I'm going to have to think about this one before I vote.
I used to think Squall was boring, cold, insensitive, you name it. But I've been playing VIII recently (I'm on disc three at the moment), and I have actually started liking him a lot more.
The things he thinks, or says to himself, particularly in the first two discs, are actually right on the money a lot of the time. Sure, I don't agree that a person should try to be so insular, but apart from that, I found it very difficult to argue with his thoughts.
What annoyed me, in fact, was everyone else trying to change him all the time. The constant encouragement to open up, the constant patronising ("we're here for you Squall, we all like you" - paraphrased), the questioning of his decisions (particularly regarding Rinoa during the battle of the Gardens), and so on. Some people are just quiet by nature, and it's not nice to badger them about it the whole time. When Squall finally does open up (after Rinoa goes into her coma), he just starts bumbling about "I want to hear your voice, call out my name!", whereas just an hour or so earlier he was pointing out to Rinoa that everyone was trying to set them up - and the way he said it suggested he wasn't interested at all. The change was too sudden to be believable.
So yeah, Squall has gone up a lot in my estimations, but I think I'd like to play to the end (again - I think this would be my third completion) before coming to a decision.
What I can say right now, though, is that I don't be voting for Rinoa, or Quistis, or Zell, or Irvine. If not Squall or Selphie, it'll be one of the supporting characters - and if Raijin and Fujin are included in the poll, why can't I vote for NORG?