The Senior Final Fantasy Thesis


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Okay so over the course of this school year I will be writing my senior thesis on Final Fantasy. Basically my topic is why it keeps myths alive and all sorts of academic stuff, but it's really just an excuse for me to rant about why the series rocks. I'm making this thread to be 2 parts blog, 2 parts cries for help from the lovely people here, and 1 part beta reader zone. My first big assignment now that I have my Research Question in is my Prospectus (ie a fancy outline of what I want to do.)

Here's my Research Question. All helpful comments and questions are more than welcome! And if anyone can point me to some good websites about mythology that are .edu or .org.

Which myths does the Final Fantasy series tell or retell with their plots, characters, development and other aspects and why should we pay attention to them?

Also I'm not sure if the topic goes in here, but I figure since this is a bit of creative work and a good place for feedback I will keep it in here for now.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I once did a senior thesis essay on the Magic of FFVII. :awesome:

....nothing to add other than how much your assignment kicks ass. :monster:


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Depends on what your "why" is, first. Then gather some stuff related to that "why".


The Pixie King
Is this for university/college? If so, be careful what you post online. Most papers are checked for plagiarinsm. and if they find it on here, it'd be difficult to sort out.

Anyway, sounds interesting to write about.


Couldn't you find a less fanboyish subject? Like, pick apart a number of movies and why almost none of them is original and/or most of them are Shakespearean and/or ancient-Greece-ian in terms of their story and characters?


Laying the Beatdown
Kamui, Amaya, Ammy
Pixel said:
Is this for university/college? If so, be careful what you post online. Most papers are checked for plagiarinsm. and if they find it on here, it'd be difficult to sort out.
Duly noted, and it's for high school. I don't think I'll be posting direct quotes but I'll paraphrase and ask for general help. ^_^

Cthulhu said:
Couldn't you find a less fanboyish subject? Like, pick apart a number of movies and why almost none of them is original and/or most of them are Shakespearean and/or ancient-Greece-ian in terms of their story and characters?
I could do that but where would the fun be in it? It has to hold my interest for the full year, and I get bored very easily. I've gotten a lot of grief from both my family and friends about writing on video games, so I've become all the more impassioned to make this an academic essay that will blow their brains out.

As for updates on progress: I'm about half way through FFIII, and near the midway of disc one of FFVIII. I also have my outside reader selected! So it's full steam ahead into my research!


...What is this 'fun' you speak of? Isn't 'senior thesis' a synonym for 'boring'? :monster:
When you talk about 'myths', do you mean specific myths and legend, eg, the Myth of Persephone, the Myth of Adonis, the Legend of the Holy Grail, or do you mean more genralised mythological concepts - the hero, the fallen angel, the quest, etc...? There's one hell of a lot of myth in FFVII alone, and that's even before you get on to the why it's important part, which I think is the more interesting bit.
How much do you know about Japanese mythology? Don't omit it!
If we tell you what to write, that's plagiarism. if we suggest lines of inquiry for you to think about, and refer you to sources, it isn't. But frankly, I think you've bitten off a huge mouthful. If I were you, I might think about confining myself to just discussing Judaeo-Christian myth in FFVII.
Good luck, and have fun. I wish I were your teacher.
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