Random FF Fan
Lv. 1 Adventurer
The recent FF7R commercial hit me like a ton of bricks. I watched the 7 minute version without subtitles and then yesterday watched the 13 minute version with subtitles. I went through some trauma almost a decade ago and since then I've rarely cried or get overly emotional. In the last ten years I could count the number of times I've cried on one hand. Watching this I had tears streaming down my face. It felt so good, I can't exactly explain why either.
My Wife didn't grow up playing video games nor is she a gamer now. She plays the occasional game on her phone but that's about it. She's seen how excited I've been for this remake and is confused as hell, yet I think she also shares some excitement with me. She first learned I was crazy about this game when at our wedding I insisted everyone was seated to Aeriths theme and she walk down the aisle to Tifas theme haha. I'm hoping she'll play the remake herself or watch me play it.
I sat with her and had her watch the 13 minute version also. She didn't get it. Why is everyone so excited... it's just a game... her brothers an asshole if he'd only talk to his sister because of a video game. I tried to explain this game is that powerful. I honestly believe this remake could bring a lost relationship back together like that. But why?? Why is this game that powerful? Why does it mean so much to me and so many others? Why does just a commercial for it have grown men in tears? It's just a game right?
I don't know how to explain why it means so much to me. I'll try here, because I know you'll understand. I'd love to hear your stories and why it means so much to you.
I remember the day my dad gave me this game vividly. I would've been about 9 years old. He came home from work and told me he had a surprise for me. I was extremely excited, what 9 year old doesn't love surprises? We sat down on our couch and he handed me a plastic bag from best buy or wherever he'd bought it. I pulled FF7 for PC out of the bag and was immediately intrigued. Cloud looked so cool with his giant buster sword. I had no idea what the game was about. I don't know why my dad bought it for me. I hadn't heard of it or asked him to get it for me. He's not a big gamer or anything like that. The only gaming console we really had was a Sega Genesis. I had to go to my cousins house or a friends to play PS1 or N64 games (sad i know
). I don't know of any other big games I'd played on our home PC. To this day I'm not sure where he'd heard of FF7 and why he got it for me, besides he was/is a good dad and just wanted to get me something.
He helped me install it and I was immediately hooked. It came with a keyboard cover that showed all the commands and I felt so smart/cool learning to use the num pad to play. My older sister got hooked playing it as well. She didn't play video games a whole lot either. She was really into the Shining Force games for Sega but that was about it before this. Our house was about 100 yards from our mailbox where the school bus would pick up and drop us off. Every day after school we'd get off the bus and race to the house to see who'd get to play FF7 first. Some days I'd win, some days she would. Whoever lost would sit and watch as the other played. In school I had 2 other classmates who were playing it as well. We'd spend all day talking about Cloud, Barret, Tifa and the gang saving the planet. How cool Red XIII looked, how pretty Aerith was, it was all we talked about. We'd all draw sketches of the characters. I was a terrible artist so i'd usually just trace from the book that came inside the game case. It was a competition to see who would get to the next disc first. My sister was always ahead of me and I was jealous. She got a golden chocobo before me, got the final limit breaks, beat the weapons and all that way before I did. Whenever I went to my cousins house I'd watch him play and he'd explain the depth of the story to me. He understood all the parts that were confusing to me.
The game absolutely consumed my life, In the best way. I can't help but smile as I type this thinking about how happy I was back then. Those days seem timeless. I'm not sure how long this period lasted, a few months? A year? I really don't know. This time period is the epitome of my childhood and innocence. My biggest worry was if I could run faster than my sister that day. My biggest fear was Sephiroth, Meteor, Jenova and Shinra. This is before 9/11, before my parents almost got a divorce, before my older sister hit her rebellious phase and we grew apart. Before I learned that there were evil things in real life, not just in my game.
I think that's why this game means so much to me. It symbolizes the purest, most innocent, happiest time period of my life. I don't think I'll ever feel that happy again. That's life though, there's a certain innocence to childhood that is lost at some point. To think I could re-create that happiness as an adult is unrealistic. Not to say that true happiness itself is unattainable as an adult. it's just whatever type of happiness I have now is just.... different. I'm not sure how to explain it. It's kind of like the story of FF7 itself in a way. Aerith always embodied innocence to me. After her death the story is forever changed. No matter what happy moments come later, those happy moments are always tainted by her loss, in this case, the loss of innocence.
The cousin I've referenced committed suicide 9 years ago. His death will always carry the same weight as Aeriths. Not literally but metaphorically. We were really close and my life story much like the story of FF7 is now split in two, the time before his/her death and the time after.
I suffer from anxiety and depression. I've never seriously considered suicide but there have been times I've asked myself what's the point, and things like that. Since the remake announcement thoughts like that are quickly extinguished because of this game. Like I'd be thinking and say to myself, "life sucks right now... what's the point of being alive? Nahh dude the FF7 remake is coming eventually, you can't miss that". That was some time ago before I got married and had my daughter and made a lot of progress on my mental health. So don't worry I'm good haha
Part of me was hoping for new content or a Red XIII reveal in this commercial. The commercial was perfect and really embodied the nostalgia and what this game means to so many people.
If you can put into words why this game means so much to you I'd love to hear it. I love this game and it's fans. Thanks for allowing me to be vulnerable and listening
My Wife didn't grow up playing video games nor is she a gamer now. She plays the occasional game on her phone but that's about it. She's seen how excited I've been for this remake and is confused as hell, yet I think she also shares some excitement with me. She first learned I was crazy about this game when at our wedding I insisted everyone was seated to Aeriths theme and she walk down the aisle to Tifas theme haha. I'm hoping she'll play the remake herself or watch me play it.
I sat with her and had her watch the 13 minute version also. She didn't get it. Why is everyone so excited... it's just a game... her brothers an asshole if he'd only talk to his sister because of a video game. I tried to explain this game is that powerful. I honestly believe this remake could bring a lost relationship back together like that. But why?? Why is this game that powerful? Why does it mean so much to me and so many others? Why does just a commercial for it have grown men in tears? It's just a game right?
I don't know how to explain why it means so much to me. I'll try here, because I know you'll understand. I'd love to hear your stories and why it means so much to you.
I remember the day my dad gave me this game vividly. I would've been about 9 years old. He came home from work and told me he had a surprise for me. I was extremely excited, what 9 year old doesn't love surprises? We sat down on our couch and he handed me a plastic bag from best buy or wherever he'd bought it. I pulled FF7 for PC out of the bag and was immediately intrigued. Cloud looked so cool with his giant buster sword. I had no idea what the game was about. I don't know why my dad bought it for me. I hadn't heard of it or asked him to get it for me. He's not a big gamer or anything like that. The only gaming console we really had was a Sega Genesis. I had to go to my cousins house or a friends to play PS1 or N64 games (sad i know

He helped me install it and I was immediately hooked. It came with a keyboard cover that showed all the commands and I felt so smart/cool learning to use the num pad to play. My older sister got hooked playing it as well. She didn't play video games a whole lot either. She was really into the Shining Force games for Sega but that was about it before this. Our house was about 100 yards from our mailbox where the school bus would pick up and drop us off. Every day after school we'd get off the bus and race to the house to see who'd get to play FF7 first. Some days I'd win, some days she would. Whoever lost would sit and watch as the other played. In school I had 2 other classmates who were playing it as well. We'd spend all day talking about Cloud, Barret, Tifa and the gang saving the planet. How cool Red XIII looked, how pretty Aerith was, it was all we talked about. We'd all draw sketches of the characters. I was a terrible artist so i'd usually just trace from the book that came inside the game case. It was a competition to see who would get to the next disc first. My sister was always ahead of me and I was jealous. She got a golden chocobo before me, got the final limit breaks, beat the weapons and all that way before I did. Whenever I went to my cousins house I'd watch him play and he'd explain the depth of the story to me. He understood all the parts that were confusing to me.
The game absolutely consumed my life, In the best way. I can't help but smile as I type this thinking about how happy I was back then. Those days seem timeless. I'm not sure how long this period lasted, a few months? A year? I really don't know. This time period is the epitome of my childhood and innocence. My biggest worry was if I could run faster than my sister that day. My biggest fear was Sephiroth, Meteor, Jenova and Shinra. This is before 9/11, before my parents almost got a divorce, before my older sister hit her rebellious phase and we grew apart. Before I learned that there were evil things in real life, not just in my game.
I think that's why this game means so much to me. It symbolizes the purest, most innocent, happiest time period of my life. I don't think I'll ever feel that happy again. That's life though, there's a certain innocence to childhood that is lost at some point. To think I could re-create that happiness as an adult is unrealistic. Not to say that true happiness itself is unattainable as an adult. it's just whatever type of happiness I have now is just.... different. I'm not sure how to explain it. It's kind of like the story of FF7 itself in a way. Aerith always embodied innocence to me. After her death the story is forever changed. No matter what happy moments come later, those happy moments are always tainted by her loss, in this case, the loss of innocence.
The cousin I've referenced committed suicide 9 years ago. His death will always carry the same weight as Aeriths. Not literally but metaphorically. We were really close and my life story much like the story of FF7 is now split in two, the time before his/her death and the time after.
I suffer from anxiety and depression. I've never seriously considered suicide but there have been times I've asked myself what's the point, and things like that. Since the remake announcement thoughts like that are quickly extinguished because of this game. Like I'd be thinking and say to myself, "life sucks right now... what's the point of being alive? Nahh dude the FF7 remake is coming eventually, you can't miss that". That was some time ago before I got married and had my daughter and made a lot of progress on my mental health. So don't worry I'm good haha

Part of me was hoping for new content or a Red XIII reveal in this commercial. The commercial was perfect and really embodied the nostalgia and what this game means to so many people.
If you can put into words why this game means so much to you I'd love to hear it. I love this game and it's fans. Thanks for allowing me to be vulnerable and listening