personality types/fortune telling based on blood type is a common thing is east asia, even though there's no scientific basis to it. so just like the zodiac
you can probably find something in the descriptions of your blood type that you think 'yeah, that's me' just like you could from a zodiac description
i'm type a-, which apparantly means i'm cautious and meticulous, caring, like neatness, studious, have staying power, and am a safe driver (and so on). but i'm also prone to being bad at letting things go, quick to anger, 'don't see the forest for the trees', dwell on lost loves, harsh on others and myself. some of which fit, some of which don't.
some ff characters who share the same blood type include:
- banon, cyan (ffvi)
- yuffie, vincent (ffvii)
- quistis, irvine, ward (ffviii)