I hope very much for a remastered and orchestrated soundtrack that features synth and rock elements when appropriate. The sound cues in the OST are to my liking, especially J-E-N-O-V-A which blends a synth pad, techno arpeggios, a drum kit and a full orchestra *and makes it feel like a unified composition* more often than not in AC/C and beyond it was one or the other taking turns in the spotlight. I would rather maintain the original spirit of the pieces.
Well actually I am a stick in the mud and want a very specific and impossible to achieve update of particular elements but I think that goes for everyone.
"The Promised Land" is one exception to my OG purism that track is one of Uematsu's all-time best and any iteration of it, choir/piano/orchestra/synth chimes would make me squee.
Agreed, everyone is so afraid of them over-rocking the soundtrack I think they're forgetting about the tracks that really call for it.
For instance, something like Weapon Raid NEEDS to be orchestrated, or Jenova Absolute or On that Day, Five Years Ago.
However, tracks like Still More Fighting, JENOVA, Mako Reactor SHOULD be synth-rock, they'd lose a lot of their oomph simply being orchestrated. Even Cosmo Canyon I think should be a hybrid, I always thought orchestrations totally lack the power of the synth drums and electric guitar in the original. I'm sure orchestra drums could simply be mixed better and be more forward, but that electric guitar makes for such a good juxtaposition.
@PIxel regarding Why and Kiss Me Goodbye.
I actually like both of those songs too, but as you said, neither fit. Kiss Me Goodbye
completely clashes with FFXII in every way. Why was less out of place but the scene still would have been better unaccompanied.