Top 10 FF7 Music - THE FINAL


The Pixie King
OK, so the votes are in for each round.

For the final, I wont put a poll up. Instead, please post your 2 favourites like this

1 - fave
2 - second fave

I'll tally up the votes with a points system. So here are you final choices,

Tifa's Theme
Those Chosen by the Planet
Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII
Anxious Heart
Aeris' Theme
Birth of a God
One Winged Angel
The Great Warrior
Crazy Motorcycle Chase
Underneath the Rotting Pizza
Turk's Theme
Still More Fighting
You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet
Highwind Takes to the Skies
Trail of Blood



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000

1. Still more fighting
2. You can hear the cry of the Planet


Pro Adventurer
Didn't you say the top three from each list would go through to the final?

Anyway. I'm going to make a playlist with just those songs on it. Notionally, it will help me to decide, but in reality I'm sure I'll find it just as difficult afterwards :monster: I think I voted for about ten of them.


The Pixie King
Well, i was going to put top 3, but it would mean adding about 10 to the list with all the ties. Instead i went with top 2, or 3 if theres a tie

1. Aeris' Theme
2. Main Theme


Harbinger O Great Justice
1. Crazy Motorcycle Chase
2. Anxious Heart

FFFFUUUUUUUU- that was hard. I also felt that I needed to mention my other choices, and how things broke down.

• "Crazy Motorcycle Chase" barely beat out "Jenova" which slightly topped "Still More Fighting". This song has LONG been my favorite song from FFVII. I fucking love how quick the tempo is, and it's got the staccato-type beats and the weird electronic trills that really exemplify the electronic midi quality that I love about FFVII's music. Plus, in the game, you're cruising at top speed, and swiping out motorcycles in showers of sparks (with your newly acquired Hardedge), which is one of those visual events that's always been permanently etched into my mind.

• "Anxious Heart" solidy topped "Those Chosen by the Planet" but it barely beat out "Underneath the Rotting Pizza" for my #2 choice and I think that makes it the toughest decision I had here. It's all because of the way it makes me think of the game emotionally in a way that's NOT like my first choice. It seems safe and wonderously new, but instils this feeling of being lost in a place that's now much bigger than you are. Then 1:20-1:52 has this sort of empty echo-y quality reminding me about all the losses everyone goes through to it that wraps back in to everything all over again. It's sort of how I imagine Cloud feeling when he spends to much time wrapped up in his own psyche, and not being social to let himself get all "Crazy Motorcycle Chase" upbeat-badass-Cloud again.

X :neo:

Ghost X

1. One Winged Angel.
2. Aerith's Theme.

Edit - To expand on my reasoning for my selection, I think comparing the two songs here in a first and second kind-of-way is somewhat like comparing apples and oranges. I like apples more because they taste nicer, imo. I like eating cheese since chalk I can't imagine tastes any good. Oh god, this is not working well.
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*Sigh* I knew this day was coming, but that doesn't make it any easier :(

1. You can Hear the Cry of the Planet
2. J-E-N-O-V-A

I'm actually surprised that's my number 1, but it's the track that's stuck out to me most every time i've played the game. I remember my excitement the first ever time I got to the forgotten city, thinking secrets were going to be revealed about the Cetra, and then coming back many times later in the game hoping something else was going to happen where Aerith died. There are songs I like to listen to more, but this one is my most peronally memorable.

Still More Fighting has always been a phenomenal track. Who can forget the first time you hear it fighting Air Buster? What a great moment.

Great Warrior... I love this track so much. I thought about making it my number 1 because I still remember the emotion it gave me with the Nanaki/Seto scene. Phenomenal. But J-E-N-O-V-A beat it, because I just love the up-tempo hardcore fighting feeling it gives the Jenova battles.

I am gutted to kick Birth of a God off my top 2 because I love that also, but not nearly as much as the others.

Thus, the deed is done.


Pro Adventurer
1. One Winged Angel.
2. Aerith's Theme.

This, and it was so hard to decide. Tifa's theme, Main theme and JENOVA are not far off. But this will change if we're talking about AC/C versions.

EDIT: I'm sad Bombing Mission wasn't in the list :(, I may have voted for it.


1. J-E-N-O-V-A
2. Birth of a God

Man, this was difficult. I had a really hard time picking my #2. It was between Birth of a God, You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet, Those Chosen by the Planet, and The Great Warrior. I'm still feeling kind of wishy washy so I'd better hit the "post" button before I sit here for another 20 minutes trying to decide -


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
fuq ok. This was really really hard.

1. Tifa's Theme
2. Aerith's Theme

Anxious Hearts & the Main Theme were my other choices.
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