantasy VII'?


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hey! First post here. I'm writing a paper for school on FFVII and have to conduct some field research, so I made a survey! It's just a series of questions about the game, the Compilation, and the Remake series. Only two required questions, the rest are up to you to answer! I'd really really appreciate if you could take the time out of your day to check this out. Thanks for your time :]

Sen Jenko

Rookie Adventurer
Blaster Master
What do I love about FF7? You mean the most overrated piece of crap game ever made????

Final Fantasy VII is my absolute favorite game, lol. I got it in 99 when I was 9 years old and was blown away by it. I moved around a lot as a kid so it sort of became my escape. My comfort game so to say.

I think what I love most about the game is the world and characters. I have always loved the aesthetic of FF7. When I first got it I had never seen anything quite like it I love all the little touches like graffiti being a thing. I love how you go from a big modern city to a small village. There's a town under a giant cannon, like the most intimidating militant looking thing I have ever seen, and the very next town is a freaking beach resort! AND THEN YOU GO TO A THEME PARK ABOVE A DESTROYED VILLAGE THAT'S ALSO ABOVE A DESERT PRISON THIS WORLD IS INSANE AND I LOVE IT!

And the characters, man. I'm gonna sound like a fanboy but IDC. Every main character of FF7 feels human, even the non humans like Red XIII and to an extent Cait Sith. They all have their own arcs and each character feels complete by the time the party faces Sephiroth. When I was a kid my favorite character was Cid, who I still consider one of my favorites. His story about crushed dreams and letting go of anger still holds up for me.


As I've gotten older I've realized while Cid is A favorite character, he's not my absolute favorite character. As I've grown older and wiser and my perspective of the world continuously changes, my favorite character is definitely Barret. Why?

I think Barret might have the best development of the whole game. He starts as a man driven by anger and thoughts of revenge. He seemingly hates everything except his adopted daughter and his friends. As time goes on he begins to soften towards Cloud, who he initially has a rocky relationship with, but after Cloud shows up tl help save sector 7, Barret begins to come around to him.

Barret loses all his friends during the fall of sector 7. We later find out he lost everything and everyone he loved before as well, his hometown being burnt to the ground by ShinRa. He lost his home and family twice in his life. A lesser man would give up on everything at this point, but not Barret.

Barret finds the will to carry on and stays by your side the whole time He becomes very thoughtful and wiser throughout these adventures with Cloud and co. By the end of FF7 I'd say Barret is a completely changed man. He knows what he's fighting for.

I think Barret adds a human element to the game. He doesn't really understand all the JRPG mumbo jumbo going on and god bless him for it. Its really nice having someone who doesn't understand the local fantasy world magic going on. It's like how guns are our main line of defense as humans but a simple farm boy couldn't pick up an AK47 and go to town with it. Maybe that's a bad metaphor, lol, but I really appreciate this aspect of Barret.

Oh and his story about considering himself a leader and being insulted that the others elect Cloud the leader and ultimately becoming extremely loyal to the others and not seeing himself as leader material is really good as well. God I love this game.

Wow! That was a lot, sorry. To summarize: World fun. Characters good. Story good.

I don't even know if you did your project or not yet. If you have, sorry for the useless post, I at least hope it's entertaining to read, haha. If you haven't done it yet and you see this, I hope I was able to provide something you can use.

Have a good one.


I was going to do it, but then I realized that I checked off almost everything regarding what most I like about the game. :monster:
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