Chit Chat Thread 2.0

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Wow, this thread is dead... :(

It's been so for a quite a while now. I wonder what could possibly revive it...

Well I won't. Honestly I don't see much point in the Chit Chat thread anymore.
Despite the obvious heap of wonderful people here :monster:


Great Old One
Yeah, I'm a bit tired. But I slept throughout most of the flight, so :monster:


The flight was six and a half hours - the movie was Last Chance Harvey, which was sweet. :)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
You do realise that you mentioning the word noodz was exactly what provoked me asking about them again right? :wackymonster:


We have come to terms
What does inb4aaron mean?
I assume you're familiar with "inb4close", right?

You mentioned n00dz. Hence, inb4aaron :monster:

It's nice to know that there are some things you can always count on :P
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