What the Compilation Should have been

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
All this talk in the 'Was The Compilation a Mistake' thread has gotten me to thinking about how the Compilations true potential could have been unleashed. So in this thread I will basicly express my opinion on what I would have liked to see for each respective entry with the exception of BC, since I know jack-all about it, and OTWTAS, since for the most part I think they were done rather well, at least in terms of plot.

So to start, lets begin with Last Order. For many of us, Last Order was the first indicator that the Compilation might not live up to our expectations. It was horribly inconsistent with the OG, and if you were'nt already familiar with FFVII then you weren't gonna understand a damn thing about it.

The way it should have been done is this. First it needed to be longer, lets say an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. Now instead of leaping from past to present, lets just focus the first forty-five minutes on the Nibelheim incident. This would include Zack and Sephiroth's arrival, the journey to the reactor, Sephiroth's speech about the Cetra, the burning of Nibelhim, and the confrontation in the reactor. We would also want to keep the scene of Sephiroth walking into the flames.

Tifa's father would still die in the reactor, and we would maybe include a little spray of blood when Tifa gets sliced. Zack and Sephiroth's fight could go roughly the same, except we would have Zack land on the same pod as in the game, instead of crashing into the top row. Cloud and Sephiroth's confrontation should be changed back to what it was in the OG.

Now once all this happens we might have sort of a blurred series of images and scenes in the labs, showing Cloud and Zack being experimented on, before showing their escape. Following that we would skip to them being in the truck to Midgar, and show Zack's death as it was in the OG. We can include the dialogue that was in ACC and CC for this scene, but not the whole 'Zack ascends to heaven' thing we had going there. No J-pop either.

That is how Last Order should have been iny my opinion.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
More clearly show the true love story that is Cloud/Aerith.

Yes, and I know exactly how to do it. I will put some monkeys in a completely different Final Fantasy game, thus showing the love story of Cloud/Aerith.


Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I would have liked Crisis Core a lot better if...

...it was focused on the Wutai War almost entirely (except for the second half where Sephiroth goes nuts and Zack's escape), and its themes should have been the Shinra's expanding hegomony, the horrors of war, brotherhood that war can bring, how there is no real 'good or bad' in wars like the Wutai one (to elaborate, a major antagonist could have been a high ranking Wutai official, but not being evil or having some elaborate plan or anything corny like that, just a man on the opposite end of a conflict)...

...more exposition on Wutai as a former Empire, more elaboration on exactly what is the sociopolitical status of the FFVII world, less acrobatics from SOLDIER operatives, more screentime for OTHER members of SOLDIER besides SGA and Z, actual screentime of SOLDIER actually fighting battles, instead of just standing around the Shinra building/being dead, a total reworking of the whole Genesis and Angeal dynamic, giving Genesis actual lines, showing Angeal actually fight, dropping the whole Genesis Clones/War entirely...

...showcasing a bit more of Zack's life on the run, having Zack not take out almost an entire battalion of soldiers, (because I personally thought that was sorta retarded) instead being completely overwhelmed, or IF THEY MUST have him take almost all of them out, emphasis that it was only a battalion of soldiers and NOT the entire Shinra Army like some people stupidly suggest, and take away the J-Pop.
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Damn Mog, I almost don't have to do an entry on Crisis Core now, since you covered a lot of the stuff I was going to mention.


Pro Adventurer
Lol Jimmy, that is perfectly put. A quick question about CC and I know this is a little off topic but:

but not the whole 'Zack ascends to heaven' thing we had going there. No J-pop either.

Was this meant to be taken as literal?....I didn't really take it as literal, I took it as more symbolic really...

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I thought it was symbolic as well, and I also thought it was stupid. Zack's death should be a harsh and brutal thing. No silver lining, just a bullet-ridden corpse laying in a pool of its own blood atop a muddy cliff. Thats it.
So have CC explore the theme of what separates a man from a monster in a metaphorical rather than a literal sense?

I really love CC but I agree with Mog that it could have been so much better. An ongoing struggle between Wutai and Shinra, which begins on Wutai's soil and then, after Wutai's defeat, is taken into a much more expanded Midgar, would have been wonderful.

Also, make LOVELESS a better poem.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Zacks death was so overdramatisized that it became pretty hamfisted and out of place.

I could say that about most of CC though. Good on you MOG.
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Pro Adventurer
Yes that was the reality of it, but in death he also found peace?

Oh I agree for the sake of the raw emotion attached to Zack's death this could have been left out...but Squeenix has generally PG'd the FFVII world...I wouldn't be surprised if a remake came sans honeybee inn, cross dressing and hot tub mukki action.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Yeah, I think it would have been much more poignant if they left it that way too, with Zack's corpse just lying in a puddle of his own blood, roll credits.

Zack rising from the grave with a smile on his face while metrosexual J-Pop music playing in the background may be 'deep and inspiring' to fanboys and FFVII asslickers, but if they want to impress people who aren't into JRPGs or or already balls deep into the Compilation, they should start getting hard hitting and unapologetic with its scenes and the themes it wants to get across.

When Aerith died in the original FFVII, it made an impact because once she died, she was dead; body sunk at the bottom of the water, that's it, game over, no angel wings with a transparent Aerith spirit playing the harp. I think SE has forgotten that dark touch that made FFVII a hit in the first place.


Double Growth
I thought it was cool that they involved Loveless, it's pretty obscure and only people with good memories of the original would have remembered it. I remember looking forward to that. They certainly overdid it though.

I liked Crisis Core's ending when I saw it, and thought it was plenty sad. But ever since you guys have been talking about just having Zack lie there dead while a still-dazed Cloud grabs the Buster Sword tightly and screams, I've dreamt of that level of poignancy.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Absolutely focus more on the Wutai war and Yuffie.

Also I think they shouldn't have animated Case of Denzel. If they had to animated one I think Case of Shinra or CoT would have been a better choice.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Or they could have had a different anime studio animate each story then release them in a compilation.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Actually I was referring to a Batman: Gotham Knight, Halo: Legends, Animatrix type deal.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yeah they really could animated the other cases of and release them on DVD... for lazy fucks like me who don't like to read them all :awesome:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I read them all and would still like to see them animated. Hell even turned into a manga/graphic novel.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Maybe they could just do some important scenes. I dunno, I think we have some good talent here

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I liked Crisis Core's ending when I saw it, and thought it was plenty sad. But ever since you guys have been talking about just having Zack lie there dead while a still-dazed Cloud grabs the Buster Sword tightly and screams, I've dreamt of that level of poignancy.

I think even stopping when Zack's hand fell after he said that Cloud would be his living legacy would have been better. When I first watched it, I thought that he was dead at that point.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I should add, though, that I don't have a problem with "Why" being in there. I liked it -- and, if anything, it was a good emotional release following the intensity of Zack's death.

I wouldn't be opposed to it being relegated to the credits, though, with Cloud's scream going straight into a fade to black.
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