~The Sorceress' Knight~ Seifer FC



Hello everyone and welcome to the Seifer Almasy fanclub. ^^ If you've read thisfar I hope you'll join and celebrate the awesome that is Squall's lifelong rival.

Optional Questions for Members:
1. What was your favorite moment with Seifer?
2. Which of his Limit Breaks is your favorite?
3. Do you ship Seifer and Rinoa?
4. Do you have any theories about what finally snapped Seifer out of it and how he went from lunatic Pandora to fishing with Fujin and Raijin?
5. If you had to pick one song as Seifer's Theme, what would it be?

My Answers:
1. The torture scene with Squall. So much delicious irony in this scene with how Seifer talks about his and Squall's destinies but he's actually describing the reverse with Squall being the knight and he (Seifer) is the bad guy.
2. Bloodfest or No Mercy I think.
3. No. I loathe Rinoa mostly. =P
4. No. I prefer to hear other people's ideas on this.
5. "Number One" from the anime Bleach.

Did You Know?
Seifer gained his dream of being the Sorceress' Knight from watching Laguna, Squall's father, in that movie.
You can clearly see this from how Laguna holds his gunblade as well as from the slash/slash/lowering the blade in front of his face taunt which Seifer often mimics.

Honestly this fact was lost on me for a couple playthroughs as well.

Well that's all for now... I hope those who choose to join enjoy themselves!

Celes Chere
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Seifer was probably my favourite character in FF8, and ranks pretty highly considering all the FF characters also.

I'll do my best answering the questions, but I haven't played FF8 in years and most of the storyline is pretty much lost on me. I am going through another run atm, just got to the part where you have to save Balamb from the missiles.

1. The couple that stick out are: Torturuing Squall ("Is this the part where you declare your undying hatred for me?"), giving up Rinoa up to sorceress Adel, and the confrontation at Deling City early on. I think I have a thing for the misguided evil type.
2. The only one I remember is No Mercy >.>
3. Er... no. I think they'd be super annoying together to be quite honest.
4. I'll maybe offer some input when I get to that part of the game :<
5. I'm not sure, but for shits and giggles I'd like to apply The Beatle's "I Get by with a Little Help from my Friends" to Seifer/Fuujin/Raijin

Celes Chere

I'd like to join, please! Seifer is definitely my favorite male character in this game, and I have always preferred him to Squall who I think, is a shit character. The rivalry between them though is AMAZING.

Optional Questions for Members:
1. The very beginning, seeing his smile/laughter at the end of the game, the torture to Squall, as well.
2. No Mercy for me, as well.
3. Er, no. Only because I can't stand Rinoa and how she seems to toy with his heart... and arguably, Squall's. I think it's sweet how much he (Seifer) seems to loves her , but that wanker has a damn one track mind. It's called herself.
4. Hey, that reminds me. SeiferxFujin ftw. I've got nothin'.
5. Soul Society by Kamelot, or maybe Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin.


Hooray! Two members already. ^^

Also I got another song I think fits Seifer. Well it fits any villainous character who still has repressed humanity inside them.

Also may I say, though I like revolvers over pistols, I think Seifer's Hyperion is cooler than any of Squall's Gunblades.


Nonsense, Squall's weapon is manlier. Pistols are for women. And I can still see Squall's being wielded as a regular sword (as the handle's diagonal onto the blade), whereas Seifer's isn't. You could strike with it if it's light enough, but it'd easily break one's wrist if you'd block with it - if that's even possible.


Pro Adventurer
Needs more love. I thought that I was the only one here who liked the guy xD yeah, he's a better main lead than Squall, and I was maybe thinking of doing a FF8 fanfiction of Seifer being the hero and Squall being the one used by Edea/ Ulti.







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