The FF couple tournament nomination thread.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

All right, I felt like doing a tournament since Ghost has been doing them, and since shipping is serious business for a lot of people, I figured one about shipping would be a good one.

Now, I'm going to need 32 couples. Once we have all 32, I will start the tournament. I may end up extending the number to 64 if we get enough nominations and enough people want me to. The only limitations towards which ones you can nominate is that both characters must be FF characters. I'm going to start us off with King of Cornelia/Queen of Cornelia, Gordon/Hilda, Ingus/Sara, Cecil/Rosa, Boko/Coco, Locke/Celes, Cloud/Tifa, Squall/Rinoa, Zidane/Garnet, Tidus/Yuna, Vaan/Penelo, and Fang/Vanille.

Nominations so far:
1. King of Cornelia/Queen of Cornelia
2. Gordon/Hilda
3. Ingus/Sara
4. Cecil/Rosa
5. Boko/Coco
6. Locke/Celes
7. Cloud/Tifa
8. Squall/Rinoa
9. Zidane/Garnet
10. Tidus/Yuna
11. Vaan/Penelo
12. Fang/Vanile
13. Tseng/Elena
14. Sephiroth/Aerith
15. Vivi/Eiko
16. Zack/Aerith
17. Luneth/Refia
18. Onion Knight/Terra
19. Kain/Rosa
20. Edge/Rydia
21. Vincent/Lucrecia
22. Balthier/Fran
23. Tseng/Aerith
24. Cloud/Aerith
25. Larsa/Penelo
26. Cid/Hildegarde
27. Sephiroth/Cloud
28. Lightning/Fang
29. Warrior/Cosmos
30. Cloud/Terra
31. Palom/Leonora
32. Edward/Anna
33. Emperor/Ultimecia
34. Balthier/Basch
35. Zack/Cloud
36. Squall/Bartz
37. Squall/Cloud
38. Bartz/Lena
39. Warrior/Firion
40. Steiner/Beatrix
41. Aerith/Tifa
42. Noel/Serah
43. Celes/Terra
44. Locke/Terra
45. Vincent/Yuffie
46. Cid/Sierra
47. Irvine/Selphie
48. Kain/Cecil
49. Cloud/Bartz
50. Cid/Edea
51. Snow/Lightning
52. Sephiroth/Zack
53. Zidane/Kuja
54. Snow/Serah
55. Noctis/Lightning
56. Exdeath/Cloud of Darkness
57. Firion/Lightning
58. Balthier/Vaan
59. Wakka/Lulu
60. Rasler/Ashe
61. Cloud/Firion
62. Noctis/Stella
63. Delita/Ovelia
64. Tidus/Terra
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Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
i also ship Eiko/Vivi, Aerith/Zack, Luneth/Refia, Onion/Terra, Rosa/Kain, Rydia/Edge (isn't that official?), Vincent/Lucrecia and Fran/Balthier. ok, most of them aren't very original but i don't care.

i suggest you Aerith/Tseng too
You forgot Larsa/Penelo. It's like Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala, only better.

My favourite couple is King Cid and Queen Hildegarde (are they king and queen, or is he a Lord Protector or something? I can't remember) from IX.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Says hes the Ruler and Regent of the Regency of Lindblum, but I have no idea what that actually means. I mean the Prince Regent was when King George had gone off his nut and therefore incapable of ruling. My understanding is that a regent stands in for a Monarch, but according to the FFwiki Cid'd father is dead.

I dunno....maybe its just a misunderstanding?


Chloe Frazer
Most of the ones I like have already been nominated so Fang/Lightning. C'mon is awesome and extremely sexy. :monster:

Kermitu Kleric Katie

All right, since no one had nominated AerTi(my OTP besides CloTi) yet, and we had already reached 32, I went ahead increased the limit to 64, and went ahead and self-nominated a bunch of other pairings I knew were popular to speed things along.


Chloe Frazer
Matt you can't just self-nominate a bunch of people without giving a chance to other people to nominate couples they like.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah how the hell did major canon pairings like Beatrix/Steiner get left off this?


Great Old One
Sorry but this poll is a joke from start to finish. It's not statistically representable at all. It hasn't been coordinated with anyone and no suggestions has been asked for or taken into consideration. It's just spam, basically.


Average Jiro
Is Dissidia considered canon now? I don't really know what goes on there, but I don't like the idea of my darling Terra getting with a jock like Tidus.
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