Actual goods news: The two new episodes of Green Lantern: The Animated Series, "Steam Lantern", and Young Justice Invasion, "Before Dawn", are available for download on iTunes!
Getting the Green Lantern: The Animated Series episode is a bit tricky though.
You start by signing onto the iTunes store to get to the “TV Shows: Animation” subpage. There, you will see the “Green Lantern: Steam Lantern” icon on the front under the “Latest TV Episodes” slider.
Now here is the key part: DO NOT click on the icon. Instead, hover over the icon and be sure to click the play button that will appear. Once you do that, the preview will start and you will have the option to buy the episode.
It’s really weird how clicking on it will take you to the main GLTAS page where it’s not updated yet. But this work-around will do the trick! (at least until iTunes gets its act together) I just finished watching “Steam Lantern” and it is awesome!