3D Character poly models


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ok I was sure that there was a thread about this on here somewhere but I searched but I couldnt find it. Apologies.

I have tried using Milkshape and various other programs to view the character models from the Playstation (disk iso/bin) version to no avail, this is probably because I am a retard.

So what Im asking is, does anyone have or know of somewhere where I could obtain the character models? Specifically Rufus and the Turks?

Or I'd even settle for high quality images :awesome:



Higher Further Faster

I think the person above Red is supposed to be Nomura himself. I think. :P


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Not enough zips and buckles! :monster:
Ive had Blender for quite some time but cant find a good tutorial on how to make a person, not a low-poly person, an actual character from like a movie. It would be nice if someone made or linked a tutorial to me.


Pro Adventurer
You might have found something by now, but just in case you haven't...

I remember playing FFVII on the PSX before I owned the PC version. If I remember correctly there was a model viewer for the PSX version, but it's a hit or miss whether it works or not.

Unfortunately the original site is in Japanese, but I don't think installation is too hard so it should be pretty straightforward. Also, take note: This viewer was made donkeys years ago, primarily for Windows 95 and NT, so you could run into problems.


There might be other PSX model viewers out there, so it could be worth to hunt around.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah I had that Xpelair, but I couldnt figure out how to extract the files from the game ISO...plus there were loads of files and I couldnt locate the ones I wanted.

I'll have another go as soon as I sober up like :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Octorawk said:
I couldnt figure out how to extract the files from the game ISO

If you have 7-Zip or anything similar you can extract files from within the ISO (just remember to backup the ISO). Finding the right files is a little tricky but I think (from what I remember) all models end with .LZS

But finding specific ones such as Cloud or Rufus would need a little looking around unless someones made a list of all the filenames.
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