Welcome to the Roundtable

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Harbinger O Great Justice
Salutations Square-Enix Property-Related Site Admins!!

As most of you should know, this section has been set up explicitly as a meeting place for the admins from a large number of SE-related forums; Chrono, Mana, Final Fantasy, etc. This is to work towards achieving a goal that we have all expressed interest in:

Establishing a method for Western Gamers to communicate with Square-Enix.

You should all have explicit rights to create any threads / discussions within this area. This is set up as a preliminary planning area for all the sites to get onto the same page, and consolidate our efforts towards making this idea a reality. From the information and decisions made here, we will each be able to bring clear plans to our respective communities, and make sure that all of our voices are heard, and no one is being misrepresented.

For a little background, this endeavour was initiated by our moderator Mog. Within the course of our initial discussion in our forum I suggested the idea that we band together with some of the other S-E fan websites, and make a single, directed effort towards reaching out to someone in the gaming community, and establishing a contact with someone at SquareEnix to provide an avenue for Western Gamers to let their voices be heard.

If you know of another Community that would be interested, please refer to the Introduction Thread for more details on how best to get them in to the discussion.

Thank you all for being a part of this, and I hope we can work towards achieving something that will benefit all of us.

X :neo:
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