
Aerith and Dissidia Demo Details + Trailer

by January 18, 2011 0 comments

As mentioned in the previous news post, Aerith has also heard Cosmos’ call, it would seem. But she can only be bothered to occasionally pop in and help her friends out when absolutely necessary. Taking a page out of Polyphony Digital’s Gran Turismo book, Dissidia 012 will have a demo available for purchase called Dissidia Duodecim Prologus Bigus Dickus Final Fantasy for about $3. Said demo supposedly is a bit more substantial than your average demo but the only reason anyone will buy it will undoubtedly be for the code that unlocks Aerith as an assist character in the proper game.


And here you can enjoy a high quality version of the new trailer:

You can spot Aerith at 6:03

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  1. Tifabelle
    #1 Tifabelle 18 January, 2011, 19:14

    I want Aerith, but I don’t want to pay $3. Not that it’s a lot of money, but I feel I am being taken advantage of. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE YOU SE? I mean, honestly. Dick move SE.

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    • ForceStealer
      ForceStealer Author 18 January, 2011, 19:17

      Well, as mentioned, it could be worse. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue cost $40.

      I agree though.

    • Tifabelle
      Tifabelle 18 January, 2011, 19:27

      $3 isn’t bad, it’s just the principle of the thing. If it were $40, I’d say no way, but for $3 I’ll probably do it. And be a sucker. Insert Cookie Monster

  2. Lily Ella
    #2 Lily Ella 18 January, 2011, 19:30

    Pshaw! Don’t wanna pay extra money. I could get 3 things from Wendy’s $0.99 menu with that much money!

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  3. ForceStealer
    #3 ForceStealer Author 18 January, 2011, 19:52

    Yeah, I MIGHT pay $3 if she became a playable character, but just as an assist? …not sure…

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  4. juanse
    #4 juanse 18 January, 2011, 19:56

    HOLY!! WTF!!!! IS TIDUS WITH CHAOs????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? LOOK AT THE END!!!!! TIDUS!!!

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    • ForceStealer
      ForceStealer Author 18 January, 2011, 19:56

      As are Cloud and Terra. But they do make more sense than Tidus…

  5. Shademp
    #5 Shademp 18 January, 2011, 20:27

    I wonder if the American and European Dissidia Duodecim will have working codes for the Assist Aerith…

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  6. Sayaka
    #6 Sayaka 18 January, 2011, 20:28

    Where do i purchess this?? is it only for Japan right now? cause i dont wanna miss it! Anyways, arent they having more announcements on Jan 27? Cant wait for more info! ^_^

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  7. Ella
    #7 Ella 18 January, 2011, 20:55

    Assist Aerith doesn’t sound too bad. If they included her as a main then non-FFVII fans would call SE on playing favourites. Even though FFVII is definetly the flagship series it’s understandable that people want it to get the same treatment as every other FF in Dissidia; Aerith being kind of there but only as an accessory is a decent comprimise. Plus Maya Sakamoto gets to show off her versatility!

    I wouldn’t mind paying the equivalent of $3 for the demo; I really am a big Aerith fan (and FF whore) so it would be a worthwhile investment in my opinion. I guess it’s really a matter of deciding whether you want to have Aerith more than saving $3 at the end of the day.

    I like the fact that Team Chaos got some heroic pawns on their side. I wonder if Tidus actually got amnesia in this game and thus The Emperor decided to take advantage and use him as a tool to manipulate Jecht and/or Yuna? Considering that he walked around claiming he got hit by Sin’s Toxin it’d be a hollow irony. It’s the only current way I can make sense out of it. I know Tidus has a lot of hatred for Jecht but not enough that he’d also turn against Yuna. Plus she does seem to be saying something along the lines of ‘Please Remember’ so I’m guessing he doesn’t have a clue who he is.

    Puppet Cloud, HELLZ YEAH!

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    • Whitney
      Whitney 19 January, 2011, 14:38

      Puppet Cloud? HELLZ NO! Damn IT! We’ve been over this 1000 times if someone tries to pry into your mind via an alien being within your DNA and forces you to commit heinous and insidious acts, what do you do Cloud?

      Travel into the inner workings of your mind and Omnislash the *@#$ out of him! That’s what!

      Terra uses a thief to convince her not to destroy things and they befriend each other. And then she eventually becomes the Final Fantasy equivalent of Angelina Jolie. A crazy f***ed up past with a present that involves adopting a massive amount of children. This is obvious.

      And Kain uses… um what did Kain use? I’m thinking Cecil just beat the crap out of him.

      And I’ve no idea how to help out Tidus.

      As for Kuja, the only thing he really needs are pants. Right, Daxter?

    • Ella
      Ella 19 January, 2011, 16:28

      Kain uses atonement. Lots and Lots AND LOTS of atonement. And some of that fabulous purple lipstick.

      Tidus just needs Yuna to calm him down with disturbing laugh therapy and whistling.

      Kuja needs pants and probably a parent who doesn’t treat him like an easily replacable servant that’s worthless next to his superior sucessor. Or a hug. That’s your problem, Zidane, the guy needs a hug, not a helping hand. HUGS! (Sorry, fangirl fantasy…) The pants are optional as far as I’m concerned.

    • Whitney
      Whitney 19 January, 2011, 16:57

      I will gladly give Kuja that much needed hug if and only if he stops being evil and STARTS WEARING PANTS!

      And big ups to Kain for using that there atonement…
      Part of me wants to make a Christianity reference but I don’t think Kain has a brother….

    • Ella
      Ella 19 January, 2011, 17:12

      I too wanted to see Kuja be heroic since he does have some redeemable qualities but that is kind of his tragic flaw; he only stops being an asshole and does the right thing when it’s too late. But I love him as a bastard too. He’s just so affable! That’s why I hope that he’s another amnesiac victim in Duodecim; he starts out nice and then Kefka strikes…

      I think there’s a weapon called Abel’s Lance in Dissidia. If so, I really want to equip it on Holy Dragoon Kain. Tee hee!

  8. Zav
    #8 Zav 18 January, 2011, 22:46

    I think the reason Tidus is on chaos side is because his father is on cosmos side and since he doesn’t really like him he decided to join the opposing side

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  9. Whitney
    #9 Whitney 19 January, 2011, 14:27

    I shall say this. Square Enix you have more than enough of my money why do you need an additional 3 dollars!? I can’t even read friggin Japanese (yet)! I’m hoping that we get some love in the American release and gain access to the flower girl through there. Somehow…

    I’m actually curious if Square Enix intends to release any additional assist only characters. Rydia, Celes, Locke, Vivi, Auron. I could keep going,so I will! Ashe, Seymour, Rosa, Vincent, Zell, Zack, Shadow, Yuffie, Faris, ( continues into eternity)

    If anything, this is Square’s first attempt at anything in the realm of DCL unless I’m mistaken. I’m happy Square is finally adapting to this new medium and hopefully it will put an end to their constantly adding additional content to their games after releasing it in a certain region and then that region can’t even get the translated game with the additional changes( glares angrily at Kingdom Hearts and the Final Mixes).

    Also on a side note Relm, Cyan, Edge, Leon, Selphie, Quitis, Riona, Rikku, Wakka, Genesis, Snow, Fang, Sazh, Barret, Paine and Cait Sith. For LOLZ

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  10. Okami925
    #10 Okami925 19 January, 2011, 23:05

    And Gilgamesh!! Thank you Haxorz! Now we just need Locke or Celes and I will be extremely content.

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  11. kchri
    #11 kchri 20 January, 2011, 05:05

    Squeenix are pretty much stingy bastards, running a corporation that really really want to be compensated for their stinking ideas or whatever, this much is common knowledge. Just one question remains for me: What format is the demo going to be released on? If it’s all digital download through the Playstation store then I’m afraid I can’t play it.

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  12. ina-chan
    #12 ina-chan 20 January, 2011, 07:41

    AERITH!! She’s my #1 female character in FF!! COOL!! I hope she’s not just a ASSIST character… ^^ $3? That’s pretty cheap.

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  13. Lynn Strife
    #13 Lynn Strife 20 January, 2011, 17:01

    Omfg this looks SO awesome!!! *_____* Can’t wait for this game!
    Those HQ cut scenes are so beautiful… really, SE should make more movies such as Advent Children/Complete!

    And Tifa looks awesome! And so does Lightning! XD (ah, actually… EVERYONE looks amazing :P)

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  14. Lauren
    #14 Lauren 21 January, 2011, 14:03

    ….hmm, I was just wondering something when i saw Yuna doing her sending dance at 4:56. Does anyone else think it could be possible that she has to send one of the new characters? O__O or was she just summoning an aeon to get in between our beloved father and son duo?

    not that i want anyone of them to die…it’s just i’ve been wondering like crazy why all these new characters like Lightning, Vaan, Laguna, Kain ect didn’t make it to the 13 cycle, which is kinda the whole point of this game anyways xD
    they always could just back to there respective homes at the end too… it really is too early to say right?

    does anyone else have an opinion though? O_o

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  15. Eric
    #15 Eric 24 January, 2011, 16:19

    Ugh…I am so Pissed about Chaos doing that to Tidus (cause he’s my Fav Character of all of Final Fantasy. But The Demo is the Meh to me. Yes I will probably get it for Fucking $3!?!? But I would like the Arith assist and The Demo will keep me satisfied for when Dissidia 012 comes out. :3

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    #16 X-SOLDIER 25 January, 2011, 19:49

    We hit ~2,800 view on the 19th thanks to this article. 😀


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