The Dark Knight III: The Master Race, by Frank Miller [DC]

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Apparently this is going to be a thing. Not sure how I feel about it. "The Dark Knight Strikes Again" was a disappointment, and Miller's work generally has been since he took to writing deliberate parody of his own past achievements and the work it influenced from others. I hope he's got that satirical shit out of his system for this.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'm highly sceptical. Miller hasn't produced anything in the calibre of Sin City and TDKR for years. Decades even. It's possible he still has it in him to write something decent, but I don't expect this to be any good. Especially with that completely unsubtle title.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I hope he uses this as a chance to rebuild his career and not fuck it up further. He was so good with the first TDKR.


Chloe Frazer
Master Race you say? So this is about PC? :monster:

See on one hand I liked what Frank Miller did with Batman in The Dark Knight Returns. On the other hand he hasn't done anything good in probably 2 decades and I think he's a misogynistic asshole. So I'm not the least bit excited about this.


Pro Adventurer
I'm highly sceptical. Miller hasn't produced anything in the calibre of Sin City and TDKR for years. Decades even. It's possible he still has it in him to write something decent, but I don't expect this to be any good. Especially with that completely unsubtle title.

I have to agree. Heck he was extremely hit and miss leading up to TDKR and Sin City as well. His entire comic gallery has such hard misses and to be truthful only a handful of really good hits.

The guy has gone certifiably batshit in the last few years as well. Given some of the shit he's ranted off about in the past and the title of TDK3 I have like 5% hope for this.

I have no idea how DC could have approved this.
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