Vagrant Story and FFT are amazing


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
FFT is my favorite game ever (well the PSP one is since the script is far superior) and Vagrant Story was amazing as well.

It honestly saddens me to see such amazing games so rarely talked about.


Double Growth
I LOVE Final Fantasy Tactics. The list of my favorite games shifts around quite a bit, but Tactics frequently occupies the number two spot.

Its rare that I feel so bad for characters that I do for Ramza. He is treated like shit for the entire game by everyone, and then he saves the world - for all practical purposes dies for it - and gets literally zero recognition. I know he wouldn't really want recognition, as evidenced by his disappearance, but he deserves more.

Its a fantastic application of the job system and organizing a party to your liking with classes and monsters and bonus characters, its unbelievable really. Its a shame what a total letdown the Tactics Advance games are.

Vagrant Story I have not really played, I tried once a year and a half ago but I didn't ge too far and couldn't wrap my head around the battle system.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Vagrant Story has an absolutely AMAZING plot. It was developed by Matsuno right after FFT so I highly recommend it.

Never have I felt such a connection to the characters since Tactics (part of this is because of the absolutely amazing new script in WOTL for PSP)

Wiegraf to me seems to be the perfect villain. He gives up everything he held dear, which was noble in nature in order to become a member of the Templar/Shrine Knights. And then his soul gets eaten by a demon and he becomes an atheist and communist (I will explain) as evidenced by his final battle.

"The reeking masses yearn for gods and miracles. It is their opiate, and they consume it greedily. The people do not endeavor towards greatness, but rather mire themselves in their petty strifes - shackles on the feet of man."The quote "opiate" is a direct reference to Karl Marx (the inventor of communism) calling religion the opiate of the people. And Delita Heiral remains my favorite game character ever.

Honestly, it is the new script which does it for me. The old one was okay but the new one is so amazing with the quotes like what I mentioned.

What troubled sleep have you known, to speak of my dreams? No matter how sweet, a dream left unrealized must fade into day. Only with power can dreams be made real! I see the truth of it now. What good, dreams, without that power? You think me a thrall? So be it! Your envenomed words succor me, for when at last you yield - as you must - their poison will consume you!


Double Growth
Yeah I forgot to mention that in my post. The War of the Lions is THE STANDARD for how to do a remake/rerelease. The pseudo-Victorian English fits the game perfectly. It was hard to get used to some of the new spellings but they did all fit the world better. The cell-shaded cutscenes were awesome with good voice acting.

Definitely the premier version of the game befitting of the "If Shakespeare made a game..." tagline I've seen applied to it.

(Edit: Oh, and since people always seem to get touchy when you compare video games to Shakespeare, I'm pretty sure the tagline refers to the similar themes, setting and storytelling. Not a comparison of writing or brilliance or whatever)
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White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Yeah I forgot to mention that in my post. The War of the Lions is THE STANDARD for how to do a remake/rerelease. The pseudo-Victorian English fits the game perfectly. It was hard to get used to some of the new spellings but they did all fit the world better. The cell-shaded cutscenes were awesome with good voice acting.

Definitely the premier version of the game befitting of the "If Shakespeare made a game..." tagline I've seen applied to it.

(Edit: Oh, and since people always seem to get touchy when you compare video games to Shakespeare, I'm pretty sure the tagline refers to the similar themes, setting and storytelling. Not a comparison of writing or brilliance or whatever)

I agree with you. The greatness of the new script is not appreciated by everyone though...

This thread can amaze you. Nostalgia blinded maniacs at their worst >_>

Also, I am playing the 1.3 patch right now. Have you played it? Its incredibly hard.


Double Growth
There's a patch?

And yes I've heard the people that don't like it before. They're crazy. The only thing I might like better in the old one is Algus. Its flows easier than Argath :monster:


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Yeah! The 1.3 Patch can be found here (of which I am also a member)

It formats tons of stuff and makes the game ridiculously challenging. The Knight in the prologue mission has Defense Boost for example xD

Oh but the PSP version requires CFW, and the PS1 version requires some weird process involving burning the formatted ISO to a disc or something like that. I have CFW so I am lucky in that regard.

Also, Barbanath is a far superior name to Balbanes.

My ONLY problem with this game is with the artwork. There ISN'T ENOUGH OF IT! I loved the character designs but there are no official pictures of characters like Beowulf, Wiegraf, or Isilud with a full body portrait. They only have the face portrait which makes me sad because I would love to see those characters get a full body picture like Delita or Orlandeau.
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Double Growth
I already thought the game was pretty

Actually, I got the impression that (normal) WotL was harder than the original release, was that accurate? Or was I just worse at it than I was as a kid?


Pro Adventurer
This seems as good a place as any to ask this: Is there an easy mode to WotL? I own it, and I don't regret that, but I've always had trouble with strategy RPGs, so I can never get very far. Any help? I want to play though this story!


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
This seems as good a place as any to ask this: Is there an easy mode to WotL? I own it, and I don't regret that, but I've always had trouble with strategy RPGs, so I can never get very far. Any help? I want to play though this story!

No, there isn't an easy mode but the game is brokenly easy if you use techniques like this:

Basically, just look up a job chart and grind JP by killing off all but one opponent, and then rending speed/power until they can do nothing threatening. After that repeat focus over and over.

I mastered every job with every story character this way. You can even set the AI to control your characters and do it for you. There are so many broken abilities (Orlandeau) in this game that I even 100% completed it. The gameplay was so addicting. I could give more techniques if need be.


Pro Adventurer
Well, if there isn't an easy mode, this is as good as it'll get :monster:

Thanks for the help! I have to finish FFVII and FFIX again first, but then I'll finally be able to beat WotL (hopefully). JP grinding, here I come!


Pro Adventurer
Kuroshu / Kuroato
I know im late! LOL, but since im new and still browsing around the forums... i'd like to say YES FFT is by far one of the best games i've ever played for PSX!

Did anyone of you ever get find Cloud? I was so upset how much he suxed thou lol!! I still kept him in every battle anyway...


Double Growth
If you're willing to put time into him he's a perfectly good character. You just get him so late that you have to actually be invested in him to even bother.

Its true that he later limit breaks simply take too damn long to charge, but Climhazzard is so good its almost broken.


Pro Adventurer
Kuroshu / Kuroato
any chance there is a Final Fantasy Tactic Online Mod of some sort for PC? That would be sooo cool to play online!! = )

there is a flash based Tactics Game Online that I use to play... for you Tactics fans, you may want to check it out:


Pro Adventurer
Kuroshu / Kuroato
If you're willing to put time into him he's a perfectly good character. You just get him so late that you have to actually be invested in him to even bother.

Its true that he later limit breaks simply take too damn long to charge, but Climhazzard is so good its almost broken.

yep... thats what it was... you get him so late in the game, then find he is low level or something, i forget, it's been ages since i've played it. I don't even own the game or a PSX anymore... = (


Double Growth
He's level 1 when you get him, and the rest of your part is like 30 or 40 I think. His first 10 or 15 levels come really quickly, and then it becomes a drag to get him the rest of the way up. But the first time I played it I leveled him all the way up and used him for the final battle.

And if you have a PSP, get War of the Lions. You won't regret it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
He's level 1 when you get him, and the rest of your part is like 30 or 40 I think. His first 10 or 15 levels come really quickly, and then it becomes a drag to get him the rest of the way up. But the first time I played it I leveled him all the way up and used him for the final battle.

And if you have a PSP, get War of the Lions. You won't regret it.

Cloud+ Climhazard+ Short Charge = One turn final fight.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
I remember after I 100% completed the game... I decided to use Lioneditor to make some interesting things.

I gave Cloud an Innate CT 0 ability. Meaning NO CHARGE TIME!!! It was awesome

Plus giving party members Master Teleportation>All


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Wow... Vagrant Story really IS underrated. Its one of the greatest games I have ever had the honor of playing and yet barely anyone has played it...

I bought Vagrant Story eleven years ago and still haven't finished it. x_x



White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Walkthroughs immerse you more in the battle system. It gets pretty easy.

Just chain abilities over and over again and then lower your RISK. It gets pretty easy. I loved the Crossbow. You need to give it another shot.


I think I gave it like 2 or 3 other shots over the years. :wacky:

The battle system and the menus and I just don't get along. =<
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