Taking a break for a bit


~The Other Side of Fear~
So right now I'm on the home stretch towards the end of a busy time for my job and for some other things in my life (e.g school, etc.). But for the next few weeks, I'm going to be balls-to-the-walls busy. I probably won't be on Skype or Facebook much, either. I look forward to when things all die down and I can relax some.

Take care of yourselves. I'll be eager to hear of how things are going (E3, eh? Woot!) when I get back.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Hope everything goes smoothly, take care :)


~The Other Side of Fear~
For all this talk about taking a break, I don't think my activity has changed all that much. Bajesus. But it's good to know that if I had to suddenly vanish (during the next few Busy-As-Fuck days) I already have this here.

also, thank you all <3
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