Where do you guys host photos of yourselves?

I was thinking of posting a recent photo of myself to the picture thread and it led to this question.

I usually upload photos of myself that I wanna post here to Picasa, but the process of uploading it and setting it such that only those with the link to the photo can see it is kind of a pain... It's a very tedious process.

I know most of the photos here are hosted on Facebook, but does anyone know some other place I can easily upload photos and set privacy settings? Like very easily.


IIRC the photos listed here from Facebook aren't actually public; they get uploaded to Facebook's content delivery network, where the facebook software will determine the best datacenter to serve you pictures from based on your location; consequently, when you copy a picture URL off Facebook, you copy the precise image url on the currently used CDN datacenter thingymabob. Which also means that if you can guess or generate the CDN URLs, you can get people's pictures regardless of their privacy settings.

Anyway I've used Photobucket and Imgur, both of which will resize your pictures to a smaller size. Which for embedding onto the forum won't be too bad, since the size actually sorta matches the available space, but if you want to keep the original size and whatnot you're fucked. I've also just FTP'd them onto the TLS webserver because I have that power.


I use Photobucket for everything every since imageshack stopped being fast and simple, tho I made a account with Facebook so I gotta delete my notifications every time so my uncles and aunts don't get notified of all the images I upload to prove people wrong about comics and manga on the internet.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I use photobucket but I hate it these days


Yeah Photobucket turned shit a couple of years ago after some redesign. No I'd rather not order a mug with my mug on it, kthx :monster:

Ghost X

You can upload and attach photos on the TLS forums in the advanced settings of your post. But otherwise, yeah, listen to them *points up*.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I use deviantART's sta.sh image hosting because if you've got a deviantART account it's just a simple drag-n-drop onto the site. I don't even have to worry about labeling stuff.


Postimage is what I use ever since I lost my magical powers of drag-and-drop. But it seems to not work on Chrome. Wouldn't know about Int- *The rest of this post has been omitted because of its redundant nature*.


I use Photobucket unless it involves my naked arse, when I upload directly to the site. Photobucket have a serious prude problem considering my account is set to private and wholly unconnected to all the other sites it tried to connect me to. Fuck dat shit.
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