The Jenova Project (Book I Printing)


Save your valediction (she/her)
Hey everyone.

After over ten years of humming and hawing at it, I took another pass at adapting Final Fantasy VII into a novel, called The Jenova Project.

My original teenaged effort (in 2003) was also my first significant undertaking as a writer -- the things I learned during that million-word road and the ten years that followed (with special mention to the Genesis Awards and TLS) gave me a longing to see how I might treat my favourite story with a little more practice and personal maturity.

UPDATE JANUARY 2017 I've partnered with KupoCon to give a copy of the book to the Ultima ticket holders for the Big Pom in Newark. I've also uploaded the first seven chapters to here:

At KupoCon I will have a link for people who would like to order their own copy (at-cost of course), but Ultima ticket holders get their copy first.

Q: Does this novelization follow Square-Enix's canon?
A: No. This was written before the Compilation was released. My series provides an alternate retelling of the story that does not take into consideration the canonical additions provided by the Compilation. Furthermore, sometimes I tweak, alter, or otherwise re-skin events from the source material when I deemed fit. Because of this, the novel will be forever unofficial and not-for-profit. Luckily, it is but one of many adaptations, all of which are enjoyable retellings of this great story, and many of which are canon-friendly.

So you spell her name "Aeris"?

Q: I want to give it to a friend/relative who doesn't like video games. Are they going to like it?
A: The book makes a point of avoiding the phrase "Final Fantasy" for a few reasons, one of which is that I believe this story should be shared with everyone regardless of their opinion on video games, jrpgs, and the divisive franchise. As to whether or not they'll like it, that's a matter of taste. If they don't like fantasy action/adventure, perhaps not. If they're the kind of person who would LOVE this story if they would only give it a chance, this is the exact book for them.

Q: All this work, and you're getting jack squat? I feel like I should contribute something.
A: If you feel that way, I would love if you donated to an environmental charity (here's a list of 10 good ones). Save the Planet!

Q: I've read your book and I have issues with your interpretation of...
A: I *love* feedback like this. The Jenova Project is a work-in-progress that is part collaborative, part adaptive, and will probably continue to be written and rewritten until I die.

Q: I found a typo!
A: Whoops. I'll fix that for the next edition.

bonne lecture
-Mr. Ite
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Unauthorized Tie-in Novelist

I log on sporadically and just saw this now. I'd love a copy of your novel, especially an original take. I've also written something similar and am all for supporting anyone doing the same. PM since I'm on my phone and navigating this site from a smart phone is a little clunky.



Save your valediction (she/her)
Hey! It isn't too late at all. I've sent the manuscript to be peer-reviewed, and it will be another month at least before I order the books.

I've updated the original post up there to include a FAQ.

Since the remake was announced, I've been getting more requests, so I'll be increasing the order significantly (and saving up for shipping costs lol). I'm excited to share this with you all!


Pro Adventurer
I only just found this thread. I've been wondering what ever happened to my favorite FF7 novelization. It basically disappeared mere days after I caught up to it, so I never got around to leaving a review, which is something I usually do on re-read. I think it's cool you're making hard copies, making it a story that's easier to share with people who don't necessarily play games or read fanfiction.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney

So yeah. I definitely want to get my hands on a copy. Like 100%. Absolutely. Must have. Essential. I plug this thing everywhere I go. Need it. Want it. Gotta have it.

Expect a PM soon good sir.

Seriously I read the entirety of the first book and what was given to me of the second to prepare for the above interview and it is spectacular. Like it's my favorite novelization of the series including my own.

trash panda

I would like a TOTALLY FREE GIFT signed copy for my modest little FF collection. ^.^

With that bandcamp website, do I just enter whatever amount I want to give for your

When you say end of summer, are you talking...oh...late August? :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
This is awesome. You're awesome. I'd love a copy, and would definitely contribute to your music :quote: as well as shipping.. even though I'm in Canada and it's probably not much, I don't wanna freeload.


Sorry Ite, I haven't noticed this thread until now (thank you for reviving it).

I'd love a copy. I've never had a chance to actually sit and read this, and having a physical copy would get me to finally do it, because I've always wanted to.

Add me to your list and PM me with the information you need from me. I'll of course transfer money for shipping cost to the UK or put the equivalent shipping cost money through that website you linked, the choice is yours <3


Pro Adventurer
Likewise. Name your price to the UK. I've never read it before and believe it's a great read.


Save your valediction (she/her)
If anyone wants to Beta/proof read it, the more feedback the better.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
If anyone wants to Beta/proof read it, the more feedback the better.

You, sir, can feel free to send me each subsequent book and I can serve as a beta editor for you! I'd be happy to offer my help in exchange for getting early access.

I'm doing for you what I NEVER do for OS's lol. :headbang:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I beta read quite a bit as well, and would be open to doing so if needed. :)

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Have you finished editing the entire story? If so, that's incredible. I'm happy to help promote it on my social media once it goes live if that's of interest to you? I obviously have a ready-made market in place.


Alex T
Sign me up for this. I hate reading books off a computer screen so this is perfect.

Also Lost Numbers is amazing. Is the band title a FF7 reference?

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
^ Funny story, I was 3 weeks late. When I was born I was 13 lbs 5 oz. If it'd been five more weeks still I would have been born a toddler.
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