Why come back to this game specifically?


potato master
Hello there!

I am wondering, why do people constantly talk about going back to this game? I can relate to it tbh, of all the games ive played this has been one of the only ones i actually can't stop playing. But what is the reason for that?

For me, it is mostly the storyline. In my opinion, ff7 has a verry expansive story that can be viewed in many different aspects. You can look at it for just its normal storyline, but you can also dig deeper and see some real life relations that might be connected to the game. From things to believes and mythology, to things like family or dealing with losing a loved one. The music for me also has a special place in my heart, i listen to the playlist on repeat all the time. Every song feels in place at the right time, all of them feel like they are supposed to be in the scene they are in.

Those are my reasons, what are yours? Do you also like the music or story, or do you have another reason? I would love to hear what you're reasons are, and if you have just started playing, what is the reason you started in the first place? Thanks, have a good day =D


~The Other Side of Fear~
I think even FFVII's harshest critics (and few they are) would say that there's something magical about this game. This isn't my favorite game, or even my favorite Final Fantasy, but for some reason this is my second most-played Final Fantasy (with Final Fantasy I only beating it due to its numerous ports and sheer nostaglia). IMO, FFVII is one of the best games ever made. The score is beautiful, the story complex (almost too much, if that's even a thing), the characters are fleshed-out and materia system is exactly the right amount of customization without being overly so. The remake was honestly overdue and I'm glad for the right-proper fans of the game that it finally arrived / is arriving.

FFVII has a huge fanbase and it's rightfully earned.
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Standing guard
I think FF7 occupies a very specific spot in time, when video games seemed poised to take over pop culture entirely. It was not only responsible for bringing RPGs to the mainstream, it (and the PlayStation to a certain extent) brought video gaming in general into the mainstream. Most people knew that video games were played on a TV and that there was a fat Italian Plumber who rescued damsels in distress to cheery music, before this time.

It was around the time FF7 came out that video games started getting real attention from mainstream media (both good and bad). You notice a distinct improvement in presentation of all major releases (well, almost all of them, and for the most part) after the release of FF7. Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania: SotN (corny voice acting though it is, it's still at least competent), Tekken 3, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Sonic Adventure (arguably), etc. The presentation of games was stepping up, big time, and it all came down to the fact that the world was now paying a lot more attention to gaming. There was a sort of general collective unconscious "movement" to doll up the presentation a bit for the global audience games now enjoyed.

FF7, I think, was the spark that set it off. "You must present yourself at least this well to pass."


potato master
I think even FFVII's harshest critics (and few they are) would say that there's something magical about this game. This isn't my favorite game, or even my favorite Final Fantasy, but for some reason this is my second most-played Final Fantasy (with Final Fantasy I only beating it due to its numerous ports and sheer nostaglia). IMO, FFVII is one of the best games ever made. The score is beautiful, the story complex (almost too much, if that's even a thing), the characters are fleshed-out and materia system is exactly the right amount of customization without being overly so. The remake was honestly overdue and I'm glad for the right-proper fans of the game that it finally arrived / is arriving.

FFVII has a huge fanbase and it's rightfully earned.
Definately, the critics ive heard are indeed really well talking about the game. I love the fact that all the characters are so fleshed out, the materia system is also beautiful. I wish they would have did more with the materia in the remake, when it launched i believed the materia was a bit boring. It was still fun, but i can't create the broken revive or damage combo's i could in the OG game. final fantasy 1 is verry nostalgic, although i never finished it lol. It took me so long, i just started playing other games instead...


potato master
I think FF7 occupies a very specific spot in time, when video games seemed poised to take over pop culture entirely. It was not only responsible for bringing RPGs to the mainstream, it (and the PlayStation to a certain extent) brought video gaming in general into the mainstream. Most people knew that video games were played on a TV and that there was a fat Italian Plumber who rescued damsels in distress to cheery music, before this time.

It was around the time FF7 came out that video games started getting real attention from mainstream media (both good and bad). You notice a distinct improvement in presentation of all major releases (well, almost all of them, and for the most part) after the release of FF7. Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania: SotN (corny voice acting though it is, it's still at least competent), Tekken 3, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Sonic Adventure (arguably), etc. The presentation of games was stepping up, big time, and it all came down to the fact that the world was now paying a lot more attention to gaming. There was a sort of general collective unconscious "movement" to doll up the presentation a bit for the global audience games now enjoyed.

FF7, I think, was the spark that set it off. "You must present yourself at least this well to pass."
I do believe it indeed had a verry large impact on the industry. With the launch of 3D gaming, a couple of them stand out. Of course mario 64 is one, but i think ff7 is one that comes to many peoples minds as well. The rise in popularity of video games as a whole was a great thing, and the mainstream media helped it a lot. The releases after ff7 we're stunningly good, most of them atleast. All the examples you listed above are great, i still need to finish sonic adventure tho... The fact that after FF7 the standard for how video games we're presented went up, and the expectations got higher, i believe is something we can still see with video games today. The constant growth in graphics and design, i believe its roots lay there with ff7 and all the other great 3d games of the past


Pro Adventurer
I didn't play it until around 01/02, so I didn't experience the hype for it like many others. FF9 was actually my first FF game, so that will always be the one I'm most fond of. 7 is still one of my favorite games though. I love the story, characters (except for Cait Sith) and the music. It just pulls me in and keeps me engaged. Especially as I've gotten older. Trying to help the less fortunate even though I don't have a lot, is something I always relate with Avalanche. Barret and Tifa are my favorite characters.


potato master
from a character design standpoint, barret and tifa are probably the most creative. Their story's are fullfleshed, and their backstory is even more interresting. I believe everyone hates cait sith, i do too. Even though i think he added somewhat of an creative idea. the way he was put together just didn't stick with me/everyone. The music was set at just the right times, it feels like it just fits. I have the same thing with Avalanche, wanting to relate with them. It got so far that i even tried to take clouds personality for a while. Pretty crazy time, but something i will always look back on with a combination of joy and cringe xD


Pro Adventurer
Cinder Wing
What I've noticed about FFVII compared to other games and other FF games that I think greatly contributed to its success and attention is that it was one of the first mainstream console RPGs that had settings and themes based on real world issues. Also the fact that the themes that its based on are issues that still persist to this day.

FFVII nailed multiple different key issues with modern society and the current paradigm on the head. It acts as a very compelling period piece that captures a huge amount of what life is like in our current society, and it shows it in such a raw and true way, that it makes it a timeless window into this particular era of human history.

This I think is also is a big reason why it is considered special even among other FF games. Most other FF games deal with more fantastical or otherworldly settings a lot of the time, but use those to tie into important real life themes. FFVII makes it's setting and core themes of its world a direct parallel to our own at this current point in history.

That, I think, is what makes people keep coming back to it and keep talking about it.
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potato master
What I've noticed about FFVII compared to other games and other FF games that I think greatly contributed to its success and attention is that it was one of the first mainstream console RPGs that had settings and themes based on real world issues. Also the fact that the themes that its based on are issues that still persist to this day.

FFVII nailed multiple different key issues with modern society and the current paradigm on the head. It acts as a very compelling period piece that captures a huge amount of what life is like in our current society, and it shows it in such a raw and true way, that it makes it a timeless window into this particular era of human history.

This I think is also is a big reason why it is considered special even among other FF games. Most other FF games deal with more fantastical or otherworldly settings a lot of the time, but use those to tie into important real life themes. FFVII makes it's setting and core themes of its world a direct parallel to our own at this current point in history.

That, I think, is what makes people keep coming back to it and keep talking about it.
Couldn't have said it any better.

I too believe that it is because of this. Playing through the game is a lot of fun, but you only start seeing the connection with the real world when you look a little closer. The fact that a game at that time, without the fancy graphics or facial expressions, could show something so real is amazing. That, and the fact that there are so many theories linking it to the real world.

The whole theory of religious meanings from the game amaze me too. While im not sure if that's 100 percent accurate according to the devs, it is cool to see how far people's imagination can go. I think that's also a big thing for the games popularity. The fact it left so many open doors, wich could be filled in with peoples imagination. So many things you can find, just wondering how it got there.

I totally agree, the fact it links so much to our modern society and our way of living makes it one of the (most) special games of that era. Wich is a fact that still holds up really well today!


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Completely agree, this game's characters, locations, core message, events and music are what sets it apart.
Very few games can leave such an impact on players such as FFVII, the feeling of despair but hope at the same time that the ending provides is really special.

Nanaki Skywalker

Kate Lord of the Sith
Tarkatan Trash
Speaking as someone who literally lost count of how many times he's finished the game over the last 26 years...

For the same reason I go back to the likes of Pac-Man, Galaga, Super Mario Bros., Tekken 2, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Sonic 2, and countless other games old-school games.

Because it's a damn fun game to play.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Speaking as someone who literally lost count of how many times he's finished the game over the last 26 years...

For the same reason I go back to the likes of Pac-Man, Galaga, Super Mario Bros., Tekken 2, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Sonic 2, and countless other games old-school games.

Because it's a damn fun game to play.
THIS, i believe it's what many of today's games need once again, just to be fun.
If a game manages to put a smile on your face after a session then it's mission complete.


potato master
Completely agree, this game's characters, locations, core message, events and music are what sets it apart.
Very few games can leave such an impact on players such as FFVII, the feeling of despair but hope at the same time that the ending provides is really special.
Its that feeling to me wich made the game so special. The overworld music changing at the end to a more dark and gloomy theme, really gave the feeling of incoming despair. And yet there are also tunes of hope, the game's setting changes a lot in different area's. Totally agree, all these points are what make ff7 something special. The fact people are still willing to come together for this game from 1997, that too is something i can look to and be happy about!


potato master
I think modern games are fun as ever, they just don't tend to take much risk or push the envelope, unless you go indie, which I often do.
Games during the times of VII were still in their developing period. Not only Sony, but also Nintendo. Constantly looking at new ideas, inventing new stuff. Hoping things would catch on, look at the development of Super smash brothers melee, crash bandicoot, hell even mario kart WII. The games were buggy, but that was because they didn't know what would fit right yet! Games nowadays are much less interresting, all of them follow the same points. Indie games are basically the only games that differenciate from the others, the mainstream games are mostly simmilair. Wich i believe is mostly because those big company's have found succes in what they do, and so they just keep producing things the same way. Wich is okay, but gaming back in the day was special BECAUSE it was so different from one another! Games nowadays have lost their renewing factor, and that to me is a huge miss for the players AND company's. Invent something new once in a while!


Pro Adventurer
Cinder Wing
Well, there is certainly an attempt to keep being innovative from artists within the mainstream, but because gaming has become more and more of an industry, it's become more and more corporate, resulting in a lot more industry cookie-cutter sameness.

But yea, I can overall see your point, and that's why going Indie these days is a good option if you want something more unique and different.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Well, ff7 changed the gaming world forever. It has an amazing story line and the characters come to life. I’ve been playing it for 25 years and it never gets old. The nostalgia of reliving my childhood memories is worth it and I’m sure most of the people on this forum feel the same.


Pro Adventurer
I play this game at least once every couple of years because it means quite a lot to me. It was one my first non-Pokemon JRPGs and I really connected with both the story and characters. I feel the same way about Final Fantasy X too. FFVII and FFX are probably my two favorite games of all time.

I think this particular one just has everything I look for in a JRPG these days. Fantastic cast, great story, gameplay that never outstays its welcome, etc. It's quite an important gem in videogame history.


Pro Adventurer

I think the game's incredible pacing is why so many people continue to replay it

There's surprisingly little filler. There's very few parts (like the Kalm flashback) where the game slows down alot. The store usually moves at a brisk pace.

So when people are playing again they are thinking 'Oh I can't wait to see that again' or 'this cool moment is coming up' etc

People don't want to replay a game that is a chore to get through
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