Sword-Fighting Technique


Hey everyone and anyone who might have knowledge about this---

I was wondering, is there a particular sword fighting technique Cloud (and Sephiroth) use when fighting? Or is it just a bunch of sword techniques thrown together to make the choreography look pretty? Just asking to see if anyone had thought about this and knew anything about it.

Thanks in advanced. :awesome:


It's just swinging swords. :monster:

I'm pretty sure the animators have no clue about fighting techniques whatsoever. And with swords that ridiculously huge I think any realistic fighting technique would have to be thrown out of the window anyway. :wacky:


It's the famous hack-and-slash-in-ways-that-look-awesome technique, can't you see? :monster:.

I'm sure it's somewhat based on existing techniques though, after all, there's only so many ways you can use one of those.


It's the famous hack-and-slash-in-ways-that-look-awesome technique, can't you see? :monster:.

I'm sure it's somewhat based on existing techniques though, after all, there's only so many ways you can use one of those.

Ghost X

I have absolutely no clue about sword fighting, but I always hear armchair experts on the internets saying how flawed Cloud's fighting style is, how in FFVII he'd likely have his head easily chopped off or something a rather. So, if what they are saying is true, I'd say its all made up, like most things are in the entertainment business.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Cloud and Sephiroth's sword skills aren't THAT bad. Yes they are entirely fictional but with swords that big and unnaturally durable that's to be expected.

I will say this, several of the movements used by Sephiroth, particularly when he is fighting from closer in, are kendo type attacks that work much better with a realistic sword length. As an example both can be seen using the "men" or strike to the top of the head, though in turn neither let it connect. Sephiroth's frequent grip-changing and alterations to the angle of his blade also recall a particular sword school, though for the life of me I cannot recall the name.

Its not all digital Flynning in that fight... just lots of it :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Well I know nothing of sword-fighting, but I always say that Tifa stands incorrectly. She right-handed, so she's supposed to lead with her left.

Although since her fighting style is "Zangan", I guess there are no rules :wacky:

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Well I know nothing of sword-fighting, but I always say that Tifa stands incorrectly. She right-handed, so she's supposed to lead with her left.

Although since her fighting style is "Zangan", I guess there are no rules :wacky:
She could be ambidextrous. :monster:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Well I know nothing of sword-fighting, but I always say that Tifa stands incorrectly. She right-handed, so she's supposed to lead with her left.

Although since her fighting style is "Zangan", I guess there are no rules :wacky:

Plus it's not uncommon for martial artists to switch stances, at least during a fight. I'm sure a martial artist as skilled as Tifa would be able to hit just as hard and accurately with her left as she would with her right.

Though I agree that it would make a lot more sense for her to start out with her left leading.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's called "I will cut your ass in two with my large ass sword and super strength" technique. :monster:

To be serious, they talk about Cloud's sword technique in various materials, which all basically say that Cloud has a natural knack and talent for greatsword usage.

He's a self taught swordmaster.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Also, on the subject of Tifa leading improperly, some fighters prefer to fight with their non-dominant hand in the rear. I know its also fiction, but look at Rocky Balboa, he was right handed but fought as a South Paw anyway :monster:


I have absolutely no clue about sword fighting, but I always hear armchair experts on the internets saying how flawed Cloud's fighting style is, how in FFVII he'd likely have his head easily chopped off or something a rather. So, if what they are saying is true, I'd say its all made up, like most things are in the entertainment business.

I'd say that's true for about 99% of all movie / show swordfighting. I mean fuck, it's usually a pair of guys trying to hit each other's swords and grunting, :monster:.


Saint of Killers
Well Cloud's prowess with swords is emphasized alot in the Compilation, especially how he just stole a sword from a Raven and proceeded to fight them(note that these guys can one-shot SOLDIERS).

Yea, he's self-though.

His First Ken shows that especially well, as he can change his sword type and dual-wield or use two-handed whenever he feels like It.


Double Growth
I assumed that to mean to he worked on dual-wielding and other things in the two years since the game. But he's also got a lot of natural talent, so who knows.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The weird thing about Cloud's sword fighting is that he got all his techniques from Zack's memories. There is no canon evidence that Zack taught him how to use a sword before Nibelheim, and there is only a few days worth of time between Zack dieing and Cloud storming the reactor with AVALANCHE. So technically, Cloud is remembering and inproving on Zack's muscle memory. No one ever really taught him how to use a sword.


Double Growth
Nope. There was obviously some natural talent, and after that nothing's a better teacher than having to use it I guess.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The weird thing about Cloud's sword fighting is that he got all his techniques from Zack's memories. There is no canon evidence that Zack taught him how to use a sword before Nibelheim, and there is only a few days worth of time between Zack dieing and Cloud storming the reactor with AVALANCHE. So technically, Cloud is remembering and inproving on Zack's muscle memory. No one ever really taught him how to use a sword.

Where'd you hear that? All of the examples of Cloud's natural sword technique came before he ever got Mako infused or made into a Sephiroth Copy. He never copied Zack's sword technique.


You have to remember that at the start of FFVII, his 'technique' consists of running to an enemy and dropping the thing on 'em, right? :monster:.

I mean, he's lvl 1 at the start of the game.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Wasn't Cloud at like level 7 at the start of the game? I thought he was only at 1 in the Nibelheim flashback.


Saint of Killers
Materials even say the only technique Cloud took from Zack was Meteorain.

All his other techniques are self-thought of his own making from progressing in the game or fighting in the "Jenova War" as sources call it.

AC/C ecidences this even more, showing his own style is not the same as previous Buster Sword users.

I always took his new symbol, weapon and outfit as a sign of him transcending his old personality and in the process trasncending in power too. Since at the time he had a unique technique and had surpassed the SOLDIER level, reaching to fight Sephiroth's transcendental form after he'd been consuming lifestream.
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