Dante Chief
Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hi I'm Dante Chief! I'm sure you knew that already I just like to say that though. I LOVE FINAL FANTASY!!! Glad I found this place too. BTW I'm sure you can tell I'm a little hyper.......
suck suck suck
People should be allowed to hold little discussions in an introductory thread, its far more interesting for the new person to read and get involved in than the endless procession of 'welcome...AND SHIT LOL' and it encourages other people to stop by, say hello and have a laugh too.
Look, can I have a welcome thread, new members, dialogue and spam, without the spam?
What?! Why can't I have the welcome thread, new members, dialogue without SPAM?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN "EUAGH?" I DON'T LIKE SPAM!!!
-I actually like Dirge of Cerberus and think Shelke is amazing
-Mog (Ted Lange As Your Bartender) is bitchy because Dacon (I'm Batman) came back, meaning he can no longer claim the title of Resident Angry Black Man
-I actually like Dirge of Cerberus and think Shelke is amazing